I think "hot" words are thrown around too easily by people who really don't know what they mean, especially people who shouldn't be using them.
For instance, I'll bet many people don't even know what xenophobia actually means. Correctly used it describes an irrational fear of foreigners.
So when Obama called our swing staters xenophobes, was he slipping, Freudian-wise? I'm just sayin...what with the birth certificate thing and all.
Relax, folks; it's a joke.
Then there's the word racist--one who practices discrimination or antagonism towards other races. That word's tossed around like a gamecock. What is a gamecock, anyway? (It's a male game bird, not a thing that flies over a badminton net, like I first thought. That's a, a...poppycock. No, that's foolish talk or a popular snack.)
And now for my personal favorite, the politically correct, irrationally coined noun racism: (how this reconciles intellectually with science and anthropology I'll never know; but we do live in the land of Lewis Carroll): the belief that there are characteristics, abilities or qualities specific to each race.
I was taken to the mat on that one by my ex-friends (I have many, hard as it is to believe) whose contentious and obnoxious nature argued such things, e.g., taking exception to the sun rising in the east. He refused to exhibit any sophistication as it related to DNA and tendencies to genotypes. It made me laugh to watch this idiotic liberal make his PC point to protect his ideology. Of course, his SOP was to attack me personally when he was losing his political point, which was all the time.
Words. Just words.
Mulatto. It's the new N word. Watch out. Don't use it. I found that out when I read an article in the Washington Post online magazine by a M word person who suddenly is self consciously--get ready--taupe! So he and the rest of the taupe people in this world have declared that in addition to Obama being the patron saint of taupe, there will be no more M word usage. Then he ranted militantly about Sally Hemmings and leaving her door unlocked for the president.
Exhausting, isn't it?
By the way, do you know or care what a Mulatto is? After all, that's all we've ever heard in this culture, Mulatto this, Mulatto that. A girl from Kansas hears Mulatto, oh probably ten times every one-thousand years or so.
Obama is a Mulatto, a black person's and a white person's offspring. But you can't say that anymore. It's on the Do Not Touch List in Obama's Do Not Touch Book.
Reminder to self: write a note to Barack and tell him that the big fat race cards he just played 3x yesterday? Risky strategy. They work with other Dems. Not with the opposition. And time for another memo to the minions to tell 'em to stop the payback thing, ala Ludacris--read Radio One Mayo's study on modern African-Americans. http://www.blackamericastudy.com/
Better lighten up in swing states with the race thing.
Update to memo: Barack, bad news about Bebe in Israel, huh? Your worst nightmare, kiddo, because he'll take Iran out before you can print up that meeting agenda with Khomeni or whatssiname.
Later update to memo: check with econ advisers on how to re-spin good econ news today about growth and lower unemployment rate...revise "economy in tank" remarks. Find other ways to scare people, etc. Read Clinton's class warfare playbook. Stick with old man remarks--they resonate with kids. You better hope and pray they sober up and vote.
Thanks for the read.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Don't be coy, Barack. "They'll say I've got a funny name"?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
California earthquakes make me nerve-e-ous. I needed leadership.
I'm not only a crack reporter waiting for an imaginary press pass to cover the imaginary come back by Hillary Clinton at the Denver convention, I'm also a seamstress. More on that later...
I was just inserting the needle into the corner of my California patio pillow when the quake began. I jumped up, grabbed it and looked around then wondered what to do.
Yes, your intrepid twit, panicked. I panicked.
I can't believe that I--so strong, so able, so advanced and evolved--who actually once saved another person's life (well, I pulled the table away so the guy could give my friend the Heimlich)--panicked.
How many years had it been since I had ever asked what to do? I was amazed at my fear. How long ago? At least since the night on a 32-foot boat in the middle of the south Pacific in the middle of a 60-knot gale at night, when we had big foresail up--and I had to take the helm of the boat. Somehow we had to get that sail down.
I was so scared. I gasped at the skipper as I struggled to pull the yellow all-weather gear over my sweaty body, "I don't know what to do." I hated how the rubber felt on my salt rubbed skin.
"Head her into the wind," he called back as he raced up the companionway. Easy for him to scream, I thought.
When I finally hooked myself to the boat, I took control of the helm. I stared at the sail in awe of the force of the wind. It looked like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon. We were heeled over port about...eh...39? degrees? Not sure...the keel wasn't out of the water--yet--the very event we trying to avoid. That was the good news. It's a blur sometimes when I think back.
Which way was the wind? Where was the wind, for God's sake? I do remember wondering that. In a storm so raging it's sometimes hard to figure where the wind comes from.
The skipper hung with his mate, their harnesses hitched to the boat like my own so they wouldn't get thrown overboard and he pointed starboard. I turned the wheel and turned and turned and turned and finally the sails luffed. I could barely see through the rain and wind.
"Hold her there." Did he say hold her there? I could barely hear him and could only pray what I heard was correct. Hold her?
I watched the compass and watched the wind, hoping I was "holding her there." Was I?
I thought it took every muscle and everything I had to keep her headed into that 6o-knot wind, but somehow we all did it. The sail came down and we were safe. But it was really easier than it seemed, I'm sure. The romanticism of it was must be greater than the actual deed itself. I don't talk about it much. But it does bring to mind tonight the importance of trust and leadership.
Once the sail came down, the skipper took over and my responsibility was over.
I just needed to know what to do. Instruction. That's all we need I guess. Leadership.
Today? In the earthquake, I thought the house was going to fall on me. Our ceilings are 20 feet. The two-story stairs were before me and my husband was up in his office.
I screamed the same darned thing I did 30 years ago, "I don't know what to do!"
My husband came down immediately and asked me why was I so afraid, you know what to do. That's not like you.
I told him Lucy Jones from Cal Tech said not to get in door jambs anymore, the LA Times article said so, last week. (At least I'm respectful of science.)
No, he said, after he calmed me, that's stupid. Look at this strength, as he pounds on the door jambs.
I looked. He was right. It is the strongest place in the house!
So is the place under the stairs. It's the strongest place in the house!
I hate the media. It's my fault. I should have checked it out myself.
I finished those fab pillows and am still waiting for the press pass into the Clinton pacs or some fab media group for Denver.
Oh. And the pillows? They really are California pillows. They're a screen print of a stylized map of Southern California featuring our favorite places ala the famous New Yorker Manhattan cover but using Santa Monica, Laguna, Riverside, Temecula, Orange County, San Diego. It's perfect for California dreaming and remembering! I have to laugh considering our temblors today.
It shows us, among other things, that there are lots of things that are not under our control.
Thanks for the read.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Announce Condi or Rudi for Veep today. This ain't brain surgery, Boys.
Enough. Obviously the McCain people are clueless.
Here's what they need to do to win.
First hire the best PR/Election firm in the world. Whatever or whoever they're using? It's not working. Just like the first five years of Iraq...not working. Just like Katrina...not working. Just like the other things that people kept saying were pissing them off (uncontrolled bureaucracy, Larry Craig staying in office--of course, that takes clean hands, unengaged leadership, out of control spending, now Ted Stevens)...not working!
