Monday, September 1, 2008

"Palin's not a real feminist, you know. She's just a token."

Or how about this one?

"She's not a real mother; after all, who could leave a 3-day baby at home and go to work?"

I got this one from that bunch at the children's table at DailyKos.

"She's actually the grandmother of that child. The Down's Syndrome baby is really her daughter's."

Here's a good one written by a Brit that I pulled from the Times online site:

"It figures you dumb Americans would pick someone from Hicksville, USA."

These quotes are a compilation of the Left's sludge I went through this morning. Even at this point in the election, I'm amazed at the venom and vituperation of our opposition in the blogosphere.

Most interesting is their preoccupation with experience. Since these people are incapable of carrying on a conversation with actual points and rules (they have no background), it is silly to debate the experience issue by comparing their presidential candidate with our vice presidential candidate. Their tiny minds don't and won't understand the differences.

First of all, unlike these bloggers, these citizen journalists, most of whom are totally inexperienced in delivering news and commentary, Governor Palin was elected to her post, not self-appointed. I have to laugh at the temerity of them calling the Governor inexperienced--like they're all Edward R. Murrows.

Even I--coming from a career of corporate and legal writing--don't take myself that seriously!

Secondly, the feminists who believe McCain is trying to win them over by using the Governor? No. What he's doing is trying to win over the women and men in the rest of the country who can't bring themselves to vote for Obama and Biden, not because Hillary didn't get on the ticket, per se. It may be because many swing state voters don't like what they see on the Democratic side in any case: that the Left has hijacked their party. At least with Hill on the ticket they trusted somehow the Left wouldn't be as prevalent. Not many feminists in that group, maybe. Women for Hillary are not the target.

Frankly, we've been hoping some feminists can see their way clear to acknowledge there are different kinds of feminism, not the strident, ball-breaking, family-destroying mess that they foisted on women in the 70s. The old feminists are the tanks, the dinosaurs who can't believe that today's women do things quite differently which might be the reason people will actually vote for Governor Palin.

I worked for women who hated women who"made" it, especially if they thought those women got there because they were lucky. These bloggers, many of them young males, remind me of them. They show a unpleasant, unwarranted disregard and hostility for women in their party. I find it odd that the younger Democratic Party power males are allowed to be so conservative and blatantly sexist. Maybe this is a backlash from the feminist ideals of their mothers whose lives didn't include a father to help them learn manners and respect.

Then I remember the dumbed down speech given by Michelle Obama, a lawyer in her own right, someone who is successful on her own. She allowed these boys to make her stupid because they were afraid to show her for what she really is while we listened to her husband tell us anything was possible...except for that pesky part about being president and that were just kidding with the 18 million cracks.

So, really, the feminists should have a beef with the Democrats, not us. At least we put our money where our mouth is.

A token?

I'd say this is just another case of Democrats' sour grapes. The big fems couldn't get it done in their party, could they? But like the woman scorned, they're not going to allow any other woman to do it. Hypocrites.

Thanks for the read.

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