Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hey, Dems! Nice display of pseudo fascism at the Florida-Michigan DNC meeting.

Nevermind that most of you ignored the votes of a couple of million people. They didn't sign on to your stupid rules.

Your "unity" is on review, along with your organization. You're beginning to look more like a group that is not as happy as the old Democratic Party, the inclusive, more accepting one.

Let's count the ones you've disenfranchised in your party so far in this primary:

  1. The 2.5 million in Michigan and Florida;
  2. The many huge numbers of white women voters in the swing states;
  3. The blue collar swing state white voters; and
  4. The rural swing state white voters.
Those are millions. Those are an awful lot of people that Mrs. Clinton says is a popular majority.

What is the party thinking?

Poor Democrats. Now that Obama's black liberation consciousness-raising pastors are popping up again, their party leader has got another fire to put out. What's next? An emir from Indonesia, for Allah's sake? No. I can't take it! When can he start establishing himself?

If it isn't a pastor it's the bitter remark reminding people he's a such snob. If it isn't an angry old white woman like Ferraro whom he dissed because she said something unacceptable to the fascist new party leaders--wow, is she miffed--it's another flareup from someone like an old radical hippie couple like Bill Ayres and Bernadette Dohrn for cripes sake. I mean, no one hangs out with them. Try to explain that to the guys at the VFW Hall who lost a leg in Nam.

All of this reminds folks of Obama's rather radically eclectic and mysterious connections. That's not all it does. It causes folks to wonder, one more time, what's up with this guy? Now people are starting to know Obama. Hillary and I have known him for ages now, by the way.

Even Oprah's gone off the deep end getting herself into some New Age weird religion thing and at the same time endorsed Obama. She lost some 2 or 3 million viewers immediately. Again, a hint at a decline in both images...

After initial or second impressions, independent people start thinking critically. Enough "bad" "negative" Obama news might be enough one day that in November, old guy with a young running mate might look pretty darn good to them. The drum beat...

It just a matter of time before voters hear that Obama helped Father Phleger get $300 thousand for his Peace Center from the government. They were buds back when Obama was an organizer in South Chicago--there's that nervous word again--which recalls words like union, left wing, socialist.

But the Democrats are stuck with Obama because they're all successful lawyers and acting like Republicans and suddenly the rules rule in a party that is not very rulable. All at once they hear no evil, see no evil in their their fantasy political club.

Personally, I can't imagine squandering Dr. King's dream on the likes of Obama.

The problem is no self-respecting Dem can live with any of this once they get their blinders off. I agree with Harold Ickes who said they simply don't know what they're doing. They must be out of their minds. Some worm has entered their brains. They are 30 people who are speaking for 2-1/2 million people about the destiny of a popular vote in a primary...a hugely different application than a national electoral vote.

Poor Harold, hung over from a late night arguing with these intractable pols who could not, would not give up the ghost and do the right democratic thing by seating all delegates. Does it seem to anyone strange they would seat half, but not all? What an odd group of people these Democrats are.


I don't know what the Democrats will do since they have before them an unelectable candidate in Obama. Fortunately, they do have a choice, a nuclear option in the Super Delegates.

I do know what Hillary's going to do, however. She'll see everyone in Denver...just like I said months ago. I wonder if she'll go to Disneyland first.

You gotta love her!

We'll see if the Republican male leadership will respond to Items 1 through 4 above. Don't hold your breath; they are Republican white males after all.

Thanks for the read.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hey, Scottie McClellan. Face it. You weren't that important!

In the old days when people valued character, memoirs were written years after the person "served" in the White House, not a couple of months. Even then they were written discreetly.

The sudden release of this book by the ex-press secretary to George W. Bush, What Happened, gives me pause to think that maybe the kid is nothing more than a opportunistic, greedy ingrate who doesn't want to work anymore if he can do the rest of his life on the backs of the men and women in the White House.

Follow the money; that's where the trouble usually starts.

You just think you know, Scottie, my boy.

George W. Bush is an MBA, a businessman from Texas. I believe I understand his management style. I takes a while to get on the inside of the "group." That may be why Scottie is so upset. He had to show more loyalty of more than a couple of years to get in. Maybe he just wasn't in the loop and all this is sour grapes.

I started working for this management style of closed doors in the 70s when they didn't "act" like yayhoos, they were yayhoos. Women were out, except for coffee bringing and extreme copying and clerical activities. An occasional confidant/assistant slipped in, but she was hardly ever ever a communications person and usually was a background and support. That was then. And she was me.

Before that, I had gone to college in Texas. was a "Yankee" and had been introduced to Texas boys and I found out how they do things early on. So, when I became an assistant to a couple of "important" men in a Texas oil company later in my single-mother life I fit right in. I also dated one of them for a little while, although he was not a Texan. (He was the only boss I ever dated in my long career. I found it so uncomfortable that I had to stop. He said he understood and was a gentleman about it.) I was a regular Della Street. I knew everything about the other executives, their wives. It was exciting and fun while it lasted, especially with the sales room right next to my office. Communications was five floors down.

Later, I wrote some occasional copy for a major Orange County ad agency and was assistant to its CEO president in the 80s. That was a big enough job. I still knew everything the partners did and everything about every employee but hardly fulfilling. My copy was about a client, not us.

Then as I became a better writer and more a confident person, I had some other high level jobs including working for the legal department for a major motor cycle manufacturer. They wouldn't let me know a thing about corporate issues even though I worked directly for the exec vice president for legal counsel.

Communications was a major part of that job. Like Scottie's. So...the trend is clear.

Not once did I get too involved in policy or was asked to. Not once was I told how things actually came to be. Not once was I privy to the actual ins and outs of the situation. I was given an assignment, asked for an opinion once in a while, and always asked to follow through on a task by their direction. I didn't get to be in on their meetings very often.

real meetings
The ones where they drink bourbon and talk about the real stuff...after I went home at seven or eight in the evening...after I finished the drafts they wanted or the copy they wanted me to write. Oh, I was close to all of those men--and a couple of women. But not that close.

Never, I repeat, never was I asked to take responsibility for any part of a decision that was made by others. That was way above my pay scale. Nor was I consulted nor did I have all the facts of the problems before me. They never told me. They made sure not to. There's a reason for that, by the way. Communications is a special place. The less you know the less you can say.

For McClellan to flatter himself into thinking he had the total poop is the biggest laugh in Washington or any other big city. Just like the other little girls and boys running around with half truths about the war, about power, about money, about big companies, they are all FLAT wrong about how it all works. Where they get their ideas and notions is beyond me. I think a grown man who works in the White House, frankly, should know better.

Scott just thinks he knows and is acting out because of his disillusionment that maintaining power isn't as neat as he thought maybe it should be and running a country isn't as fun as Mama and Daddy said it might be.

Well, Scottie didn't stay long enough to see anything, to make any judgments worth making. (One thing I do know about guys like the president is they move methodically. There's no rushing them, and they're going to do what they do. But they're not slow. They have their own rhythm.)

But then that's the hallmark of the 21st century employee: moving on to the next opportunity and staying at that job for only about two years on the average, just enough time to take a quick look at something. In the executive suites it requires a few more years of camaraderie and friendship and maybe some trials by fire to see how one another reacts just to see who you can trust. Obviously, something told em they couldn't trust Scott.

Looks like they were right.

The painful truth is Scott McClellan wasn't very good at this job. I worried about his abilities when I first saw him in action. I thought he was too passive, not fast enough on the uptake. I watched the White House press corps walk on him. It was clear to me he didn't understand the basic argument of why we were in Iraq. No, from the sounds of the excerpts of his books he is contemptuous of the president's outrageous and naive restructuring of the middle east in the democratic model. How dare the president, McClellan seems to ask, as if democracy is as filthy a system as the old Stalinist communism.


Thanks for the read.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sharon Stone: The fake Mensa Queen says China earthquake Karma for Tibet & Palai Lama

She is said to be very bright with both a high IQ and an alleged membership in MENSA until she was embarrassed into admitting recently the affiliation was a big fat decades-long lie.

Good luck tracking down that phantom IQ test score--a whopping 154--which was supposedly given when she was in high school. It sounds more like a publicist said, "I know. Let's make you a genius," and she's stuck by it ever since. Her hype has worked so far, except the MENSA people were "smart" enough to stick to their guns and made her cry uncle on the membership thing. Good for them. I'm tired of people getting away with resume padding.

We've yet to see any demonstration of that gigantic brain in her body of work in film or philanthropy really. She throws money at charities, which is the bulk of her "work." An accomplishment brought about by intellect?

Even her ex-husband, someone I admire by the way and will forgive for being a simple minded red-blooded man, Phil Bronstein, the super Pulitzer Prize winning writer and editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, is probably among the many others who has had a belly full of her superiority complex as well.

I wonder if he became disillusioned with Ms Wizard about the time she decided to become the Ordained Minister through the Universal Life Church with the Modesto Messiah. Was that the last straw?