This is our problem, people: the Republican TIN EAR.
And it's by golly happening again. And I can't seem to stop it, no matter how many times I jump up and down, take my clothes off, yell obscenities, put my clothes back on, throw things, send money, take away money, nothing works, nothing.
- Get Condi Rice or Rudi (unless they've been waiting for the war to wind down to make this announcement so Condi looks good? Yeah, right. Way to keep the faithful crazy.)
- Woo the legal Latino vote by giving them security and reinstill family reasons to become Republicans.
- Get our act together on homeland security, in other words, destroy Obama using his obvious weakness and vulnerability.
- Go for all out drilling on and offshore.
Jeez. What do you people need--a barn to fall on ya?
And no, I will not take my clothes off again.
Thanks for the read.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Old Lion , Bill Clinton, places a call to his pride
On speaker phone:
Uh, Hillary...hello, Darlin!
Hi, Bill. Is it really you?!
Yep. Is Chelsea there?
I sure am, Daddy. Right here.
Are you laughin yet, Bill? We're about to pee our pants here!
*riotous laughter in the background on both ends of the phone*
Are you kiddin' me?
*more riotous laughter*
We can't stop,Daddy. I wish we'd known how dumb he really is earlier! We could've taken him out!
Did you like how he acted in front of the Israelis? Bebe called and said he was an total dumbass. You know Bebe!
*Hillary lets loose with her crazy laugh*
"We're sorry we water board people. Gollll-ly, we're just dumb Americans trying to save your butts."
Or. Or, then in Berlin. "You Europeans are sure smart takin' down this wall and all. United they stand. DUHHH."
*they can't get enough*
Can't wait to see that little twerp squirm...like he's been elected already...never seen anything like it.
*throat clearing*
It ain't right, Hill. 'Least Jesse came back.
Chelsea, Honey, you okay?
Yeah, I'm always good...fine, Dad.
Okay,Sweetie. I luv you. Well, you know to call when you need...Hey, honey, I got this beautiful little gold bracelet for ya next time I see ya, I'll give it...
I always do, Dad. Love ya.
Hey, Bill.
Tell Jesse thanks for bringin' our people back home.
You still think this thing is do-able?
It's a done deal, Baby. I mean, Madame President.
I knew you'd come through.
Thanks, Bill.
You always were the king of the lions.
Night, Hilliry.
Bill winces when he presses the off button.
The Old Lion licks that hurt place on his paw which is very close to being completely healed over, but not quite.
He figures he'll be needing it for the perimeter fights he has ahead of him this August.
Strangely he's no longer as concerned about the young lion.
He silently prays for forgiveness of his many, many sins and then for the stamina and energy to do what he needs for Hillary, for Chelsea, for his country--and for this funny little coalition he's built the last six or so weeks to just hold.
Just hold.Please God, just hold.
We live in fascinating times. Watch as these two people change history. But what do I know? I'm just a little girl from Kansas.
Thanks for the read.
You silly Europeans. Stop insulting me already.
Regarding Obama's trip to London:
Michelle Henery, reporter for Times of London, gushed with another black reporter on Fox News this morning that Europeans and the English could "...finally feel really, really good about themselves again..." after the past eight years of George Bush.
Excuse me? She had insulted an entire nation and didn't even realize it. Her arrogance and her youth had precluded any reality or judgment from seeping through that vast ego of hers down to whatever cortex she might happen to have inherited.
I want to scream at the arrogance of the media today. And so, with that said, I will continue my own blogosphere callout at those like Michelle Henery, Andrea Mitchell and all of them who pretend to send me their news.
Would Ms. Henery rather feel dead after the last eight years of terrorism caused by the unchecked build up of al Qaeda in the Middle East?
Would she like to experience a fear that she surely would have had to endure after eight years of unchecked corruption caused by her pals Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder who basically kept the barbarous Saddam Hussein in business? Oh yes, unchecked corruption which brings more terrorism. Bush stopped that.
Would Michelle like to live in the land of unchecked nukes that would have come from not only Iran but from North Korea because of the business dealings from France and Germany, and those peaceful really, really "eastern" Europeans, the Russians? Iran's real close, you know, and oil's king. Bush stopped that.
After all, remember, the reason France and Germany weren't coalition supporters wasn't ideological; it was pure economics--and cover up for bad deeds. Good old Jacques and Gerhard had been breaking the rules for years with Saddam and thumbing their noses at the rest of the world. Their reason for not invading Iraq and allowing Saddam's reign of terror to continue was pure D money and personal aggrandizement and greed.
The French weren't fazed by their graft. Kiss our frog behinds and while you're at it, stay away, Americans; we've always thought you were tacky.
Thank God for Tony Blair, by the way, the only Brit since Margaret Thatcher who has a conscience plus the courage of a lion. He's paid for it in an existential way, but he will be seen favorably in history for what he's done, as will George Bush.
So, preach to me, dear old Europe about unity and peace at your own risk. However, since half of Europe's populations now seem to be Muslim and as far from my own Judeo-Christian value system, I can't imagine we'd have much to talk about anyway these days, Sharia Law being what it is.
I'm getting--to use the words I heard this morning--really, really tired of little girls and boys barely past puberty preaching to me about good times and good feelings while the rest of us grown ups looks like horse's rear ends for keeping theirs safe.
I'm almost as tired of watching the Prince make gaffe after gaffe and not be called on them by anyone.
Go tend your hair and your make up, Michelle. And when you're a big girl, like Andrea Mitchell you can have your lips done like hers and be on NBC and ask the really, really tough questions. Of course, you'll be talking with a veil over your face, so it won't matter what your lips look like.
Silly Europeans. Don't insult me anymore.
Thanks for the read.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Katie? Kate? Follow through is everything, Sweetheart...Just do it, Baby!
I'm waiting...
on the west coast for your broadcast for your follow through on the Obama rhetoric...
Katie, I was disappointed that you didn't follow through last night. You should have. You looked like a shill. You didn't need to please the big boys. Please. If you don't follow thorough with the big questions tonight--in about ten minutes or so--I'll just give up on your fraction of The Fourth Estate.
I think you may have something there, Kate (ie). I'm self conscious. I don't know what to call you.
I honestly believe in that sexism thing, having lived through it most of my life. I'd like to try to make a difference. But I don't like having to convince women who make so much money--like you. I worked for women like you who were impatient with my problems and my needs. They considered me neurotic, I guess. And addictive.
I considered them spoiled. And addictive.
What a joke.
If we could've got together they would've hated me because I would've had their kids in bed at 7:30 every night. Sorry.
We definitely have our political differences but I'll be damned if I'll let some dumb guy come between right and wrong.
I'll check with all of my readership either later in the evening tonight or tomorrow after Katie's extremely tough interview with Senator Obama.
Will she do it? We'll see.
From what I saw last night I think Katie was just kidding around.
Thanks for the read.
Post Script post show: Kate reverted to Katie but I do give her credit for bucking the alphabet network mentality and asking one or two tough questions and keeping at it. Maybe she'll do it again and earn her "Kate" back.
