Saturday, September 27, 2008

ACORN tries to gets its covetous hand in the pig trough

Revealing the Dems' insistence on including funds for this group from the bail out may be John McCain's and fiscal conservatives' biggest coup. Let's help him with it.

Most of us want reform. We have a perfect opportunity to show that we Republicans can take back the true GOP brand, regain momentum and put on a display of reform minded action before the world's eyes.

I've watched ACORN for years and wondered how they got away with some of their stunts. Anyway, this bears looking at and asking the question if this group, or any advocacy group for that matter, should be receiving taxpayer's money. If that is true, then The Red Cross should ask for at least 20% of the proceeds from this bailout. While they're at it, there's a little faith based battered women's shelter over here in my town that could use a lift.

ACORN by its very definition. mission and nature is full of dangerous, reckless and desperate types and will go to any length to get it done. Now that the Fox and some of the MSM is finally reporting about them--finally--there can be some discussion about Obama's "lofty" career as a community organizer.

These people are socialists. I don't want them near my tax money.

Please pass this the url to your friends and ask them if this is what they have in mind for a bail out. Do it fast. We're running out of time and now is the perfect chance to expose Obama for the extremist he really is.

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