Or were his happy expectations of marvelous, entertaining breakfast discussions over the morning broadsheets something which didn't include sharp knives? But then, he should have known what he was getting into; she is an actress after all. And she is dramatic. That's likely what attracted him to her after his initial infatuation from her fantastic, sexy looks.

Or maybe it was when she made the Buddhist choice and he didn't like the Richard Gere and Dalai Lama additions into their marriage. That would certainly disillusion me.

The Kimodo Dragon incident had to cause some strain on the marriage what with all the publicity. It was rather emasculating, I have to admit.

The crotch shot in the movies? Again, more strain on the marriage any way you slice it. The heart attack? The stroke. Lots of strain there. The adopted kids. The bisexuality? Lots and lots of strain.

Or when she approached a child in a clothing store, about 10-years old, and told her to not be afraid of sex and inappropriately spoke to her using graphic language. The mother of this child was two racks away and heard the exchange. One can only imagine if I had been around if this had happened to my child: she did exactly what I would have done. She tore Stone's head off--strands of short, bleached blond hair all over the place. The altercation made the news.

Gosh. It would be awfully difficult to be married to Sharon Stone. It goes to show you that he also bought the Mensa package.

She's been free of Bronstein for some time now and she's flapping around like the moron she insists she isn't again and saying stupid things like she just did in Cannes about the Chinese earthquake being a result of Karma. Pretty dopey, if you ask me. But then I'm just a little country girl.

And Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson said that Katrina was caused by an angry God because of homosexuality.

(I'm confused. Just whose fault are all these natural disasters?)

In the meantime, instead of focusing on IQ, I believe Ms. Stone, because of her obvious mtDNA Haploid Group HV origins should check for Alzheimer's immediately. But then, she's supposed to be smart; she should already know this.

Thanks for the read.

Monday, May 26, 2008

RECOUNT: Just another attack on the GOP (and a personal one on Katherine Harris) So what else is new?

Oh well, no one said the entertainment elite was ever fair or even historically correct. People have figured that out by now.

Contrary to what the producers and actors say in the movie, Recount which premiered last night on HBO, and will be repeated today, the only votes not counted in Florida were those in the panhandle which seemed to trend toward George Bush. Until tonight's viewing it was my understanding that the military votes were not counted and they had been dated correctly and certified. I think that is a fact worth rechecking.

Recount is a big production--another election year pro democrat production. This is what Hollywood does every four years or so. You might like it.

Great big characters and self important dialogue complete with Al Gore's I-actually-was-raised- in-a-Washington-hotel-not-in-Tennessee voice, in addition to stereotypes about pragmatic and GD Republican white men, coldblooded like a supersizeme Jim Baker played by Tom Wilkinson and others probably made the veteran producer Sidney Pollock feel he was keeping the piece balanced against his leftie coproducers Jay Roach and Kevin Spacey. It didn't work for me, never does because I've watched these people for too many years. But for those who don't read or follow the facts, the appearance of balance comes off nicely for the most part.

Offhanded profundity after profundity about the American democratic process from staff underlings pepper each scene in the campaign war rooms. Important speeches are delivered by good old fashioned liberal actors like Laura Dern, Kevin Spacey, Ed Begley Jr. Familiar others you'll recognize as this thing slouches to its utter and ignominious end.

Look for the good casting in lookalike characters--Clarence Thomas, Ginsberg, Scalia--on the Supreme Court and in more than a couple of other scenes throughout.

If you're a Dem, you'll appreciate, no, you'll dig the underdog, college days Democrat realpolitik feel of it. You might even feel kind of young again. However, the storyline is annoying if you take it too seriously or from a historical POV, although it has more energy and modernity to it than All the President's Men. For one thing, it's HD. It's typical Spacey, warts and all.

I think the movie fails completely and finally when Dern's portrayal of Katherine Harris becomes gratuitously evil and the writer obviously holds her responsible for Gore's loss. It is here that the entire story falls apart.

Harris was not the problem in Florida. The Dems would love for everyone to believe that. There were hundreds of issues at play in Florida. Regardless, the need for the writer to take this final plot turn removes any chance this script had to redeem itself, although it was on life support up to this point, from becoming 100% pure Democrat propaganda.

I'm not surprised that the writer got away with this and it is kind of funny. However. This was awful, just awful, in its lack of honesty. After the denouement--Katherine did it--we're left with a crestfallen, but philosophical Spacey talking to Al Gore on the phone, about never giving up or some such nonsense.

Other than that, I sort of enjoyed it; except I'm getting tired of being beat up on for being a Republican. I wish these guys would pull back some. Can I help it if the old white guys don't have any imagination and can't put a decent movie together?

If I wanted to and had the money I believe even I, little ole me, could put a little screenplay together, maybe another high falutin script about the exact same shenanigans that are pulled on a daily basis in the very area from which the current candidate of their party comes: the shining south side of the city of Chicago. I'd be very careful if I were these high-talking Democrats.

Yes. So pure. So clean. So high minded. Uh huh. Pretty personal stuff when it comes to Harris, high minded Democrats.

Who the hell do they think they're kidding?

Thanks for the read.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Hagees, Hard Christian Right & Bad Boy Republicans are taking my party straight to hell. Then there's the spending.

This stinks.

Another Republican congressman, this time from New York, screws up with drugs and alcohol and gets picked up for a DUI. We'll probably find he has another wife and family somewhere.

In the meantime, the Republican Party pays for the privilege of counting the "Christian" vote again with the stupid Hagee and other questionable endorsements.

And the fiscal conservatives are rightly screaming about spending.

First of all, no one's ever heard of John Hagee and secondly, who cares? Hagee and now another Christian unknown has become the news of the day on Drudge and MSNBC and CNN that McCain supposedly is in a deep, right wing conspiracy with, something that could bring him problems. This is another exhausting example of how the lazy media tries tit for tat to ameliorate the devastating Jeremiah Wright connection to Barack Obama. The reports' object of course is to show how narrow minded the Republican Party is and we're all idiots.

Of course, the doctrine of these extreme right wing Christians plays right into the numbskull media's hands. If you have a minute, I'll try to explain it from a mainline Protestant's/Republican's point of view who comes from a Abolitionist Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Disciple of Christ Church founders/builders/elders background. Maybe then my Roman Catholic and Jewish friends can understand why Republicans like me go crazy when things like Hagee happen to my party.

It depends on what the meaning of "it" is.
Hagee's extreme interpretation of the Book of Revelation and his equation of the Roman Catholic Church is with a certain frightening character in one of the chapters; however, he is in accordance with other born again Christians when it comes to "it." That is where the problem comes from when it comes to the rest of the human race and the Christian Right.

It. That one cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless he goes through Christ.

Or as the folks on the panel last evening on MSNBC's Chris Matthews talking about it were doing so knowing full well what everyone really knows and don't want to flat say: the issue does point out a tendency toward this basic tenet in evangelical doctrine. It's a tough nut to crack. And evangelicals can't get around it.

It. Salvation through Christ. Period. The rest of the world are lost. No one wants to say it.

There are probably as many as a thousand groups with as many different beliefs. Hagee's tirade (using John's famous apocalyptic dreamscape scriptures in the Book of Revelation which he wrote while imprisoned on the Island of Patmos) describing Catholics is not representative of any one particular denomination in presentation. This view is not held in the body of mainstream evangelical thought from what I could see when I was belonged to an evangelical church for about six or so very, very long years. (I didn't pass the physical to go any further than a Sunday School teacher in their male hierarchy, not surprising to most readers.)

No, evangelicals, regardless of what they call themselves are equal opportunity believers that Christ told them that everyone who doesn't become saved through Him is lost, not just Roman Catholics. But most evangelicals regard Jews as their new best friends and don't talk about RCs above a whisper and certainly don't announce their ultimate damnation in Hagee's style. They talk around it in classes and in sermons but they don't spread it around. They tsk tsk about it privately. Evangelicals take the Great Commission very seriously, as they should, and go for the non churched, the unbeliever. They seem to be at the top of their list.


Why'd I care? I just wanted to sing

I came from a strong, majorly strong Protestant background so I felt pretty secure in my salvation. I just couldn't accept IT. My ancestors were founders and builders of churches, so it was a sad thing for me to realize when in Southern California, in the back country I couldn't find my own comfortable denomination...where there are the fewest mainline churches, where there are mostly and nearly all nondenominational, community "Christ-centered"or "New Testament" ones, code for evangelical, code for no women allowed in leadership, code for sit down and shut up if your hair is longer than two inches.

Sometimes some of the churches were started up by lawyers, or businessmen or a couple who declared themselves visions. You never knew. It always was an interesting job to find a church home in California where most people stopped going to church once they came here, it felt like. One even had a box of Kleenex on the altar. I thought it was an interesting touch. There were two boxes come to think of it.

Well, I didn't have time anyway to get too involved in a church. I was single, had work and kids. I just wanted to sing in the choir. I closed my ears to the sermons and classes and knew better anyway. I didn't let it bother me until one day a man took me aside and said, "You know, Catholics don't stand a chance to get to Heaven."