Barack's minions in the Fourth Estate: the most dangerous part of all
A gentleman, very close to me, a 70s publisher of a high-budget liberal college daily (he was 20 at the time) and later the proud holder of golden handcuffs who was maybe headed to a major publishing job in one of the big dailies, left the industry because of people who run the major dailies...and those who wrote OpEds. They were crazier than pet coons.
But then, back then, he sort of was too. I'm glad he got over it. Once he made $500, as the joke goes, he became a Republican.
Today's media has evolved into a force of nature brought about by imagery and imagination reinforced by words. That is all there is to it. Add some music and you're off to a new reality. If it worked for Hitler; it'll work for you.
What makes them so craven, so callow, and unrealistic? Why would they come up with an idea that their own country, known for its goodness to them as well as to others, is such a horrid place? Because they've had to relinquish nothing. They've given up nothing. They have no stake in this country. Moreover, many of them are part of large group of people who are here for the very reason to disrupt things.
Look around you. We are not in a recession or a depression, yet we sound and act as if we are.
We have 98 percent of our homeowners still living in their homes, yet we are to think that we have millions upon millions, ala the Great Depression, living on the streets.
Because there are scads of press people and the world watches, Senator Obama has got away with saying that America tortures people. No one has called him on it. He says it as if he is an official representative of my country. How dare he. Yet the Fourth Estate, who is charged with protecting my democracy from reckless accusatory fascist speech, does nothing. We dare not for if we do our politically correct media will cast us as bigots. Fascists that they are.
We are told over and over that this war which many of us approved of was illegal. It has yet to have been shown that it is indeed illegal. And the press and media continue to allow spokespeople from different persuasions to perpetuate this lie. The fact is it is a legal war.
We must remember what The Fourth Estate by definition is meant to do: protect democracy, not to protect and or practice fascism tactics which has been and is on display before our very eyes--yesterday, today and tomorrow--until Prince Barack returns to the United States.
The whole world is seeing and some are even commenting on said disgraceful display. Following is an example of someone who still has critical thinking abilities.
Read it and weep (from laughing at all of the sycophants of whom will be written en masse decades later, "they were so corrupt they knew little of reality and others outside their realm.").
Then pray real hard that Rupert Murdoch and other freedom lovers like him don't die. Copy and paste.
Thanks for the read.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Obama skipped the troops in Germany. How odd.
Because the trip is paid for by campaign funds, Robert Gibbs, the spokesman for the Obama campaign claimed Obama didn't visit the troops as previously planned "out of respect for the men and women in the military."
What an odd thing to say. How is it in any way disrespectful to use campaign funds to visit our wounded troops? I don't follow the logic at all.
What I suspect Mr. Gibbs really meant to say is this: Senator Barack Obama did not visit the troops out of respect for the men and women who sent the campaign funds.
Doesn't that make much more sense, considering the Obama supporters and how they feel about the men and women in our military?
How I would've loved to have heard that phone call.
Thanks for the read.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Little Katie Couric is now Kate, thank you. Even Prince Obama calls her that.
Katie Couric deserves a big girl name after the way she grilled The Prince on his flip flopping over the success of the surge and his absolute inability to say he is wrong, a character flaw that is becoming more unattractive by the hour, by the way. The more the Americans see this intractability the more people say...eh, I'm not sure about a guy who can't say he's wrong.
His "elegance" I've heard mentioned--usually by other men--completely escapes me. In fact, as he bounds down the airliner steps, fists up, he looks like a Muhammad Ali fixing for a good donnybrook with the next man, woman or child who stands in his way. No, that's not elegance. The man is dancing to get out of the way.
I'm bothered that he will not put his arms at his side and walk like a gentleman. That's elegance. The bounce pisses me off.
The kid's been dancing all his life. He's a born salesman, as was his father and grandadday who could "sell the legs off a couch." That's what bouncers do: sell legs off of couches.
Meanwhile, Katie decided she wants her job. She already turned a few heads a couple of days ago when she mentioned she thought there was much more sexism than racism going on in our society; and then I thought she might be talking about the Democratic primaries.
It will be interesting to see if she'll follow through on her hard nosed questioning of Obama, especially as her ratings rise. That is, if her CBS management lets her.
She's probably an angry Clinton supporter. Maybe she could be the WH press secretary.
Go get him, Katie...er, Kate!
The only problem? Think about it.
Funny how life works. God sure does have a great sense of humor, doesn't she?
Thanks for the read.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The NY Times didn't "agree" with McCain editorial, so they didn't run it.
And the newspapers wonder why they're going out of business.
Such arrogance is one reason.
"...the other (Obama's) editorial worked for me..."and "...I would have accepted it (McCain's) if the timelines were the same..."
Those are basically the words of David Shipley, a DEPUTY editor of the NY Times to Senator McCain as to why "he" would not use the Senator's editorial which come from an email.
At the outset, the words, "worked for me," that overused Hollywood writers and directors term indicates the man thinks about style more than substance.
The point here is clear: he, Mr. Shipley, a man I can only presume by virtue of his title has no real demonstrated knowledge of military things, has taken it upon himself to demand an entire change in strategy to reflect and "mirror" those of the Democratic front runner for president. Oh, all right, let's assume he passed this by an editorial board.
But then, all of our young people who have really no reason to carry all this angst about things military because after all we do have a volunteer military, seem to have these marvelous ideas about strategies nonetheless, kinda like those games they play on their computers. That's makes them real men, you know.
It causes me to wonder if they really, deep down, wish they were called up. So they can be heroes too.
Grow up, Boys. Worked for me, indeed.
Thanks for the read.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
It's a regular Obama coup! Psst! You gotta get elected first, Barack.
How'd you like the last post? Not a lot? Me either.
You shoulda' been on this side, writing it! It was pretty uncomfortable.
Did I have you goin?
Interesting, isn't it, how lightening-fast news travels across the world? Nanoseconds.
Why, in a matter of seconds, a green kid from Hawaii who hadn't so much as visited the business end of a military rifle was already talking to a bunch soldiers in Afghanistan--on a basketball court--while some tin-horn Shite like al-Maliki was "communicating" with said kid through his "Internet" feelers about when they were going to "move" troops out of country.
Yah, and withdraw after John Wayne came in and figured it all out years before they even showed up. The hard sh*t has been done, Dudes.
Naturally the troops love the guy. I suppose. Charisma. WHATever.
Yep, they love him. What's not to love? He's what they'd like to be. Out of the service and free, I guess, after what the congress does to repay them, that's how they feel.
Why do I always feel like the bad guy?
I may as well come clean and tell you why I don't like idol worship. Because of guys like this.
Tin horns are all alike, aren't they? Arrogant as hell. They see those things like taking troops out at an appropriate time as "details."
Did you get my point? Big mouths and small wallets.
The point is don't sell them short. They will talk and talk and talk until they make their wrong points.
Thanks for the read.
Time to pull 'em out, President Bush. Enough already.
The Iraqi Prime Minister has the nerve to call on the U.S. to pull out our troops immediately, while Obama is in Afghanistan and again embarrassing the president of the United States.
