Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Little Katie Couric is now Kate, thank you. Even Prince Obama calls her that.

Katie Couric deserves a big girl name after the way she grilled The Prince on his flip flopping over the success of the surge and his absolute inability to say he is wrong, a character flaw that is becoming more unattractive by the hour, by the way. The more the Americans see this intractability the more people, I'm not sure about a guy who can't say he's wrong.

His "elegance" I've heard mentioned--usually by other men--completely escapes me. In fact, as he bounds down the airliner steps, fists up, he looks like a Muhammad Ali fixing for a good donnybrook with the next man, woman or child who stands in his way. No, that's not elegance. The man is dancing to get out of the way.

I'm bothered that he will not put his arms at his side and walk like a gentleman. That's elegance. The bounce pisses me off.

The kid's been dancing all his life. He's a born salesman, as was his father and grandadday who could "sell the legs off a couch." That's what bouncers do: sell legs off of couches.

Meanwhile, Katie decided she wants her job. She already turned a few heads a couple of days ago when she mentioned she thought there was much more sexism than racism going on in our society; and then I thought she might be talking about the Democratic primaries.

It will be interesting to see if she'll follow through on her hard nosed questioning of Obama, especially as her ratings rise. That is, if her CBS management lets her.

She's probably an angry Clinton supporter. Maybe she could be the WH press secretary.

Go get him,, Kate!

The only problem? Think about it.

Funny how life works. God sure does have a great sense of humor, doesn't she?


Thanks for the read.

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