Dear Republican Men who art in charge, we're going to lose to Hillary Clinton if you don't figure this age thing (John's) out and find a running mate who can trump her. That is, if she gets the nomination. She's very appealing to older women voters. Most of my readers know I believe she will probably be the nominee.
In response to either her or Senator Obama's possible nomination, let me make a suggestion for the running mate spot with Senator McCain: It sure would be a nice touch if you could talk a woman named Condi or a man named Colin into stepping up.
No southern white men this time. Zero, none. Nada. Zilch. No men. Stop already with the white men. Enough. Don't you get it yet?
And it's not personal, just practical. There is an entire nation of people of color who feel they have no other choice than some neosocialist Democrat who claims to want to represent them as their savior. He uses his poorness mentality--special interests (while is supported by those), his boom box, outdoor voice, talks down to everyone and throws a bunch of hokum at people about how the man is killing them and keeping them down rather than explaining what the true America is all about. Such talk sickens me because it is untrue and silly.
For instance, at a rally, signs in the crowd and on the front of his dais from which he spouts his down-uptalk that reads "Reclaiming America" insult me and should everyone else who is American. "Reclaiming?" From who? Who took America?
Can I not walk down the street freely? Where are the armed guards that prevent me from doing so? Am I not still free to get a job? Is it not possible for me to set up my own business? I don't understand. Do my children not have the freedom to attend private schools? Can I attend the church of my choice and pray in public? Reclaim America from what? What the heck is he talking about? Reclaim America?
See what I mean about hokum? That phrase means about as much as his "Change we can believe in." That doesn't mean anything.
Back to me beating up on my party: You Republican guys and I have been through this drill many, many times before. The most recent fray we had, of course was in 2000 with the McCain Bush thing. And before that when the Senate Election Committee decided not to send serious money to California to fight for our Senate seats out here. You just gave up!
As a result I've been unrepresented as a Republican and it's ticked me off ever since and nationally we don't have California, now, do we? What Republican men missed was that Latinos are natural Republicans. You just missed it completely. As usual. Your tin ear got got you tossed out on it again before you even got a chance.
So, because you didn't know your electorate, as you obviously don't quite know urban blacks now, you just let her go, cut her loose like a old beat up piece of bait off a fishing boat. That's when the Boxer-Feinstein duo got entrenched. Since both Senators are from the bay area of North California I feel doubly misrepresented. Thanks a lot for that, by the way.
I'll admit some of what Republicans have to fight is a media hell bent on destroying our best intentions toward the communities in which we're trying to make a difference. I've been on both sides so I know that it works both ways. Much of what we get is quite deserved.
This self-righteous behavior of the GOP has to stop, especially since some of our more indiscreet members who can't seem to handle themselves in public have shown. In other words, boys, come off it. The last few years have been a disaster for us because of your scandals (I didn't see any Republican women in sexcapades) and the old boys BS. It has to stop.
Moreover, I don't care to hear about how the press would have treat a Democrat in the same situation. It doesn't matter to me anymore. Save that argument for a cocktail party. Okay? Don't use it again in a interview. Please. It's insulting to every woman in the audience. And it really doesn't matter. It's been established that the media is slanted left. To say it again is boring.
There's another public spectacle that needs to be talked about which is asking one's wife to stand beside her husband as Spitzer and Craig, Vetter (?) did during their news conferences. If you allow that again as peers, I'll just give up on civilized behavior. That was outrageous public behavior and as gentlemen and peers it warranted public comment by all of you. I felt terrible for those women. As their husbands colleagues you owed them some respect by standing up to those men and that behavior. Anything goes? I don't think it should in Congress.
As I've said, Mr. Republican Men, we've had this discussion many, many times. Maybe this time you'll listen to me for a change about how to get elected and stay elected.
But then I'm just a dumb woman who represents millions and millions and millions of women who have the ability to reason and--ahem--vote.
(eyebrow arched, smiling, waiting for an answer, but knowing the answer will be some white governor of a southern state--how much you wanna bet--some things never change)
Thanks for the read anyway.
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