Dang. I thought. There goes another perfectly good Sunday and another perfectly balanced Soprano section. They were going to miss me.

How can otherwise normal people turn into weird crazies on one day a week I'll never know. Of course, what I've discovered over the years that most people can't face is that they're being lied to. Lied to by a bunch of punks who have free money coming in the likes of which they've never seen in their lives! Wahoo! Wamu! Keep those lies goin and dollars keep comin in for the new building fund, namely the parson's 4000 square foot "parson-age."

Like my daddy says, "Follow the money, Sister. That's where the trouble always starts." Hard to swallow, but he was right. People do terrible things for money. They always have and always will. And it's taught me not to take God for granted and what I was doing was not for Him but for me and my own ego.

Hey, Newbies. There are other ways!
By the way, the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholics, the ones who have been around for two-thousand years or so and have somehow managed to spread the word of our Lord and believe the much same way, although evangelicals won't admit it--except that Protestants have women involved in leading, yes actual Head Ministers (EEEEEK!) and running churches just like we're actual people too.

RCs, believe it or don't, also have women running entire institutions and the men in them. Why do you think they call them Mothers Superior?

Ever met a woman Rabbi? They got them.

Evangelicals, bless their perfect hearts, refuse to acknowledge that Presbyterians, the Lutherans, the Christians, the Methodists, the Disciples of Christ and the rest of us have alter calls...they absolutely refuse. Every Sunday. It is part of the worship. Why? Most of them have never been in our churches. They say we're dead churches. Why? "They just don't feel it." Or they've heard something.

Also, they don't like it that some of our brotherhoods, like the Presbys believe that faith without works is dead. I'm not a Calvinist and I don't believe in predestination and that my salvation depends on it, but such ideas do get the Lord's jobs done. What's it to them? America's been built on such Calvinistic thought. They ought to get it straight. Either they believe in this Puritan, interest-bearing work ethic and live by it or they forgive all debts owed them and toss the whole theme out to live out their evangelical life style.


Besides, some mature Christians consider evangelical doctrine as Easy Christianity. Six Flags over Jesus, one of my best friends calls one the mega churches. Nothing hard...just show up, come as you are.

Do any of you people own suits and ties? Pantyhose? Heels? Just kidding.

Regardless of how these few people "feel," compared with the millions of martyrs over the centuries who have given for our Lord, our orphanages, schools and universities have been in operation for many years, maybe a bit longer than their stucco churches, their new ministries of mom's day out. Some have felt the need to love the Lord enough to work.

Yes, you cynical ones will point out the minuscule comparative numbers of abused children as if they're the norm. Go ahead. In that case, let's just stop all operations and let them all starve...a meretricious end to my article. I can't let that happen.

If indeed it hadn't been for those faithful "works" of the monks across the west during the dark ages, the knowledge of all of western civilization would have been lost. It ain't perfect, but it's the best we've got right now. Which is what I love to tell newcomers who've got all these grand ideas for how to better serve mankind...and there's nothing new under the sun, something else I learned from Mom and Dad.

There are the angry and cruel crusades that won back Jerusalem from the Muslims who took it in the first place. But then, we forget that part of the RCs, those dead Christians who gave everything. I wonder. Do you think they all went straight to Hell? Those who weren't born again the evangelical way? All those martyrs? Dead and gone for nothing. This would be an indictment for sure by a bunch of surfer dudes calling out centuries of serious Christian thought. Amazing if Paul Tillich isn't rolling in his grave. Guess some of us might never know.

I guess God just didn't think about the rest of creation until the likes of Billy Graham and Pat Robertson bumbled along. Two southern American white men who are so important that God waited to grant salvation to mankind until those two--southern--men could interpret the Word. Oh yes, and the late Jerry Falwell. What were these dead churches teaching before these young men came along?

Isn't it interesting? They're all, well, southern?

Evangelicals don't like the confession thing. I don't see a thing wrong with it myself. They think once you're saved, that's it. Well, I believe saved by grace is what's is happening, probably the best deal in town considering what's available. But confessing sure helps me to clean up once in a while.

Dang those purty education directors, anyway
However, I'm not about to get into a spitting match about saved by grace with an adulterous preacher. It's just real difficult for people to believe he doesn't have to work that one off. But he didn't. That's the good news. Other than losing his career and his family, he will not lose his salvation. Even a pastor on whom so many souls depend can screw up so badly and he is still forgiven if he asks sincerely for it.

Forgive? Christ forgives seven times seven times seven times... It wouldn't been so shocking had the pastor's wife not had arthritis. Life and people can be cruel, can they not? Confessing sometimes is the only alternative a person has. That's all there is left. Everyone knows. See what I mean about cleaning up? I hear the Ph.D pastor now sells encyclopedias, a hell on earth for learned man, and the beautiful choir director, also a Ph.D who had teen-aged children who witnessed this public disgrace is somewhere, probably not teaching too many high falutin places now maybe. Who knows?

Maybe enough time has gone by that they've paid their dues for hurting so many parisioners and family members. I've forgiven them, although it changed my view of everything evangelical and I'll never go back to an evangelical church as long as I live, nor will I trust another evangelical church again. Four experiences is enough.

As as I said, Christ's forgiveness and salvation has always been an attraction, a proposition, and once accepted the best deal in town, as one can clearly see in this instance. I'm not being flippant, by the way. It is indeed the best deal in the universe. I've always said so.

We "others" too have just celebrated Pentecost Sunday. At least that's what I heard. We too are born again. But we don't roll on the floor. We don't raise our hands in the air. Neither did Martin Luther as far as I know, to whom you should send a thank you note. We don't all shout out Hallelujah. What do you care? Why do you take it so personally if we do not? It says more about you than about us. We don't run up to people and demand to know if they're saved. It's a matter of style, you know. We do it our way. Maybe this is my way. That's why we have denominations.

So enough of that. We've established we don't agree on style. What do you expect? We're WASPs and we like it that way. We're not going to change for you.

Okay. I give up. So...where did you put my party? I've looked everywhere for it.
We're sorry if that bothers you Hagees out there. We're real sorry if that doesn't fit the template of the southern male (there I go again, one would think I hated men--I don't, you know--I adore them) dominated church that somehow took over the right wing of our party back then in response to a bunch of California and New York hippies.

We put up with those very odd ideas of yours then. We hoped you'd grow past the regional dullness of your politics. You haven't. In fact your fear factor has spawned more ignorance. We weren't thinking. We should've known. That was a Nixon deal.

But now it's beginning to make a real difference in what's happening in our country. We may lose this election because of how your intolerance has finally affected everyone else who do not believe as you do. It has to stop.

And. We haven't started on your obscene treatment of gay people.

I wouldn't be so hard on the Christian Right if they weren't so hard on everyone else. I really hate coming down on everyone so much lately, but things are way off kilter this year.

Apples and figs
Although the media's preoccupation with comparing Hagee and McCain with the Wright-Obama connection is downright laughable for lots of reasons not the least is John McCain is not an evangelical, they'll use it. He's he's a mainstream Protestant like me. With Cyndi's money, he's probably Episcopal, a Catholic who flunked his Latin.

Secondly, he didn't sit through 20 year's worth of "GD the Roman Catholics" from Hagee like Obama did "GD America" with Wright.

Thirdly, Wright married, baptized and did the family pastoral thing for the Obamas. Hagee sent a CD to the McCain campaign and offered to lend a hand. The relationship started and probably stopped there. It's really a stupid argument...kinda of like the 100 year war thing. But here we are. Again, we don't get the benefit of the doubt from a media waiting to pounce. That's what happens when people say they're perfect in the first place like these folks do.

Enough already.

Now the media is telling people the Republican Party is being pushed around by folks who say they don't "hate" Roman Catholics but say they're going to a bad, bad place if they don't get born again their way. Moreover, those people are disrespectful of the RC religion because it really isn't a religion at all? I don't want people thinking that of the Republican party.

They're going to have a good summer because of the Kennedy events. Get ready for an emotional one. I know how media people play on events.

And now I'm thinking...
We got an old guy running for president who's looking at a southern governor for a running mate. How depressing. I don't know where to go or what to do. I feel like I'm in a time warp and it's the year 19__, fill in the blank.

Speaking of the Trinity, we'd better start praying for a miracle in this election. We've got a terrible perception problem with independents and they are our target voters this time. We have to have them to win.

Most of them don't care about IT or Hagee or me or emotions. They do care about congresspeople getting DUIs on the public's dime. The closest thing they want to get to an afterlife is for everyone to leave them the hell alone and for their elected officials to do their jobs.

Thanks for the read.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Media punishes Hillary for RFK gaffe; shows clear bias for Obama

They're punishing Mrs. Clinton for her factual and tactless remark about RFK which has brought the politically incorrect topics to about eight now, hasn't it, in the Democratic presidential campaign?