It's tempting, very tempting to pull them out.
Immediately. That was al-Maliki's word today. Immediately. Urrgh.
Meanwhile, Christian Churches all over Iraq are closed and my fellow Christians are being persecuted and killed. I don't like that, President Bush. Not at all. And neither should any other American reading what I say today. Do you realize that a Christian cannot worship in Iraq today? No one speaks of it. Not one news outlet speaks of this atrocity.
Do you also realize that America will not receive any profit from the oil in Iraq? No one speaks of it.
I've had it. You other Americans should be fed up as well. This is the best it gets?
And they still hate my guts?
Sorry. This isn't good enough. I'm really, really, really tired of it all.
Pull the troops out. Let the chips fall where they may.
Do it while Prince Barack is still shooting hoops with the same men and women he put in jeopardy just eighteen months ago while the rest of the world was gaga with his charsma. Let's see how it all plays out for the charmer and the snakes he's with now.
Let's see how many night's sleep he gets later on once he realizes how many lives his magical mystery ego tour cost because of the pressure it put on the military to do other things. But that's later, after the election. He made that deal with his ego.
After all, he isn't in charge yet. Let's just move forward. Pre-emptive is the name of the game for Obama's campaign. You can't beat him. You have to beat him to it.
Of course, once we leave, the Israelis will destroy Iran, something everyone is aware of.
Something's very wrong with this administration, i.e., Jerusalem. Saudi Arabia. Talking to Iran, suddenly. Now this? There's nothing left now for me to feel bad about now. They have screwed up.
We need to get our people out, let Israel have it and begin in earnest alternative energy development AS WELL as copious off shore drilling (way off shore) and ANWAR . We can do this and quickly.
I'm sorry; I've lost my faith. Why would I want to lose one more American life for an Iraqi this afternoon after what al-Malaki has done to us?
Even Grandmas get the blues.
Thanks for the read.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
It's about time the Republicans got loaded for bear
John McCain's new video about Obama's stunning and shameless flip flopping below:
Try it; if you're a Republican, you'll like it.
It documents more of Barack's arrogance on parade.
Meanwhile, I keep smelling the Old Lion's mane as he circles the camp. Is it me...?
Or have Jesse and Bill made that deal to bring back the real Negro via Hillary? The big one they made over the phone while Bill lolled on his rich friend's yacht last month? The one I talked about a couple of weeks or so ago after the primaries when I told you Bill was nursing his hurt paw that slapped out at the top cat cub who thinks he's hot stuff.
This move to the center where Barack sits and looks like Bill Cliff Huxtable Cosby who raises the class issue with all kinds of outraged people who aren't wearing nice lookin' suits. Why, just two months ago, Barack was talkin' all black and moving around the streets like he actually was black and really, honestly grew up--ahem--black.
Now he's the poster boy for get up and get goin for the man. Today he's the Reagan-style get along to get along man who looks more like Ann Dunham from Kansas, duhhhhhhhhhhh, whurrr's muh pitchfork?
Yessirree, Barack is made of great political stuff. He's finally admitting to and found out who he is. He has broken the code to greatness.
He's a politician.
He will be a statesman of some sort; whether he becomes a great one will depend upon how he handles the next few months of his campaign. I feel there must be much riding on his candidacy but I can't in my small, isolated capacity do much more than psychic readings to determine who is behind this man, this gift to the world who pulls it on a string downhill.
Something or someone has determined his fate which is artificial. Someone or something has bought our dollars, has bought capital in all our companies, has determined this strange economy. I have no doubt there is a manipulation, plus another perfect storm of corruption throughout our business community. Enron is likely only the tip of an iceberg; we'd be heartsick to know more.
We now have a systemic problem caused by the getaway with it attitude. It's always been that way. Nothing's new under the sun, as the Bible must say somewhere, probably in Proverbs.
My manicurist said her ten-year old son informed her that the president said oral sex was not sex so girls could do it to him...I caught my breath when I heard it then--it seems like hundreds of years ago.
I hear more today--the progression of that child's mindset now that he's a young man--that I had predicted so many years ago when the relativists and those who accused me of being a Clinton Hater wouldn't listen to the importance of our role models staying exemplars for good...it is no use. We are seeing it in the behavior of our people.
Now we have Senator Barack Obama, the man of the hour. He who says a black man must take responsibility for his children. And they all act as if they have invented this new morality of theirs. I want to scream.
When the pop star, Michael Jackson, grabbed his crotch, a teacher friend of mine didn't find anything objectionable about that. That was the early nineties...it all starts somewhere I said to her...since when is all right for a grown man to grab his crotch? She shrugged, didn't want to commit, I guess. I want to scream.
I guess they all have to invent it themselves, come to their morality on their own. Okay.
Tomorrow I will write about this great national catharsis created by Barack Obama's candidacy to become president. Have black Americans become blinded by color and just ignored politics?
I'm not sure about that. I'm researching and looking for answers because I want it all to work out. But I have to look at some strange things on the other side too. They're screamable offenses. White men acting like asses, for instance, cause me to want to open up my airways.
I just wish we Republicans had got to Obama sooner! But then, he'd just be called a plantation black like Lynn Swann, JC Watts, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, et al. What's the difference? Put each of them next to Obama and they'd take him down.
Guess I'll just scream.
Meanwhile, we hope the cathartics will excuse the grown ups while they secure and defend the country.
Thanks for the read.
NAJEE ALI: An open letter to Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.
I found this on Newsweek's online edition, from the Comments Section July 17, 2008. It's a doozy.
July 10, 2008
*Rev Jackson, your vulgar tirade caught on tape by Fox News where you said you wanted to cut Barack Obama's nuts off and accusing him of talking down to Black folks by giving moral lectures at churches is the last straw for me and a growing number of African Americans who are outraged at your comments.
There are many Blacks across the nation, myself included, who are appreciative for the work and contributions you have made in your civil rights career. But at this point, you're hurting Black America and Obama.
In September 2007 it was clear that you were frustrated by Obama, when you stated in an interview in South Carolina that Obama needs to stop acting white, because you felt he was not engaged in the Jena 6 movement enough to your liking.
Rev Jackson your continued verbal attacks on Obama are unwarranted it's as if you're jealous that Obama has eclipsed you and both your campaigns for the Democratic nomination by actually preparing to win it as the 2008 presumptive nominee.
Jesse Jackson & Barack Obama
For years you have been criticized as an ambulance chaser and opportunist. Many of Dr. King's insiders and aides say that King did not trust you. 40 years ago in Memphis as King lay dying from an assassin's bullet your first thought and action was to smear your shirt with Dr. King's blood.
You then proceeded to appear in Chicago the next day on several news programs wearing the same shirt you deliberately smeared with his blood as if you were the heir of King's movement. Obama's recent comments about Black fathers not abandoning their children and accepting moral responsibility in our lives is a lesson you apparently needed to learn when you were younger. If you had, it may not have caused you to cheat on your wife and father a child out of wedlock with a former staffer.
Maybe that's what really bothered you about Obama's message to the church that Black fathers should be responsible for their children; you certainly haven't been.
