Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Love or hate her. Hillary is the woman I've been talking about.

I've forgiven her for being a horrible person while she was in the White House.

I've forgiven her for being a leftist and acting like one.

I've forgiven her for being stupid and acting like it.

Why? After disliking her so much, especially since she was so hypocritical in her feminist stance, how could I possibly feel this way?

How was she to know that one bad husband will ruin your life every damned time? And to think. I've had how many husb...never mind.

Look how she's recovered! Not that she could ever be president, you understand, but I do want her to have the nomination anyway. She's one tough broad and I admire her.

I used to think someone like her wouldn't do what I did to raise my kids with $300 a month child support and being underemployed as a secretary. Or deign to clean someone's else toilets when I needed money so badly that I worked at my boss's offices as a janitor at night...I'd ask myself, would she ever do something like that?

Well. I think I have my answer. She got down and dirty in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Texas, Kentucky. Think it's glamorous? It's not. It's hard work and hard as cleaning toilets. At least once the toilet's clean, you're done for a while.

After some of what people have said about her, myself included, I would have been in the middle of the floor in a puddle by now. I don't know how a person can take so much ridicule. She could handle Ahmadinejad nicely if she had the right Thatchership behind her.

It's my opinion that once people get into the stratospherics of power there are choices presented to them which gives them do overs. Because they are no longer living for themselves and their lives have much more meaning, their decisions become more important, they must work for a greater good, they get do overs, Mulligans, I guess. It's like God says to them, "Okay, I gave you this brain, this experience, this humiliation, these gifts and these escapes, now make use of all of them."

She may be at that point. Nixon didn't use them. Kennedy sort of did, except he put the American people at risk every time he made himself vulnerable to blackmail. Reagan certainly did by learning from his own failures. FDR did. Clinton was too flawed, evidently to learn while in office. Maybe he has. Bush Elder never had the imagination to be in trouble. Bush Younger is inscrutable. Eisenhower may have had the demon of leadership so early that he never gave the obligation a second thought. McCain is of that ilk. A natural leader.

I'm giving credit where credit is due. She is a worthy adversary as opposed to the alternative and I'm proud of her for getting back up and fighting like when the old boys, especially the ones who were promised her from Bill for the presidency, when they turned on her for Barack...

She'd make a hell of an MOR Republican, if only we could tone down that leftie tendency she has.

Oh, relax you men. I think you've had your chance. It seems to me your way hasn't worked very well from a PR and image POV. And considering that's what wins elections...but, keep talking to each other into 2012. It's okay. You were in good company.

Meanwhile, Andrea's predictions become a little more understandable these days, do they not?

Ah, ye of little faith. When will you learn to trust me?

My Thatchership of the Year Award
BTW, I've investigated returning to the Federation of Republican Women. I'll report to you if they have stopped being the old boys' girls. More later. It's time to urge women in our party to take on some national offices.

I got a mailer from Mary Bono Mack. Remember her? She was Sonny Bono's widow. I like her a lot. You have to admire a woman like this. Not every blond waitress marries people like OJ and ends up dead.

She took over Sonny's seat. She's kept a good Republican agenda, has a good head on her shoulders. She has a great instinct for what's right, she's maintained her reputation, done the right thing in tough California-style issues. She sure married well (Connie Mack). She's now been in congress since 1989. I'd like to see her move up now that she's getting older.

Other Republican women such as Ann Northrup in Kentucky deserves national attention. If she can get out from under Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning.

I urge every women who is interested in moderate politics to become involved in Republican issues. That's where it's at. We're not into ripping up established abortion law at the moment although most of us are pro life, nor are we into condoning partial birth abortion which is a terrible, terrible thing and should not be allowed.

Maybe I'll start a group.

To be clear, Hillary Clinton voted against the BAN on partial birth abortion. Just to set the record straight. I will never vote for her as long as she support the ban on partial birth abortion.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have a HUUUUGGE problem tonight. After all, we all remember when Ike said he was within reach of victory in Europe.

Thanks for the read.

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