1. Barack Obama's background.
2. Jeremiah Wright.
3. Bill Ayres.
4. Surrender comments in Iraq he considers off limits.
5. Michelle Obama's officially not to dissed.
6. Barack Obama's grandmother.
7. The bitter and gun comments.
8. RFK assassination.

I'll keep a running tab of things we Americans cannot talk about in this land of the free, home of the brave.

For Pete's sake, and with due respect, let's move on.
Hillary's acknowledged it was tactless. What a bunch of dweebs. No wonder the immature media types can't function past their own navels.

I suggest this is why we do not enjoy meaningful and positive political discourse in this country. The playing upon people's emotions for political gain and money is the reason. This is a fairly new phenomenon in America. I say fairly new because the Hearsts and yellow journalists were always on the periphery.

Alas. The Fourth Estate has been bought. It's now just a matter of who is the highest bidder and if his politics happens to be on the side of freedom. There are just a few players, you know. Anyway, pray to God whoever wins this communications war is on the side of your freedom because that is the only thing that stands between us and tyranny.

So, now that's Hillary's screwed up with the RFK--in the old days, that wouldn't have got out of the newsroom until after her administration--she's in their crosshairs. I'm just amazed at the hysteria this morning at the mere mention of a name and an act that occurred how many years ago in a historic context? Forty. Forty years ago!

Not gods--not even demis
Amazing that the children of the people who were most affected by the Kennedy assassination could hang on to the Kennedy mythology so long. I told ya it would be wall-to-wall, somehow, one way or the other, didn't I, when the Ted Kennedy news hit last week?

I just don't want to go through this whole lie again with my country about the sacrifice and godliness of the Kennedys. Please. No more needles in my dilated irises at midday.

I've been aware of the Kennedys and their aura since I heard about them when I was a kid in 1958 while I was watching the Democratic Convention. I saw Jack Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy and thought she was nifty and wished I looked like her. I dressed like her. That was about it. As far as the rest of them. Eh.

This is who the Kennedys are. They're people who wear really nice clothes and have lots and lots of money that their families made for them so they could wear those nice clothes, go to cool schools and look great so you could act like an idiot and go ooh and ah over them. After so much oohing and ahhing, they knew they would become powerful and great in the eyes of men.

Here's who they really are. Just like every other family who choose to do what they do and there are many in this country: They are politicians who signed up to be public servants...not gods. Just people. Not gods. No different than a guy who gives his life on the front lines of a war in Iraq. Not gods. Yes, he did give his life. But so did that guy in Iraq, remember? No different than a man who serves in a prisoner of war camp for 5 or so years and gets his bones broken. Not gods. They know what happens when they become public servants, that they may get killed because they're not gods.

I hate to seem provincial, but it also bothers me that none of the Kennedys have ever worked an honest day in their lives. They never had to. Philosophically, theoretically, practically, really. Even in the back of their minds, if they eschewed every penny, and took an oath of poverty, they knew they could get it back at any time because money was always, always there. In that sense, it is the closest thing to God that the Kennedys get.

That may mean nothing to a lot of you. But to me, it means a whole bunch. Not everything, but a lot. Unless a person knows what it means to work for a living and to care for other people, I can't imagine he can know what life's really about. I didn't get it till I had such an experience of the total responsibility of feeding my family by myself--alone. It's a view that would take a long, slow argument to talk me out of considering the pain I suffered in finally understanding and finding a decent role of breadwinner. It changed my world view.

Yes, Robert Kennedy was a brave warrior and we grieve for the loss of him (I cried like a baby at both assassinations) and the many other brave warriors who have given their lives for America on Iwo Jima, Omaha Beach.

I just can't help but think. Isn't singling RFK out somehow wrong and using his memory to inflate Mr. Obama's importance in this campaign hypocritical? What about the process?

I'm also wondering if it is also erroneous to tiptoe around a historical issue and if Senator Kennedy would approve of such pussyfooting considering that peppery nature of his!

Sorry to bring everyone back down to earth.

Get ready, kids, this is probably going to be a maudlin, Kennedy summer--kind of like the one I had in 1968. I'm not looking forward to it. In fact, a condo on Coronado is looking sweeter every day. It's something to work harder for. I'll have to with the new taxes I'll have to pay.


Thanks for the read.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hillary's RFK assassination slip was...well, Freudian and tone deaf

Mrs. Clinton was attempting to demonstrate to a newspaper editorial board that June it is too early to end the nomination process. She observes in her trial lawyer way:

The RFK assassination in June of 1968, for instance, is a good example of how things change and a new candidate would be needed.

Tone deaf Hillary at it again. That part of her pops up every now and again. Poor dear.

It's a shame that Mrs. Clinton couldn't contain herself. I wonder if her opposition will allow her to live this one down now no matter what happens. It may finish her campaign unless there's the deus ex machina.

This should be something.

BTW, do you think Democrats ever talk about unpleasant things with each other like life insurance and death? Just wondering. They all seem so touchy.


Thanks for the read.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Where are the Republican women at your Arizona barbeque, Mac? Why are you NOT considering a woman for Vice President?

I sent this back to the McCain campaign in response to their latest money raising email this morning. I doubt that they'll even read it:

Look, Senator McCain, I've been loyal for years now. I'm done.

Until you can start listening, I'm basically done supporting the party. They've ignored Republicans in California, they've ignored the women in this party, and now after twenty years I am finally done.

What more incentive do you people need? We have an African American and a woman on the opposition's ticket. Good grief! Are you people mad?

Yes, I'm afraid you really are. I've been afraid of that since I saw how George Bush couldn't even lead us through a war. Obviously any group who could let a man like Larry Craig keep his Senate seat is mad.

You're oblivious to public opinion. That showed nicely during Katrina. I was one Republican who wanted to scream. I was mortified at Bush's behavior. Jindal would be another similar disaster. Believe me when I say these things. He's just like the kid who took over FEMA. No experience. Why do you make these bad choices?

What Republican men have done to our party is ridiculous and only doormat Republican women would put up with it.

I am one Republican woman is is over it. Again, and hopefully for the last time.

I repeat. Why are there no women at this conclave in Arizona?

Of course, the next question is: what are you going to do when you lose people like me? Oh, that's right. You really don't give a damn.

Obviously you don't or you'd have a woman at that barbeque in Arizona! Pisses me off.

Oh, John. And if you need money get it from Cindy. She's got more money than God, from what I understand, if she'd release her tax records, we'd all know.

Thanks for the read.

Psst. Maybe a little shock treatment like this will work. God knows I've tried everything else except taking off my clothes.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Love or hate her. Hillary is the woman I've been talking about.

I've forgiven her for being a horrible person while she was in the White House.

I've forgiven her for being a leftist and acting like one.

I've forgiven her for being stupid and acting like it.

Why? After disliking her so much, especially since she was so hypocritical in her feminist stance, how could I possibly feel this way?

How was she to know that one bad husband will ruin your life every damned time? And to think. I've had how many husb...never mind.

Look how she's recovered! Not that she could ever be president, you understand, but I do want her to have the nomination anyway. She's one tough broad and I admire her.

I used to think someone like her wouldn't do what I did to raise my kids with $300 a month child support and being underemployed as a secretary. Or deign to clean someone's else toilets when I needed money so badly that I worked at my boss's offices as a janitor at night...I'd ask myself, would she ever do something like that?

Well. I think I have my answer. She got down and dirty in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Texas, Kentucky. Think it's glamorous? It's not. It's hard work and hard as cleaning toilets. At least once the toilet's clean, you're done for a while.

After some of what people have said about her, myself included, I would have been in the middle of the floor in a puddle by now. I don't know how a person can take so much ridicule. She could handle Ahmadinejad nicely if she had the right Thatchership behind her.

It's my opinion that once people get into the stratospherics of power there are choices presented to them which gives them do overs. Because they are no longer living for themselves and their lives have much more meaning, their decisions become more important, they must work for a greater good, they get do overs, Mulligans, I guess. It's like God says to them, "Okay, I gave you this brain, this experience, this humiliation, these gifts and these escapes, now make use of all of them."

She may be at that point. Nixon didn't use them. Kennedy sort of did, except he put the American people at risk every time he made himself vulnerable to blackmail. Reagan certainly did by learning from his own failures. FDR did. Clinton was too flawed, evidently to learn while in office. Maybe he has. Bush Elder never had the imagination to be in trouble. Bush Younger is inscrutable. Eisenhower may have had the demon of leadership so early that he never gave the obligation a second thought. McCain is of that ilk. A natural leader.

I'm giving credit where credit is due. She is a worthy adversary as opposed to the alternative and I'm proud of her for getting back up and fighting like when the old boys, especially the ones who were promised her from Bill for the presidency, when they turned on her for Barack...

She'd make a hell of an MOR Republican, if only we could tone down that leftie tendency she has.

Oh, relax you men. I think you've had your chance. It seems to me your way hasn't worked very well from a PR and image POV. And considering that's what wins elections...but, keep talking to each other into 2012. It's okay. You were in good company.