Jesse Jackson and daughter Ashley
Living in Los Angeles I have watched your ten year old daughter Ashley Laverne Jackson grow up. Over the years I have had the pleasure to spend several holidays with your daughter including Christmas, her birthday parties and other milestones in her life. I will never turn my back on Ashley her mom and their family. It's about providing friendship, support and love to them while you have been missing in action.
Your daughter has never traveled or taken a trip with you, you have an annual birthday party in Beverly Hills every year where your entire family is welcome but your youngest child has only attended it once. She has had very little contact with her siblings and has never even met her big brother Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr, who apparently doesn't want anything to do with her. And allegedly (I believe it to be true ), he was the one to leak the scandal to the media concerning your affair. Now don't get me wrong, Obama is not above reproach. He is a politician and is fair game to be fairly criticized by you or anyone else. But to personally attack Obama is crossing the line. Obama is not talking down to Black people; he wants you and other dead beat dads to spend time and care for your children properly. The destruction of the Black family and absentee fathers is a major problem in our community.
It's a problem that King spoke out and fought against. 40 years after King's murder I can see why King didn't trust you. If you can't and won't sincerely help Obama in this historic run then at least stop attacking him. Listen to Obama's message of being a responsible father and start taking care of your daughter Ashley.
Najee Ali
Gosh, she's mad.
Thanks for the read!
Monday, July 14, 2008
The New Yorker Obama cartoon. My gosh, Barack. Lighten up!
The New Yorker's editor, David Remnick, who says they are a liberal publication, explains the cover is an attempt to lampoon the lies about Obama's background. He hopes to help the senator. He said so.
However, the man on the street said the most offensive thing was the American flag burning in the fireplace. LOL.
See, Barack, this isn't really about you. It's about America.
Chris Matthews and Company and other liberal cable news outlet programs are half nuts because they're afraid he'll be derailed by things like this. If he's got the right stuff, he'll make it.
Lincoln was made to look like an ape in some of the more yellow papers. But with this media, Obama going to need armor and Michelle's going to have to keep her mouth shut, I suppose
BTW, if I were the editor of the New Yorker, there's NO way I'd have published that cover. It's a terrible decision. Terrible. I fail to see the satire from the left's point of view, only from the right's. It's extremely offensive to Senator and Mrs. Obama.
Sorry, New Yorker staff, I think you need to look inside yourselves and ask what Messrs Conde and Nast would do. Oh, wait. They are Conde Nast. With liberal friends like you Senator Obama might ask who needs enemies?
Maybe they need to call their buds at Salon and meet for a drink. I think their white guilt and fear that they're not helping Obama enough has screwed them up; in other words, they've lost their judgment. I can't imagine any other reason someone who is a friend of Obama would run such a terrible cartoon and think this would help.
It only perpetuates every negative image from the absent flag pin to the Osama sound alike name to the AK47 to the Muslim thing. I guess it's their arrogance on parade that shocks me so. I mean, ask yourself this question.
Not that the idiom is the same (I can't think of a magazine editor right now) but would Ben Bradlee allow such a thing?
Okay, Henry Luce? Do you see where we are in America? Do you see where we're headed if we don't think of something fast? No judgment. Now the Lefties are eating their own.
Do you see how dumb these kids are? Huh?
And they're running our newspapers! Thank the journalism schools run by the radicals of the 60s.
Thanks for dropping by for the dumbass barometer of the day.
And thanks for the read.
Not Carly Fiorina, for crying out loud. For Veep?
They just don't get it.
They just won't get it.
They just continue to not get it.
I don't want another business person running a war--or the country, thank you. We saw how Bush with an MBA delegates (Brownie with FEMA, Rumsfeld, the folks in early Iraq,). I'm over the business model. Thanks. It doesn't work. Obviously.
Now I know McCain's people are senile.
I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm about to give up.
Thanks for the read.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Good grief. Obama's becoming Ronald Reagan!
Suddenly, a rumbling of middle class black Americans has said bye bye to all their sisters and brothers in the hood and moved on up to the east side, which is what they've wanted to officially do for thirty years now, thank you.
Great God Almighty, they're free at last.
It is fascinating how many regular, real African-Americans, not entertainers or sports icons who make zillions of dollars a year and live outrageous life styles describe their approval of the way Barack is dealing with "black" issues lately in addition to describing Jesse Jackson and his type as bitter, old racists.
Until just recently, no one would dare say such a thing about Jackson and others like him, the civil rights movement's last sacred cows. Barack finally has given permission to slay them, put them down, and put the rest of us out of our misery with these fools who have made a living off of underclassing an entire generation of Americans. The civil rights movement no longer is represented by this man who has gone beyond MLK's dream.
I can see black commentators, political scientists, lawyers and educators are practically giddy with relief and pent up emotion. God bless them, they can finally say what they've been thinking for years now. This is wonderful news for all African-Americans. As this freedom grows, so will the thinking of the individuals, which of course is good for America and both political parties.
I'm also interested in the irony that it took an "inauthentic" Mutlatto man, educated in British and upperclass American private schools to get this group to give them permission to move on.
Of course, that's why Jesse wants to cut Barack's parts off and serve them to him and Michelle in their next Salads Nicoise. Finally, the day has come that Jesse's and Al's been worried about: someone's come along to make it okay for the 75 percent of those black men who aren't in jail and who support their families to say adios to those people who refuse get their lives together. See ya, sucker. Your problems are your problems, not mine.
Barack might be tired of apologizing for the behavior of the dysfunctional black community, supported dysfunction, fostered by crazy stuff, romanticized by inappropriate rap groups and self-appointed black bosses who have hurt people, not helped them. It looks like he's willing only to use their help and support if they fall into line behind him his way.
Interesting to see a formerly rather aggressive Obama rap bunch jump to attention and suddenly become respectable. He's sent the memo that says xnay on the victimhood and anger evidently; maybe the same one he sent to Reverend Wright.
Deep down we all like to feel respectable, I think. These young black gansta rap entrepreneurs see that nothing succeeds like success--and excess. They're going for the brass (diamond) ring while using Obama's commodity of optimism and change as their currency to make things better, and so far, it's working. Welcome to civil society, Boys! Now take that gd chip off our shoulder and get with the program.
What about the black comedians? Are they going to continue the hate whitey skits?
Now if Barack can just keep the festering underclass like that stupid woman in Denver from screwing it all up for him. Or if he can keep himself from uttering idiotic things like we all need to speak Spanish--very revealing--and he might want to move a bit further right and get off the universal health care kick.
But then, that is always the problem for those who govern. They will learn that it's not as easy as it looks. I believe I mentioned that when Pelosi and Company took over a couple a years ago. Their approval rating topped 9% last week, the lowest in history.
Yep, nothing succeeds like a nice lookin' suit, a Midwestern accent and a handshake that comes from the heart.
Promising the little dog for the kids will work too. Muslims hate dogs. That makes a lot of people in America feel better about Barack's middle name.
If the mean streets of the ghetto can get over this "betrayal," and if Hillary doesn't pull any funny stuff, he'll have a chance of being president.
