Friday, May 23, 2008

Hillary's RFK assassination slip was...well, Freudian and tone deaf

Mrs. Clinton was attempting to demonstrate to a newspaper editorial board that June it is too early to end the nomination process. She observes in her trial lawyer way:

The RFK assassination in June of 1968, for instance, is a good example of how things change and a new candidate would be needed.

Tone deaf Hillary at it again. That part of her pops up every now and again. Poor dear.

It's a shame that Mrs. Clinton couldn't contain herself. I wonder if her opposition will allow her to live this one down now no matter what happens. It may finish her campaign unless there's the deus ex machina.

This should be something.

BTW, do you think Democrats ever talk about unpleasant things with each other like life insurance and death? Just wondering. They all seem so touchy.


Thanks for the read.

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