Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Swift Boat Politics: the Dem's final "victim" argument

They've even given it a name.

Obama mentioned "Swift Boat Politics" this morning in his reactionary speech defending his usage of lipstick on a pig in the context of this election.

BTW, does this guy EVER say he's sorry? That's really all he had to do. But no, his arrogance and tin ear when it comes to women, won't allow his ego such a failure. He just defends no matter what he says...or changes his position without apology. Strange guy.

Anyway, I looked up the term in Wikipedia and found this.

Of course the left's reaction to the legitimate practice of character testimony for a candidate is puzzling to me. Are they saying that regardless, it is wrong for the candidate's acquaintances to say what they hominem?

I don't think so. I think people are just passing on information. What should the Swift Boaters have done...say Kerry was a great leader, when they knew he wasn't? That was not up for debate--the man failed as a leader.

The usage of Swift Boat Politics is an interesting tactic, although it's nothing new. It's basically the 21st Century version of using McCarthyism as an excuse for revelations of bad behavior in the past. It is also simply a victim hood response which is what these Dems are about anyway. When the going gets tough they cry Swift Boat Politics.

Nothing new.

Thanks for the read.

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