Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama's Fifth Column: computer geeks

Most people in this day in age, unfortunately, don't even know what an information specialist (IS) is. Some do, because they are in corporations which use the nomenclature such as information systems expert, for example, of vague bucket words which attempt to describe what these people do in the company. They're computer geeks.

I know what some of these titles meant, at least some of them, when I was in corporate America, although there are new titles which sound as vague as the old ones. Information systems specialists were the guys who ran everyone's life by deciding whose computer system was going to be looked after that day. They were, as nerds, important and indispensable for the first time in their sorry little lives. They became proud of their nerddom because they felt emboldened by their numbers and a sudden status on the planet. Who knew?

So, when I see the sneering elitist ads which come from the Obamas about McCain's inability to use a computer, their metaphor to the average person's guns and Bibles, as well as their condescending attitude toward people who don't "get" computers, like many people, I worry.

I worry because these nerds have now become operators of huge systems and organizations which decide what kind of a day we're all going to have. No one should have that much power. In addition, some of these folks who can't carry on decent conversations due to their self-imposed isolation in front of a CRT, have become the "communications" experts.

This arcane tier in life must be extremely fascinating for them as too many of them are, as I said, important for the first time in their lives, and very young. The real problem, of course, is this Fifth Column is an arrogant bunch, as bereft of morality as seen in the hacktivism into Palin's email, and now Fox's Bill O'Reilly's account and website. They claim to be the watchers, if you will. Instead, they move in as if they're above the law and seem certainly smarter than you and me, smugly blaming the victim for being so open.

I'll remind our mostly inexperienced friends: there is a law against hacking email accounts. One fellow got ten years for hacking into his colleague's email, remember, not too long ago. It's like stealing mail out of a physical mailbox, a federal crime punishable in a nasty place like Leavenworth.

The geeks are laughing at us because most of us don't have intimate knowledge of computers and systems. They're right; we don't. Therefore, the rest of the world at an extreme disadvantage in fighting their dangerous tyranny. But we have to fight them and win.

The information specialists are actually the ones who bear watching and then prosecuting those who break the law. Many of the IS types seem to be watching each other. However, it's not enough; the bad guys are still winning.

Thanks for the read. And we'll see if I'm back online after this.

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