Also, if Barack can convince the rest of us that he's strong enough and knows enough about "things" to keep those pesky terrorists away from my grandkids and the Middle East from exploding into nuclear war, my taxes down, the government off my back and give a break or two for small business, I'd be happy. Shoot, I'd probably vote for the kid, if I thought he'd actually do it.
But, I don't think in his heart or mind Barack is even close to doing what Ronald Reagan would do. Wasn't it just last month he was calling for the end of the war in Iraq?
All in all, though we're much, much closer together than the media would have us think, regardless of our politics. That the good news, brother.
Thanks for the read.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Phil Gramm takes the GOP down with another tongue disaster
Well, I guess we Republicans will have to just ride this latest tongue disaster out, as if there's recovery from this stupid language. Not when gas is five bucks a gallon. And the public is absolutely convinced we're close to recession, hang the real numbers. Perception is reality.
We may not have Hoovervilles, but people don't remember those. They know 21st century style poverty...everything is relative to experience, Mr. Gramm. The folks you're accusing of whining are losing everything. Do the math, Mr. Gramm. Nothing from nothing is relatively nothing. They're going to whine about it. People are funny that way.
This is like talking to deaf people. This is so frustrating and why the Democrats will win--if the country is not attacked which makes the election a whole different game.
*twirls head *
I've said what I've had to say about the Republican Party and our awful, inept leadership. I've not seen anything like this in my lifetime. Why has no one in the party stepped forward? Where are the leaders, the women? It's as if everyone is tongue tied, or away. What's happening?
This is frightening that we're letting the country slip away. And we're going to lose in a big, big way if we can't get it together fast. People and things have changed in this country, we must try to catch up and help them become Republicans.
I've written about it at least five times over the year. Of course, no one listens. They never do, they never will.
Oh, sorry; there I go again. Whining.
Tone deafness
Phil Gramm, the McCain "advisor" who let everyone in the country know that Americans are just a bunch a whiners, can come down and pay my upside mortgage payment, if I promise not the whine.
Also, if Mr. Gramm would like to help me fill up my gas tank for $79.00, while our clients hold our invoices for 90 days before paying them, I honestly promise I'll stay quiet. We'll just borrow money to live and keep the business's doors open--the banks will do fine. I bet they aren't whining as borrowing money is expensive sometimes.
Just for your information, did you know that the legal usury rate in California is 437%? No kidding. Banks charge huge interest rates of 27.5% because they can. Our lawmakers let things like that happen, you know. Lawmakers like Phil Gramm.
Since my husband has his own business and we have to cover our own insurance premiums for nearly $8000 per year for single coverage for basic major medical $5000 deductible, I'll try not to whine as I shell out $500 a month for drug coverage for my husband and me. No whining.
And no, universal care would NOT solve that problem
We need to get these old Republican men out of the business of running for president or we're going to lose. Can it be any clearer this morning? Can it?
Is there anyone in that group that doesn't take statins or have a pacemaker? Enough already.
Hey, old dudes, if you have the guts, just ask around.
This is what you'll hear: "McCain's people look like old, doddering fools."
My husband heard that from his one of his 40ish Republican clients. Most of his clients are about 40ish and new Republicans. I don't think they're very impressed.
That's trouble, friends. Trouble, especially as we watch Obama tack center.
Oh. And, stop being so offended about being called old. You are old. I'm old too. It's time to let go and give the 50-year old kids a chance. Jeez.
Thanks for the read.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
At least Hillary will fight for civil rights, Jesse says.
I told you Obama's not authentic.
Much more of this and Senator O may have a bigger problem than just electability with white people and independents. He just said, I'm not kidding, that "Iran is a grave threat." No, I'm not kidding.
Will he lose his base and blacks as he goes center? Looks like he's already lost his first black bosses.
Now, Jesse Jackson's admitting he's mad that Obama doesn't have the foggiest idea about 'hood living saying off mike he "cut his n--ts out," in essense, forgetting the struggles of the black community, explaining later that it was out of a social context, of course.
Jackson's right, of course. Inauthentic. Living in Hawaii is not feeling their pain.
This is a Clinton/Old Black Civil Rights Movement chess move. Frankly, it took a little longer than I thought, but Bill showed the old bosses what a mistake this Obama is for the black community. They've been waiting for this moment for about four weeks now.
And a great move it is. It calls Obama out on the mark. I like it! Perfect, kids. I couldn't have done it better.
Flush him out. Just in time.
Now, Hill can start building up the supers delegates in time for the convention.
(Interesting. I know...you think I'm nuts. But just watch. When will you learn to trust your pal, Andrea?)
Meanwhile, I see Hillary's in the corner in her red/white/blue fight pantsuit, doing kneebends. Somethin's happenin. Watch. Look.
Do you Democrats see why I don't want to squander the most monumental moment this nation has, that of electing a African American to the presidency on a fake--a set up by a bunch of power mad, local amateurs? It's bad enough when it happens to the white community, sometimes. Not often. Sometimes.
For the Democrats to survive this it's way too important for all of us, especially to the children of this country, because of the failure of leadership both in government and in media circles to promote what we hope will be a post race culture. But first you have to tell us what that--post race--is.
Perhaps today that's unrealistic. A little too soon maybe? As long as any generation breathes who recalls the humiliation of separate facilities, it remains the responsibility of the current generations to help remember or at least recall.
FYI, I remember seeing black and white restrooms in Miami and Montgomery and Little Rock. They happened.
I, a little girl from Kansas City, was pretty darned shocked at how they treated black folks down there in the south back on that vacation. I thought it was awful and I didn't quite get it but I went along with it which I don't like about myself. White guilt.
K.C. was a liberal town. I didn't know any better. I was 12-years old. All I knew about black people was the Kansas City Athletics, and KC jazz, Lucille, our cleaning lady who loved me and William, our neighbor's man who helped her through thick and thin and everyone seemed happy, the men on the trolly who tooks us downtown. I didn't know about segregation. I was just a kid. Black people were part of my life.
When we moved to the country I was shocked at the acceptance of the N word and the bigotry that was displayed by these farm people, country people--my classmates-- who had probably never ever seen a black person. I never understood it. Where had such an attitude come from? I realize now we lived on the border of Kansas and Missouri and a lot of those folks had kin with southern sympathies.
I always had to laugh at these small farm town "aristocrats." And vice versa, I assure you. I was the city kid. I was never accepted. Of course, they were all related to each other so you could never say anything about anyone.
My family's religious background, Methodist, Quaker and Disciples of Christ provided our understanding of human relations and civil rights, so I guess I came by it naturally. Still. I had a hard time understanding the shocking outward display of racism in this middlewest classroom. I can't remember if anyone stopped it. They must have.
Jesse Jackson and the bosses and it is for me to ever, ever be that stupid. I can't help it. I didn't know any better. It was 1958. But I found out what it was about later because of the MLKs, Jesse Jacksons of the world. Not people like Obama.
I even shook Martin Luther King, Jr's hand when I was 17.