Meanwhile, Andrea's predictions become a little more understandable these days, do they not?

Ah, ye of little faith. When will you learn to trust me?

My Thatchership of the Year Award
BTW, I've investigated returning to the Federation of Republican Women. I'll report to you if they have stopped being the old boys' girls. More later. It's time to urge women in our party to take on some national offices.

I got a mailer from Mary Bono Mack. Remember her? She was Sonny Bono's widow. I like her a lot. You have to admire a woman like this. Not every blond waitress marries people like OJ and ends up dead.

She took over Sonny's seat. She's kept a good Republican agenda, has a good head on her shoulders. She has a great instinct for what's right, she's maintained her reputation, done the right thing in tough California-style issues. She sure married well (Connie Mack). She's now been in congress since 1989. I'd like to see her move up now that she's getting older.

Other Republican women such as Ann Northrup in Kentucky deserves national attention. If she can get out from under Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning.

I urge every women who is interested in moderate politics to become involved in Republican issues. That's where it's at. We're not into ripping up established abortion law at the moment although most of us are pro life, nor are we into condoning partial birth abortion which is a terrible, terrible thing and should not be allowed.

Maybe I'll start a group.

To be clear, Hillary Clinton voted against the BAN on partial birth abortion. Just to set the record straight. I will never vote for her as long as she support the ban on partial birth abortion.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have a HUUUUGGE problem tonight. After all, we all remember when Ike said he was within reach of victory in Europe.

Thanks for the read.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Barack says Iran's just a tiny country. So was Germany; just ask Einstein.

One of the reasons FDR was so hot to trot on The Manhattan Project was because of the strategic interests of this tiny country--Germany--having a nuclear bomb. Einstein sent the famous letter that alerted F. Roosevelt of the urgency of an atomic bomb project to respond to the fascism that Adolf Hitler offered Europe, and that this little faction of Nazis would find a way to rule to world with their own bomb.

Amazingly we face almost exactly the same scenario in the middle east while we again sit our kids down and answer questions like, "But, why do we have to actually hurt them...kill them, Daddy? Isn't that? Well...Jennie and all her friends says it's mean."

Obama and his followers are factually wrong and philosophically wrong. He's wrong, wrong, wrong. He knows nothing of life and nothing of the world. More importantly he has the wrong information. They're also weak.

Look at the correlation I've just placed before you and think. Things and people don't change.

Also, Cindy McCain: release all your tax returns immediately. Gotta do it, girl.

Thanks for the read.

I wrote this email to my subscribers today along with the above blog.

Subject: I had lunch at the Hotel del Coronado today

They say there's a ghost there, you know. I wonder. I certainly wouldn't be surprised.

Coronado Island is a turtle's throw off San Diego available via the famous Coronado Bridge. I had their fabulous cioppino while I watched the hotel guests ooh and aah over our gorgeous weather out here in sunny CA. We are blessed. Every time I'm there I feel almost like a tourist because when the tab comes I've spent as much as being on vacation.

At the table next to me were affluent Czechs and Russians also spending money like crazy. I had to laugh to myself that I would be seated next to a bunch who remind me of rather lugubrious time in my life when my ex-husband of three months, the Czech who married me for US citizenship (I didn't know).

It was during that courtship and strange marriage that he embellished our relationship with the horrors of communism--his father was a party leader. I also found out about how Eastern Europeans have a tendency to get anti Semitic after the fourth Vodka, in the morning.

Because of their high status, my hubby's family had a chauffeur and a phone, and a four room apartment, a pride over which this American couldn't quite show enough appreciation in his opinion. However, considering the basis of our union I don't think a little extra effort would've made any difference. I can say my heart overflowed when I first viewed the see-through coffin lid in his father's funeral pics. Top notch.

Absolutely top notch. I had to admit I'd NEVER seen something like that in my great American family. WE just went for average walnut, oak if we wanted to put on airs.

I couldn't top this one. That's for sure. No sir. I hope that I had finally shown enough respect for his Slovakian roots. Indeed. I could not top an ivory acrylic coffin lid that very closely resembled a canopy cover that was probably cut down from some fab 50s OC design manufactured at by one of our guys out here in sunny CA. It was just too ironic.

My ex had run off to Sweden in the 70s to a Beatles concert, then off to Canada and never returned. Then, lucky me, it was off to Orange County and the rest was...I guess we can say it was his bad. If it hadn't been for the inconvenience and the notching part, I suppose I could just forget it. But there is that notching part that everyone seems to have to do. "How many is this now, Honey?" This question usually came from my mother's most competitive sister. The one my mother hated.

Anyway. He never thought he'd see his mother and sister again.

Now, I was sitting next to an entire group of rich children of communists.With their parents, and my ex husband's parents, they didn't stand a chance. They wouldn't be having lunch here. They'd be in a one or two bedroom apartment working for the state.

Reagan saved their lives. I knew that as sure as I was sitting there because of what I heard happened there in each of their daily routines and lives under communist rule. I'm so, so happy for those eight people and their children. They were having the time of their lives.

I shake my head. I have to ask myself a lot of questions about what if? What if we hadn't listened? It's so tempting when you're tired.

So, then on the way home, I tuned into Huge Hewitt and thought more about appeasement. . We just can't give in to weakness.

It's about where Iran is now (strategically) So I wrote this. Hoping I could still change a few minds.

Thanks for your support and pass it on if you like it, dump it if you don't.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wall to wall coverage for Kennedy seizure? Why?

Please, networks, please don't do this to us again. Please. Don't play into the Democrat's PR machine again.

Now you want to expand the mythology into the next generation of Democrats somehow by memorializing him by tying him into a deliverance theme with Barack Obama. Very smart. Good timing.

Oh, Dems, the visit from John Kerry to the hospital? Nice touch. Phony. But a nice touch. They love that stuff in Massachusetts.

He's not my senator. Twenty-four hours of it?

I'm in California. I really don't care what's going on with a senator from Massachusetts. Really. I don't. Other than a small paragraph or two about his progress, nothing else is required. I believe there are many, many others who agree with me.

We Americans put up with the media's Hollywood-style, infantile aggrandizement of the Kennedy clan for decades starting in the late 50s and into 60s and 70s while the gaga press at the three networks acted like fan boys at a film festival. Hard news became a byproduct of their style news.

So are today's networks going to pull the same thing again with another of the Democrat's bought and sold images? Has anything changed? Probably not. Even though newsrooms are run by a whole different group of people, they still consider themselves way left of center politically, if not further to the left.

However, even Fox News felt compelled to pull in their big guns to do the "I remember him when" routine with Brit Hume, likely as a result of competition. I wonder who's listening. I couldn't believe someone actually brought out the ancient Ted Sorensen with his ancient lies. God, I thought these myths were finally, blessedly buried and gone. No such luck. It's as if we all have to go to our friend's grandfather's parlor and listen to the same tired lies again. You know they're lies, but you'll do anything to get that homemade ice cream at their summer picnics.

I'd rather put needles in the pinpoint of my irises at noon than to listen to Ted Sorensen lie to me--again--even now that I'm 63. Good God. Is there no rest for people like me? I thought the man had passed away years ago. I thought that when I confessed all my sins I wouldn't have to sit through this again and again...oh well.

Be the Greatest Kennedy, Ted
I've been in the midst of publicly paying my dues for my monumental wrongs and have been for the past ten years with no end in sight. By that I'm saying there are new revelations of my having missed the mark every day. Major ones.

Maybe this is where you are, Senator. I hope it is. I don't need to tell you that life's tough; life is earnest, so you'd best get cracking because it doesn't look like you've got much time. I'm a lot younger than you, but I've lived as hard as you, although I don't think I've killed anyone. Thank God for that. Considering how much I drank at one time I sure could have.

Oh, and you networks? Cover this--the truth about Mary Jo Kopechne, why dontcha? Go back to being the Fourth Estate. Stop being the Kennedy lapdogs. Find out about the mythology behind Obama. Do your jobs. The rest is just politics.

I guess I expect too much.

Thanks for the read.

P.S. Get well, Senator Kennedy and God bless you. Really.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Barack over reacts to Bush appeasement sentence in Israel speech.

Senator Obama: you've done exactly what your opponents thought you would do. You've over reacted and turned inside out over a statement that should have been left alone. Why? Because you're an amateur who belongs in the White House in Haiti.

Are you saying you don't agree with the president?

Are you saying you agree with the president?

What is your problem with the statement exactly?

Why are you so upset?

Did President Bush call you a name?

While we're on this subject of qualifications, since you're showing your lack of them, did you ever attend an international relations course?

My husband wants to know if you've ever watched a TV Western.

Were you ever taught in a practical way how to handle these set ups? This was a set up, you know, Barack. You bit, big time.

Why are you trying to frame this as your foreign policy? Aren't you and your people more organized than this? Didn't you want to roll out something a little more comprehensive?

