Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Obama to hard working whites: It's because I'm black, isn't it?

Although officially the Obama camp has not used race as an official reason for his dramatic recent losses most of his unofficial people, especially black supporters are saying otherwise. As the national numbers accumulate, it is evident that Mr. Obama has a problem with electability. However, his supporters will misinterpret the results. They will jump to the conclusion that these are mostly racist votes and events will develop from there.

They would be wrong to jump that shark
No, Barack. It's not because you're black. It's because you and Michelle come off as insufferably rude and arrogant and people don't seem to like either of you. Maybe if they liked one of you...but both of you? What's up with that?

People don't like your staff or your surrogates either. They remind them of people who live in San Francisco and drink coffee with funny things in it. They don't like people who come into their towns and ask where the closest Starbucks is and then crack on them about not having one and then huff off in a rented car that costs more than they make in a year. It hurts their sense of self worth. They don't like how it makes them feel about their towns and where they live.

And naturally, it is that arrogance, by definition that keeps all of you from acknowledging this and so you reinforce each other's behavior.

Darn that vicious circle. It happens in all YOUNG political circles. That is one of the reasons we can't let you run the country.

Evita Mode
I watched coverage last evening as Hillary Clinton moved from playing the hungry lioness in jungle green to regal Evita in yummy watermelon when she happily and gracefully accepted what she fought so hard for--the prize of West Virginia in a place that looked like a union hall--a people's place where you get a coffee with cream and sugar--Equal if they got it.

Call it what you want, Barack. Old politics, whatever. She stooped down, did it and she did it well. She didn't curl up her nose, Barack. Obviously, she is happy to have West Virginia's people behind her today and she'll never forget them.

Bill didn't. And they didn't forget Bill.

They can't handle the truth
Barack Obama's surrogates sat at the desks of their interviewers steaming, pointing out that these people and their votes didn't count for much--Obama would make up for it in other "more important" states--(good start) that people just don't understand the new math, new maps, on and on.

One of the younger ones on CNN (Tanya Someone who supports Obama and the woman who represents Huffington's Blog) even laughed out loud at Lannie Davis when he mentioned the George McGovern debacle the Democrats had experienced in the 70s. Patting him on the head?

Neither of those young women were around at the time. I was, of course. But then, I was at the Spanish Inquisition. The Huffington editor was younger than my oldest work suit and Tanya was inconceivable. Ed Schulz, someone nobody's ever, ever heard of until two months ago when CNN ran a want ad, let out a chortle or two. Lannie did what everyone does with twits--gave up.

Caught up in the moment and the zeal gets them crazy. That's why the Democrats invented Super Delegates: because of people like them. Democrats treat people like children, remember.

Maybe they need to try tough love next time.

Just the facts
Let's get the facts straight. Out of the 41% difference, approximately one of every five of those votes was considered an outright racist, anti-black vote. That leaves a huge number of people who might have voted for Mr. Obama had he been a nice guy or if Hillary hadn't been around. Swing.

Kentucky, a Dem state, will be another blowout for Hillary. She'll not take it for granted out of respect for the people of Kentucky. But I betcha Obama won't even try, just like he didn't in the other swing states. That tells you what he really thinks of people. Psychologically that translates, especially post West Virginia.

Mrs. Clinton may not think very much of people either deep down, but she's learned how to do it right and show up anyway. If you're president, you gotta do it right and show up anyway.

Mrs. Clinton's speech last night to the Super Delegates was an astounding presentation of leadership. If the Super Delegates fail to acknowledge the reality of her continuing success as well as her outstanding abilities that far outweigh any individual on the world stage in the Democratic Party, then one can only conclude the Democratic Party has become a permanent party of fools.

It's the personality, Stupid
Put up person of color people truly relate to and we'd see a stampede of white working class folks to the polls to vote for him/her--but don't go pulling the race card on people. Hard working Americans of all colors don't like that.

Obama talks about post race, but his problem is he's gone posted onto the moon. Most American's aren't sophisticates. We relate to guys like Bill Cosby, Dennis Haysbert, Colin Powell not hoity toity guys with wives who'd like to tear ours heads off and talk down to us.

While we're at it, there are a few other things he or she probably should have: a portfolio of longer than three years in public service; a background that denotes participation in mainstream America and a true demonstration of high regard for America and her institutions. That's not too much to ask.

We've got on both sides of the political fence hundreds, maybe a couple of thousand of young men and women who are capable of becoming president. Why would the Democrats choose this poseur? I'll be glad when we solve that mystery.

Too bad. Once again, because of style and wanting to sell us something that's not there, the Democrats blew it.

Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Texas

As Senator Clinton clicked these states off last night in her speech, the goose flesh on my arms stood straight up and I realized this woman is headed not just for the nomination but probably for the White House if we Republicans don't get started on our own message.

Thanks for the read.

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