Post race? Is it the language that is objectionable to Reverend Jackson and the old guard? It may be. I don't really understand what post race means. Does that mean Barack's just going to drink white wine or whisky (Kentucky so it's without the e) from Waterford which he learned from his nouveau rich black friends who haven't even seen a dirty American ghetto street?
So, if the old black men and women feel they've been abandoned, who can blame them if the Obamaites use these stupid expressions? For the rest of us, it's downright impossible to join the discussion in good faith when you've got a bunch of Islamic terrorists breathing down your neck, you've got a guy whose Dad comes from Kenya and whose background is so complicated you can't even talk about it without being called a warmonger or racist, who sounds like such an effete and seems so untested and is running as their candidate for president.
All around, it just seems like a gyp for the American people, somehow. I understand how they feel. Maybe this is about age.
It's really nothing personal about Senator Obama. I've figured that out, by now.
I just feel like we're being duped somehow. The more I research the more I know this isn't what America really wants. Somethin's happening. I don't like how it feels. It's the psychic thing this time.
Thanks for the read.
Christie, will they still love you when you're 64?
Everyone who says that she should be acting like a martyr or that she should be feel shame for allowing their "dirty linen" to be exposed, why should she put her children through the public shame?
I have to be honest; I'm just not sure which position is right in this case. I'm ambivalent depending upon how many looks I've had at this sad but all too human mess caused by way too much money, too much vanity, too much public exposure, and too little maturity.
Is there an adult in the house?
Certainly Christie, arguably whose brain/emotional age of 54 and her body/face apparent age of 32 (kind of like when you're sailing--there's the real wind and then there the apparent wind--keep this 'un behind the wind, Mates), realizes her children will read the tab headlines the next time her new nanny stops at the Circle K for a pack of cigarettes and a six-pack, depending upon which coast they're on. It's just a matter of time before they "find out" that Mummy and Daddy are actually splitting up.
We may be in for a few years of this where as baby boomers age--the "54 and fighting"* groups versus the shameless, exhibitionist MTV whorettes who try to take things away from them, like husbands, jobs, prestige, jewelry, MONEY (which is all they really want) become like sporting events. People love to watch even though we already know who wins--the one with the most money. Too bad the real prizes are always little kids.
One can only imagine the discussions Christie's already had with ex Billy Joel who likely is none too thrilled right now. I'll bet he's downright mad.
Don't press this, CB, just give the jerk some money and make him go away. God knows you've got it.
That, that, n-n-nnanny's long, black hair was in my bed, Bill!
I have to make him pay. She's so gross. Look what she has on.
Brown with black for God's sake.
Maybe when Christie saw the social sex networks, she just lost it. People do that, you know. Even perfect ones. And the participants knew who Mr. Brinkley was and probably everything about Christie. Now, that's pretty humiliating.
Is it that she just wants revenge?
Revenge for being 54, maybe?
I wanted revenge too, I guess, plus a little help.
I was thirty-two. I felt that he had destroyed my life. With a little of my help, but mostly it was my feeling that he engineered the entire thing (he did, you know).
Unlike Brinkley, who has lived on the earth 24 years longer than when I got divorced in 1976 (that's a verrrry long time body wise) all I had to do to look good in the morning was get up. That's what girls do when they're 32. It's heaven. Enjoy it while you've got it, Girls, because you usually don't realize you had it, till it's gone.
Yeah, Brinkley looks great with a lot of personal sacrifice, work, work, work, did I mention work? Pain? There's a lot of that. Vanity? At what point does she say enough? When are there enough homes? Enough.
Realizing she's not 32, she's not even 42. Why do you think she's angry?
Anyway, I wanted to decimate my ex-husband in front of my children, but I didn't. I was sick with anger, literally sick for two years from the anger and guilt I felt over the what I perceived as the betrayal in my marriage which involved my daughters. Hospital sick such that I was nearly gone. So I truly understand her grief and rage, along with her feelings of wanting to lash out any way she can.
However, I wanted my girls to trust so that they could find mates they could trust. I had such a wonderful father, and such wonderful role models in my family. I wanted that for my girls. You have to have good expectations to get what you want in life, right? I just thought it was best for them. I felt like a martyr which is what probably got me through raising my children, as selfish and wrong as that sounds now. We do what we can I guess.
Well, as it turned out I finally rebuilt my life without his help. It worked out. Besides, I still had great skin, lots of energy and wasn't fighting nature.
It makes me wonder, though. If Christie had had a boy with this man (she did with another husband), would she had kept his behavior quiet? Would she have made him a good example of a who at the time I thought was a bad example? Depends on lots of things.
But as for her daughters, maybe Christie thinks she should use her husband as an example to make certain they'd avoid anyone like him in the future, although it is difficult to believe anyone would put their kids through this for any reason. There's much about families we never know, isn't there? All we need to do is look inside our own to realize that.
About this Peter Cook, her soon-to-be ex husband: cheat on Christie Brinkley? Right there, you've got a red flag.
But then that might be propaganda too. Ask Billy Joel. Maybe Billy knows something about CB's maturity the rest of the world is just now finding out.
And Peter Cook is the father to one of her children. He has rights as long as he has not hurt them. So, there we are. She must, ethically and by law do what is right by him as well.
Those darn stars. Can't live with em; can't live without em! But they're sure fun to write about for a change, instead of the other ones we can't live without--those darn politicians.
Meanwhile, 54 and fighting is hard place for a lot of women. That was nine years ago for me. I'm glad it's over.
Thanks for the read.
*I didn't make up 54 and fighting by the way. It came from the owner of my local book store, Morris, a hard bitten, old fashioned liberal guy from Portland, Maine who I talk with about society and politics. He's 89. I'll probably never know if he was describing me. If he was, I've learned from it.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Football Stadium?! My, my. What a big ego you have, Senator Obama!
I don't know who's more obnoxious: Obama planning his convention speech in a football stadium or Ringo Starr imagining that all of us are breathlessly awaiting the moment we can celebrate his birthday by simultaneously thinking, whispering or passing wind which sounds like "peace".
What is it with these people and their insatiable adoration appetites?
All this jumping the gun by our newbies friends in the changing Democratic Party is proving to be a bit tedious for this small d democrat, for whom a little pageantry goes a long way, especially when it revolves around a lone figure like the two-year wonder Obama.
What's next? Spectacular parades of people holding candles with all the lights out, Barack? We've got your cameras rolling for history, Barack. Just remember to look noble and statesmanlike.
It gives me the creeps. But then, I never really had idols. When all my girlfriends were going gaga for rock bands and singing stars, I thought it was stupid. I still do.
I always thought that whole idea of worshiping another person was goofy. I could never get past the imagery of their using a bathroom or clipping their toenails.
It's just who I am, I guess. No one really impresses me, except for Christ, of course...and my dad and mother. And they just scared the hell out of me.
I think most thinking Americans--not kids--don't like this king stuff really, especially during conventions and political functions. Lots of Americans, particularly we stupid ones who cling to our guns and bibles, we swing staters and us hard-to-read Westerners don't like big old horsey events that look like coronations and end up embarrassing the stones out of us. We're kind of self-conscious and we always end up taking our shoes off anyway, so what's up with this, Barack? Stop already.