You're going to fail because suddenly you've got Israel as your fulcrum. Wow! How'd that happen?! You didn't want that, did you? Now you've got a problem. Now what? How had you planned to defend Israel from Iran, those folks you plan to talk to, those who consider them corpses, dogs, pigs, human excrement?

That's the trash talk you choose to ignore; in addition you consciously choose to ignore that our soldiers are being killed by them with their insurgents and munitions. That doesn't seem to bother you at all, does it? That reeks that you would be so open about that. You can consider meeting with these people and talk, while our soldiers get killed by their rockets.

Talk. Talk. Talk. Talk your brains out, kid. As Senator Clinton mentioned, "I think he gave a speech once."

Why, Senator Obama, the Iranian regime you're so anxious to have a cigarette with and appease -- I don't know what else to call it--what are you going to use to appease them with other than the State of Israel--may even pull a latter day Khomeini and Iranian student kinda move and keep you there your entire presidency! Better watch it.

Stranger things have happened. Just ask Ahmadinejad. He was one of the captors at the Tehran Embassy, after all when they kept our people for, what, 400 plus days while Jimmy Carter stewed? Good Christian that he is, the great man predictably let all those folks sit.

Moreover, you'd best choose a hawkish Veep. I advise you to take along some good reading--may I recommend treatises on state crafting and war and peace keeping?

But enough of this fun and back to reality, this simply looks as if you've reached for this event to demonstrate that your new best friend is really Israel (covering your old statements) by distracting what you said about talking directly to Iran and now attacking the president.

It is an opportunistic attempt to show people how strong you are. You have failed because you have shown yourself to be weaker and reactive. You should have waited.

You and yours are immature, ego driven and disorganized.

You started this discussion by stating that you would have direct, unconditional talks with Ahmadinejad immediately.The number one problem is we don't negotiate from weakness. If you're going to president, I can't imagine you don't know that and acknowledge the reality of power and keeping power. Who's telling you otherwise? George McGovern? What losers are advising you? Even the bosses in Chicago know that.

The other problem is that you are using false facts to back you up. You seem impatient, not willing to do the work and research. Lazy. More likely, you and your friends are unwilling to listen to truth if you don't like the sounds of it.

The third problem is you're clueless about diplomacy and how things work in the bad world or you're lying to your supporters and you're just a damned politician like the rest of em. The south side of Chicago is different that the Middle East. You're not a statesman.

That shows you are provincial, not ready for prime time.

By the way, we are in multilateral talks with North Korea for one reason only. We refused to talk directly with NK directly six years ago. Okay? Madeline Albright and Kim Jong Il danced on a stage in the 90s while the North Koreans happily thumbed their noses and built their nuke capabilities anyway during "talks." It indeed set in motion the North Korean nuclear program ten to fifteen years sooner than it should've been. It was a monumental failure in judgment on William Clinton's part.

You Obamas need to get this right before you use it. That's why the NKs are at the table. Until the other nations pulled the NKs to the table, did the US agree to participate. Got it? Your supporters and surrogates are out there flapping their cheeks about all kinds of foreign policy stands about which they are stupid--and wrong and ignorant, which is worse. There also incorrect about other historical facts using Nixon's, Reagan's and Ike's names in vain, which is funny because all of these men were hawks and anti leftists of the first degree. They'd have Obama in parody by now.

Anyway, Barack, you don't just pick up a book and learn this stuff by reading live it, you learn it, you hear it and you watch it. For years and years. Then you listen to people who have done just that and have participated successfully in the process.

Then there's that darned arrogance of yours again.

We negotiate from strength in the United States as a matter of policy and to suddenly stop because of some freak of nature election which somehow allows fate to drop an attractive, ambitious, angry but deeply pitted Chicago revolutionary and his ungrateful, equally angry wife and thugs into the seat of world power in the White House would probably change our national landscape so dramatically that none of us will ever be the same.

"And this is why, my darling child, God and Democrats invented Super Delegates." And free will.

Thanks for the read.

Clarified Change we can believe in just arrived at 11:17 am PDT from the horses's mouth: Obama will meet with anyone and demand that all the things he demands must be met and we will then go from there.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bush's appeasement laydown is Manna from heaven for Hillary and McCain

After all if Senator Clinton wants her inexperienced opponent to sit nice and tall in one gigantic pooh pooh he made back when repeated over and over again his insistence about meeting face to face with the murderous leader of Iran, he from the state who sponsors terrorism who is providing the ordnance that is killing our people in Iraq, she couldn't have asked for a better frame to surround the simp's picture.

The president's comments came today in a speech at Israel's 60th Anniversary which included a small piece about a US Senator who wished he had had the chance to talk with Hitler before he invaded Poland. So, the left went nuts because they were offended. As predicted, they over reacted instead of agreeing with the president that they also stand by Israel.

One has to wonder though if Dubya and Hillary had a nice talk one night, maybe over a cigar and bourbon--him a Coke, in which they decided they'd just put this kid through his paces when the chance came. Maybe Dubya owed Hillary a favor. Since they seem to be on the outside these days, they knew they'd have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. I bet they even let Mack in on it because Mack was quick on the uptake with his "What is Obama going to talk to Iran about?" when explaining this is the same head of state who called a fellow state a stinking corspe. That pretty much says it.

And we're all having an awful lot of fun tonight watching the Obama camp look like fools in response to the president saying something about some senator in the 1930s. I'll bet there are a lot of cranky old Dems tonight angry that they're in this position in the first place--mad at Obama for being so stupid...and angrier that somebody sold them a bill of goods early on about who this Obama was before the Wright fiasco came out. What a mess.

Why even Pad My Resume with Degrees I Never Earned Biden couldn't contain his expletives as he exploded with his usual BS answer. No. Seriously. His response was a learned "b---s---!"

It's makes my little Republican heart sing.

The point is? Even Republicans would rather have Hillary as president. At least we know she won't get us all killed!

And for Barack's information, until January 20 the president is still the president and he will continue make speeches about foreign policy, if that's okay.

Thanks for the read.

Moving on: Cult of Hillary and Obama to Reality

You gotta face the facts, guys! It's time for substantive discussions of national security issues...not the vagaries and fantasies and ideas of some who grew up feeling good because they read graphic novels and saw Stephen Spielberg movies in which people just like them grew up saying things just like they said in exactly the same angst ridden, easy times that nature probably hasn't seen since the Garden of Eden.

Not real people.

Some of them got the idea that they could turn on a machine and simply earn money that way. The funny thing is they can.

But not real people.

Some of these kids got the idea that they could bounce a basketball or learn to run a football, play a certain card game a certain way, write something well, and make oodles of money. And sure enough, as it turns out some of them actually can. There are all kinds of examples of kids who are making huge amounts of money.

The kinds of money that most of our fathers and grandfathers would be embarrassed to even look at--no, let me rephrase that. I'm embarrassed for my dad to have to seen that, considering that my dad, who worked his way through college as a four-letter varsity man, got two science degrees, taught school and then had to paint barns and work in steel mills in the summers to feed his family, and then have little boys and girls lecture Republicans like him on life?

I don't think so.

Still. It's hard to argue with their success. It's also hard to take their shrugs, their arrogance, their knowledge. Their nods. As they clear their throats, swallow their laughs. It's part of being nice to your elders.

So. With all the smarts they have.

As a mother I must ask simply why don't they speak honestly about their own security? Why do they ignore it? Why is it no one talks about it? It seems so obvious to me? What is that about? Why does national security not seem to be a priority in this campaign? There is no mention.

When it is mentioned, it is downplayed as a "legal" issue, maybe? What if they're wrong? What if their kids' schools are the targets?

Above all things in their lives their children are their trophies. One would think they'd watch over them more carefully. Maybe it's that fairyland mentality that keeps them from thinking grown up thoughts. It's easy to do. I know. They have no experience. It's a natural reaction to want tranquility and peace and to think 9/11 was a one-time deal.

Yeah, right, and my cool friend and associate, Darth Vader came into my room last night and told me to teleport you with Yada and Nonoo after you've blasted into hyperspace with...

Jeez. I just don't know how to convince them of reality. Until then I'll just sound sill...or until someone comes along they can relate to...I'll just sound like a fear monger.

And for all of you over the age of 50: a graphic novel is a comic book.

Thanks for the read.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Obama to hard working whites: It's because I'm black, isn't it?

Although officially the Obama camp has not used race as an official reason for his dramatic recent losses most of his unofficial people, especially black supporters are saying otherwise. As the national numbers accumulate, it is evident that Mr. Obama has a problem with electability. However, his supporters will misinterpret the results. They will jump to the conclusion that these are mostly racist votes and events will develop from there.

They would be wrong to jump that shark
No, Barack. It's not because you're black. It's because you and Michelle come off as insufferably rude and arrogant and people don't seem to like either of you. Maybe if they liked one of you...but both of you? What's up with that?

