Saturday, September 20, 2008

Words, just (a few) words for Pakistan on Obama's website

This morning I awoke to the news that the Marriott in Islamabad was hit by a truck bomber, presumably an al-Qaeda terrorist; the large death toll climbs as recovery teams search. This is the fourth such bombing in a very short time.

Read the Obama Plan to keep people safe from such attacks. It was written in August of 2007, which is odd because there has been tremendous change in Pakistan since. A person would think with all those advisors--I heard there were 300--one of them could have come up with a paper or two related to the assassination of Benezir Bhutto, the downfall of Musharraf and the rise of Bhutto's husband as president and their official stand as to these huge changes. Not even when the lawyers were jailed, nothing. Not even a sub-paragraph.

But those small changes are not as important as the Big Idea, the Words-Just-Words aspect of Barack Obama, which is something people may be slowly coming to and realizing--this guy doesn't say anything, let alone have a plan!

Obama's schtick is about doing things on the fly (it's been that way his whole life--his adaptability being one of his major life skills) since he's had no real experience in nearly anything except, of course, that organizing thing in Chicago where all he learned is how to fit in so he'd feel better about himself. As the real world screams by him, he has to start standing up for statements which belie his new "American MOR-style conservatism," which is clearly seen in this unfortunate position paper Obama puts out on his website. The more I read on the website, moreover, the more I realized the people who are working with him sound like winners of essay contests, not much experience, but a lot of naivete.

Obama calls Pakistan a "failed country." In that respect he may be right, but it is our failed country in that U.S. interests continue even through the unpleasant knowledge that terrorism which is unchecked anywhere, especially in Pakistan where the availability of it nukes remain in question, leaves us with no options. However, it's nothing new in politics and gamesmanship and the amateurish attack on this subject is almost embarrassing.

American presidents have propped up many governments for security. When liberals get nuts over that, I just have to shrug my shoulders and have them look toward South America and the events in socialist Bolivia and Venezuela. They will see the future when we capitulate to the hate Oliver North/IranContra/Hwood leftist crowd and those they represent and end up doing our weak willed, subordinating hands-off number with dictators and leftist regimes--those who contemplate war games with Russia in the Caribbean and buy and sell strange and exotic "hardware" from places like North Korea.

Just words, just words, Senator Obama?

Pakistan deserves more than what you've given us. What is your current, I mean this week's, view on Pakistan, Senator Obama?

Thanks for the read.

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