One guy, all this hoopla in a stadium? That's too weird, Dude. Don't get too English, or European, especially German, or Evangelical on us. Or even try to disguise it as a gospel deal or a new black deal or a Motown deal or, as I suspect some black sports deal to get all the white guys to like you. That's pushing it to a new level that some people might really resent because it's pandering.
(Then you're speaking in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin? Oh come now. You can do better than, Barack. Too bad you've not cleared your foray into German with its Chancellor. You are a nervy little person. Why not go straight to The White House; demand that George Bush get the heck out of your office and sit down and just get to work? Why wait for a vote? What war? Oh, you mean the one we're winning that you said was a disaster, Barack?)
I can tell the Dems right now that if this is their kind of change, like the quick change that we just saw in Denver when the woman who contracted with the city to sing the National Anthem burst forth instead with her own version of the "Black" National Anthem...it's probably not going to fly with most Americans.
Does anyone know if she got paid? If so, the taxpayers got it the backside again because I'll bet anything she was contracted to sing The National Anthem, not to express herself. If the city controller cuts her a check, every Denverian should be outside City Hall screaming for his job. But if Denver wants it that way, they deserve to pay the taxes for it. There will be many more oportunities if this was any indication of how things will "change."
Such repressed anger and self-expression from Obama's fans will provide plenty of fuel for Obama's ego state, which will only grow in time as it is fed by those around him as well.
As I've stated before, he' a Leo, like me. It takes one to know one. This will be good.
Thanks for the read.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
It's way past time for General Clark to fade away.
What's the point? Does he want to be Vice President?
I guess there's a lot to gain when you've got an impotent looking kid running for president who's trying to move center, but who just can't handle the "American" thing. It was bad enough to have to wear that darned flag.
When was Vietnam again?
Of course, Obama can't say what Wesley Clark attempted to say about war hero and Senator John McCain yesterday--that basically he was nothing more than a jet jockey who got himself into a mess that he deserved and such an event certainly doesn't make him any better qualified to be president. After all, a Top Gun never ran operations, like he (Clark) had. Today his criticisms are sharper, more focused with a hewn message that he has no diplomatic skills--one which fits nicely with the Obama template of no war.
General Wesley Clark is the guy who got screwed by NATO and Washington (Secretary Bill Cohen and President Clinton during Kosovo) when they unceremoniously canned him for doing what they sent him there to do: fight and win a war without casualties.
I might add that's what has happened to every modern general since WWII who has had to deal with the new war paradigm, i.e., they're asked to act like they're going to win the war, get ready for it, do some war type things, but win it without blood. If they get much blood...we go home. (Somalia, Beirut, ad infinitum) After all, we don't have those huge families anymore and we're not going to just send our sons off willy nilly like we used to. (I've finally got thought through my thick skull. If only the rest of you would! It fits their perfectly selfish world view. I don't know why I didn't get it earlier.)
Volunteer army? That's beside point and it doesn't fit into our world view. War? No real war. Washington is very patient when it comes to keeping people in the field.
Of course, Clark never believed any of that. So he got his Army up and ready to actually win a war in Kosovo. He knew what Dems don't realize and by serendipity, regardless of the negotionations in Dayton which showed the usual weakness, by virtue of Clark's opposite actions his readiness sped up the conclusion and success of the war (in spite of everyone being against it). But in so doing he stepped on the diplomat's, Richard Holbrooke's toes, NATO's and the Pentagon's toes. He also accomplished to irk the White House and made himself the general horse's rear end that he became known for: a jerk, hard to deal with, a micro manager who can't along with anyone.
He's a loner, known as the "lone warrior." His bios make him sounds like another fatherless boy making up for a lost something in his life. It's a sad state of overcompensation. Clark may have thought to himself on his lone daily laps in the pool: people maybe don't like me, but by God, they'll at least know me and respect me for what I can do.
Clark is a good organizer and a heck of a logistics and operations and ordnance guy and I respect his service to the country. But for a self serving reason that I can't respect, he is trying to take down a Navy Commander who spent five plus years in a nasty prison camp, someone who declined because of his position as son of the Pacific Naval Commander, early release. It was John McCain, not Wes Clark who also flew 23 sorties over enemy territory (taking fire), saved a man's life while on another carrier during a horrific fire and then came home and became a U.S. Senator. Yeah, McCain's career was rather short, but his capture by the VC proved rather long, even by this general standards, I would think.
Also, I think General Clark sees Barack Obama as a tabula rasa. Clark has shown himself to be more than a good politician in the past as far as keeping the NATO group together long enough to effect the end of the war. So he might think he can handle Obama and that might be why he's cozying up. Anger makes a person do strange things sometimes.
Meanwhile, I'd say General Clark has eaten at least a bushel of sour grapes and he's paying for it now. I believe I can understand that, but no good can come from his words as they seem so obviously based in envy.
What's more shocking to me is that there is not more outrage. There was a time when this was simply not socially accepted. Instead there is piling on from the shameless left. But I'm not as shocked maybe as I thought I was at the first. I did go through the sixties, remember--those horrible years. I hated every minute of them, and am flashing back.
It makes me wonder what guys and gals in the field think of their commanders and if they wonder if they think they're a bunch of jerks too, like Clark does McCain. Just a bunch of patsys who can't really do anything. Jeez.
Rant Alert
But that's where we are as a country. We are being inundated with careless, thoughtless, illiterate, unbelievably stupid adoles-adults who do not get it. Here I am spending $79.00 to fill my gas tank, while we are all sitting on zzillions and zzillions of God's own oil. Al Gore owns a zillion square-foot house and rails at the rest of us about energy usage. Little. tiny children in Africa die while millionaire farmers sell corn for bogus science. Think on that a while. Not the bogus science--the children.
I don't care about the science. Their "data" is already starting to unravel, a fact they're desperately trying to cover up, and no, I do not believe that global warming is man made. Do you think the liberals will put me in jail? They would like to, you know. Farm aid, Willie Nelson? That hypocrite. Send your money to Africa and World Vision so real people can eat. They're the ones who are really suffering. (I'm sorry, I'm just trying to stay real.) Alert over.
Back to Clark.
What's really going on here, I suppose, are the emerging differences between the two candidates. Only Obama isn't ready to admit it yet. Neither is the media, I'm afraid. While Obama doesn't admit it, he winks, winks, nudges and says Clark's statement was shocking. The Obama supporters simply believe what I state above: we are not going to send our sons and daughters off willy nilly. Period. No blood. All the better if they have someone who's mad at the system like Clark. That seems to be where a big part of the country is, but I'm not so sure of that. We'll find out.
Democratic Senator Jim Webb, another military guy chimed today about McCain saying something condescending about McCain needing to "calm down." Again, they're subtlety bringing up McCain's age. So much for their change in politics.
Perhaps this will backfire in some small way. I hope it does. Anyone who tries to take out a guy who spent time in a POW camp deserves whatever he gets.
Fade out, General Clark. Go work out your anger somewhere else.
Thanks for the read.