People don't like your staff or your surrogates either. They remind them of people who live in San Francisco and drink coffee with funny things in it. They don't like people who come into their towns and ask where the closest Starbucks is and then crack on them about not having one and then huff off in a rented car that costs more than they make in a year. It hurts their sense of self worth. They don't like how it makes them feel about their towns and where they live.

And naturally, it is that arrogance, by definition that keeps all of you from acknowledging this and so you reinforce each other's behavior.

Darn that vicious circle. It happens in all YOUNG political circles. That is one of the reasons we can't let you run the country.

Evita Mode
I watched coverage last evening as Hillary Clinton moved from playing the hungry lioness in jungle green to regal Evita in yummy watermelon when she happily and gracefully accepted what she fought so hard for--the prize of West Virginia in a place that looked like a union hall--a people's place where you get a coffee with cream and sugar--Equal if they got it.

Call it what you want, Barack. Old politics, whatever. She stooped down, did it and she did it well. She didn't curl up her nose, Barack. Obviously, she is happy to have West Virginia's people behind her today and she'll never forget them.

Bill didn't. And they didn't forget Bill.

They can't handle the truth
Barack Obama's surrogates sat at the desks of their interviewers steaming, pointing out that these people and their votes didn't count for much--Obama would make up for it in other "more important" states--(good start) that people just don't understand the new math, new maps, on and on.

One of the younger ones on CNN (Tanya Someone who supports Obama and the woman who represents Huffington's Blog) even laughed out loud at Lannie Davis when he mentioned the George McGovern debacle the Democrats had experienced in the 70s. Patting him on the head?

Neither of those young women were around at the time. I was, of course. But then, I was at the Spanish Inquisition. The Huffington editor was younger than my oldest work suit and Tanya was inconceivable. Ed Schulz, someone nobody's ever, ever heard of until two months ago when CNN ran a want ad, let out a chortle or two. Lannie did what everyone does with twits--gave up.

Caught up in the moment and the zeal gets them crazy. That's why the Democrats invented Super Delegates: because of people like them. Democrats treat people like children, remember.

Maybe they need to try tough love next time.

Just the facts
Let's get the facts straight. Out of the 41% difference, approximately one of every five of those votes was considered an outright racist, anti-black vote. That leaves a huge number of people who might have voted for Mr. Obama had he been a nice guy or if Hillary hadn't been around. Swing.

Kentucky, a Dem state, will be another blowout for Hillary. She'll not take it for granted out of respect for the people of Kentucky. But I betcha Obama won't even try, just like he didn't in the other swing states. That tells you what he really thinks of people. Psychologically that translates, especially post West Virginia.

Mrs. Clinton may not think very much of people either deep down, but she's learned how to do it right and show up anyway. If you're president, you gotta do it right and show up anyway.

Mrs. Clinton's speech last night to the Super Delegates was an astounding presentation of leadership. If the Super Delegates fail to acknowledge the reality of her continuing success as well as her outstanding abilities that far outweigh any individual on the world stage in the Democratic Party, then one can only conclude the Democratic Party has become a permanent party of fools.

It's the personality, Stupid
Put up person of color people truly relate to and we'd see a stampede of white working class folks to the polls to vote for him/her--but don't go pulling the race card on people. Hard working Americans of all colors don't like that.

Obama talks about post race, but his problem is he's gone posted onto the moon. Most American's aren't sophisticates. We relate to guys like Bill Cosby, Dennis Haysbert, Colin Powell not hoity toity guys with wives who'd like to tear ours heads off and talk down to us.

While we're at it, there are a few other things he or she probably should have: a portfolio of longer than three years in public service; a background that denotes participation in mainstream America and a true demonstration of high regard for America and her institutions. That's not too much to ask.

We've got on both sides of the political fence hundreds, maybe a couple of thousand of young men and women who are capable of becoming president. Why would the Democrats choose this poseur? I'll be glad when we solve that mystery.

Too bad. Once again, because of style and wanting to sell us something that's not there, the Democrats blew it.

Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Texas

As Senator Clinton clicked these states off last night in her speech, the goose flesh on my arms stood straight up and I realized this woman is headed not just for the nomination but probably for the White House if we Republicans don't get started on our own message.

Thanks for the read.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mission accomplished, Barack? Hill sniffs blood in WV.

They all know that something is about to happen. Super Delegates still sit on their hands

Feinstein knows something's up. Understanding the stakes, the Senator had coffee with the Hillster to determine if there's an October surprise, which she prays to God there is come May or June because she knows darn well Obama hasn't got a prayer in November and she doesn't want to do this the hard way.

God knows Dianne would rather be home with her puppies up listening to Chris Matthews get all happy and excited about patriotic liberals like JFK and guys like that. How she hates this dissension. All she wants to do sit down and be still for a while. These people. Where is Hillary, anyway?

The drumbeat against Obama's inevitability will begin soon. Small things. Everyone will run for cover then when the surprise hits, everyone will say, "Gee, who knew?"

I love politics. They're so real.

Why should Hillary Clinton drop out?
But the rank and file Dems who support Obama, the ones who don't know any better and aren't in the loop want Hillary to quit. There are still five or six states left and two others that won't be counted! If I were a Florida or Michigan Democrat I believe I'd find a way to sue.

Isn't this just typical of Democrats? They want her to leave the fight before it's even over. Sound familiar? Put their donkey logo next to the word "surrender" in the dictionary. Eee aww.

Like if they don't get their man in right now, they'll miss their chance. Why don't they let this race play out?

What has driven this (ahem) elephant-in-the-room mentality? I've watched most networks, including the public ones and they all seem to shy away from race and whisper it as if it's a dirty word...until just lately. It's really neurotic. For such open and liberal minded folks, they sure are reticent and shy, especially the usual suspects at MSNBC. CNN has been right out there, however. Fox is stepping up a bit, little by little.

The R word

If Obama is the person he claims to be this is an ideal time to talk openly about race--not after he's in the White House, after he's said for nearly two years he's never even given reparations and special empowerment to blacks a thought, or he never saw Reverend Wright in his life and Bill Ayres is a Chicago Bulls basketball player, isn't he, and then pull some big switcheroo with a Democratic controlled congress? Quick and dirty, but it would take care of a lot of the problems the Democrats think they have.

Bring up the truth about America and slavery again. That's what your new politics should be about. Why do just half truths? Let's get into the whole, dirty business. How can we get past something if we don't talk about it? Don't they tell us we have to recognize our problems to fix them?

Well, I don't see a whole lot of white guys running around patting black guys on the back saying, "God, I'm just real sorry what my kin did to you back 150 years ago..." or "...that Jim Crow thing sucked...what can I do as a white man to help you through it?"

Nor do I see black guys responding to the white guy by saying "Man. You know, you white folks sure were wrong, but sh+t happens. Hey, Man. I forgive ya."

That's the race talk we could be having, I suppose, backed up with lots of money.

The real R word? Reality.
Obama cannot win the national election. He is unelectable. Why? Because no one knows who he is. It's not like he's Condi Rice, Vernon Jordan, Colin Powell. What America will find out by November is he's a two-bit, Richard M. Daley Chicago Machine-spawned hack run by a bunch of hard ass pols. Once we do get to know this "organizer' (I've never known anything good that comes out of the word "organizer"), we'll see how far left this guy really is.

America is not a socialist country--we don't swing left; we swing center. Everyone is kidding everyone else because of the race issue. Perhaps it's the Bradley Effect compounded with other issues that we're not familiar with yet. This is all new.

Of course, it needn't to have been this way if we all just acted like Americans instead of hypenated people.

That was last week
Today is election day in West Virginia. The Obama people have had their week in the hard working white communities of the coal producing hoots and hollers of the state that gave us Senator Robert Byrd, the ex-KKK member, the so called "Conscience of the Senate."

A reported response to phone polling was "Hang the darkey from the closest tree," when asked what the caller thought of Senator Obama. Numerous such answers were said to trouble the out-of-town professionals who were part of the Obama campaign, according to a NY Times article this morning (find it on Drudge).

I feel compelled to add, however, that these hard working white West Virginian Democrats have shown tremendous social growth when a Hokey can now bring himself to refer to his African-American neighbor in the more politically correct form of "darkey."

This election is the result of a long, long laboratory experiment gone bad.

I've said and have written that the Democrats are reaping what they've sown for the past forty or fifty years in their insistence upon grouping and regrouping and subdividing of human beings in every aspect of life. Now they have one faction against a faction, sub against sub, who can no longer even communicate with basic human language: words that are simple and used in context like white, black, hard working. It's seems awfully hard to me.

Democrats. Look at yourselves. You can't even talk to each other without fear of offending one another. That's not real. And that's what you've always said you wanted. Your kids must be confused.

Thanks for the read.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Obama attacks: "...McCain is losing his bearings..."

John McCain's campaign responded to Obama "... he used the words intentionally, not a particularly clever way of raising...the age issue. This is typical of the Obama style of campaigning."

Obama then distorts

Obama's camp calls the response from McCain "a bizarre rant." That's a strange choice of words (like the crazy uncle in the attic?).

Euphemistically speaking, we will be looking up lots and lots of synonyms in the Thesaurus this summer, I'm sure. Shall we begin with old, decrepit, elderly, ancient, broken down, passe?

I've deleted a few of my own for the Obama crowd but they're not nearly as nice; nor are they euphemisms.

Obama then distracts
"It's clear that John McCain's campaign is saying this to distract people from the fact that he's just like George Bush and will carry on the same terrible policies as... (paraphrased)" Then ...

Obama attacks again

"...but it's not the kind of campaign John McCain has promised the American people that he would run, which is so sad." I know the Senator and his people are simply sick with disappointment.

Let me get this straight, Senator Obama
I want to get your rules right this time. You and your "new" politics folks can call your opponent crazy and "off" because you're a person of color, right? You pick a fight with your opponent just like you've done twice now with John McCain, one which we must not, cannot leave alone like this age issue, because God knows the press won't look at it.

That so-called Fourth Estate of ours will just let whatever you say ride and your message that McCain's crazy and old will fly like a banner over Doheny Beach on the Fourth of July. Kinda like the staying in 100-year thing in Iraq. You got a lot mileage out of that one.

Yet if we defend Mr. McCain and call your campaign on it, you pull the-little-people-are-on-my side-thing and accuse us of going negative and then we get browbeaten by your thought police thugs. That anyone even challenges you on your policy differences is to be considered negative campaigning.

You basically said so in your NC speech a couple of times when you talked about the Middle East. It was almost like what you accused President Bush of saying to the rogue states who support terrorists: "You're either for us or against us."

Only you are saying that to me--your countryman--not to terrorists!

I don't like that, Barack. That gives me the willies and makes me wonder what's next if I don't do what you want me to do or say. Aren't you supposed to be the one I heard talking about bi-partisanship? Stop calling McCain an old guy and move on to the issues. If he drops dead, so what? What's it to you? It's real simple.

The American people had better wake up. Something smells here and the media's noses are stuffed up.

Thanks for the read.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

You're against progress if you ask about my background, according to Obama

Obama lets Americans know that to ask questions about his past is standing in the way of America's progress and he won't put up with it. He issued this warning to his "opposition," whoever we might be. Fill in the blank; it might be the press, the Clintons, the Republicans, the man on the street after Obama's in office? After all, this is the new politics.

Will Barack then go deaf and mute if we can't ask about him? He might as well because so far he has yet to talk about any action, detailed items on his expansive, change-we-can-believe-in agenda we've been hearing so much about for fifteen months. Nor have we heard about sources of revenue for those long terms programs.

Deny. Distort. Distract. Attack.
Obama's ridiculous speech last night in North Carolina put all of us on notice that if we attempt to bring up any unpleasantries about his associations, e.g., Wright, Ayres, it is simply politics of association and destruction. And he's mad as hell and won't put up with it anymore.

Let me see. Whose play book did this oft used campaign tactic come out off? It's an old Leftie ploy used by Democrats for years. The Clintons used it hundreds of times.

Well, I've now finished polishing my opinion of Obama
I gave it three months.

In my opinion he's a Jimmy Carter-style disaster, but worse. I have yet to hear him make one substantive position which doesn't sound like a redo of the last forty years window dressed in green and 21st century style protectionism.

I printed and reviewed a few foreign policy opinions from his website which are of course neophyte, suicidal positions. I can't think of anything worse than an Obama foreign policy or lack of.

I already know that his voting record is pretty far south of Hillary's on the Liberal Meter, so I don't have to ask about abortion and judges. What else is there?

I've already stated he doesn't take national security seriously enough for me to even consider him as a candidate.

No, it's more than his policy positions, which should be enough for me not to vote for him---not to mention the fact I'm a Republican. More importantly, it's how he takes criticism. In fact, his whole campaign staff simply cannot take any criticism from anyone. Yet they claim to appeal to all.

It's his smugness and arrogance that says to the rest of America who doesn't see things their way, his way, Michelle's way, "Now, finally, you don't matter. How's that feel?"

It feels an awful lot like payback, Barack.

BTW, Barack, that kind of "don't ask don't tell" treatment you seem to require from everyone who speaks to you is relatively new in our Fourth Estate and our free and open society. Thank God some of America's journalists are still doing their jobs.

I don't like this man and I don't like the gang behind him. Neither does Hillary.

Thanks for the read.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hillary: Watch her roar!

My lion metaphor may take her all the way to the nomination.

Hillary's hair's been recently tipped into a subtle blond mane. In Indy tonight, she's wearing clothes that suggests she's on the hunt: a jungle green pant suit, a scarf wrapped around her neck to look like a lioness's ruff. Green and gold, black and brown. A little red. Those are her power colors these days. Her coloring fits the role.

Meanwhile, Bill even used my exhortation to "watch her roar" as he continues to stump to get the old girl what he promised her so many years ago.

Thanks for the read.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Tina Fey made the point: "Bitch is the new black, People!"


Dear Republican Men who art in charge, we're going to lose to Hillary Clinton if you don't figure this age thing (John's) out and find a running mate who can trump her. That is, if she gets the nomination. She's very appealing to older women voters. Most of my readers know I believe she will probably be the nominee.

In response to either her or Senator Obama's possible nomination, let me make a suggestion for the running mate spot with Senator McCain: It sure would be a nice touch if you could talk a woman named Condi or a man named Colin into stepping up.

No southern white men this time. Zero, none. Nada. Zilch. No men. Stop already with the white men. Enough. Don't you get it yet?

And it's not personal, just practical. There is an entire nation of people of color who feel they have no other choice than some neosocialist Democrat who claims to want to represent them as their savior. He uses his poorness mentality--special interests (while is supported by those), his boom box, outdoor voice, talks down to everyone and throws a bunch of hokum at people about how the man is killing them and keeping them down rather than explaining what the true America is all about. Such talk sickens me because it is untrue and silly.

For instance, at a rally, signs in the crowd and on the front of his dais from which he spouts his down-uptalk that reads "Reclaiming America" insult me and should everyone else who is American. "Reclaiming?" From who? Who took America?

Can I not walk down the street freely? Where are the armed guards that prevent me from doing so? Am I not still free to get a job? Is it not possible for me to set up my own business? I don't understand. Do my children not have the freedom to attend private schools? Can I attend the church of my choice and pray in public? Reclaim America from what? What the heck is he talking about? Reclaim America?

See what I mean about hokum? That phrase means about as much as his "Change we can believe in." That doesn't mean anything.

Back to me beating up on my party: You Republican guys and I have been through this drill many, many times before. The most recent fray we had, of course was in 2000 with the McCain Bush thing. And before that when the Senate Election Committee decided not to send serious money to California to fight for our Senate seats out here. You just gave up!

As a result I've been unrepresented as a Republican and it's ticked me off ever since and nationally we don't have California, now, do we? What Republican men missed was that Latinos are natural Republicans. You just missed it completely. As usual. Your tin ear got got you tossed out on it again before you even got a chance.

So, because you didn't know your electorate, as you obviously don't quite know urban blacks now, you just let her go, cut her loose like a old beat up piece of bait off a fishing boat. That's when the Boxer-Feinstein duo got entrenched. Since both Senators are from the bay area of North California I feel doubly misrepresented. Thanks a lot for that, by the way.

I'll admit some of what Republicans have to fight is a media hell bent on destroying our best intentions toward the communities in which we're trying to make a difference. I've been on both sides so I know that it works both ways. Much of what we get is quite deserved.

This self-righteous behavior of the GOP has to stop, especially since some of our more indiscreet members who can't seem to handle themselves in public have shown. In other words, boys, come off it. The last few years have been a disaster for us because of your scandals (I didn't see any Republican women in sexcapades) and the old boys BS. It has to stop.

Moreover, I don't care to hear about how the press would have treat a Democrat in the same situation. It doesn't matter to me anymore. Save that argument for a cocktail party. Okay? Don't use it again in a interview. Please. It's insulting to every woman in the audience. And it really doesn't matter. It's been established that the media is slanted left. To say it again is boring.

There's another public spectacle that needs to be talked about which is asking one's wife to stand beside her husband as Spitzer and Craig, Vetter (?) did during their news conferences. If you allow that again as peers, I'll just give up on civilized behavior. That was outrageous public behavior and as gentlemen and peers it warranted public comment by all of you. I felt terrible for those women. As their husbands colleagues you owed them some respect by standing up to those men and that behavior. Anything goes? I don't think it should in Congress.

As I've said, Mr. Republican Men, we've had this discussion many, many times. Maybe this time you'll listen to me for a change about how to get elected and stay elected.

But then I'm just a dumb woman who represents millions and millions and millions of women who have the ability to reason and--ahem--vote.

(eyebrow arched, smiling, waiting for an answer, but knowing the answer will be some white governor of a southern state--how much you wanna bet--some things never change)

Thanks for the read anyway.