Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama, Metrolink, Streisand Fund Raiser, Brolin, Stone, "W", Ike: What idiots

Bring it on, Babs. While you're at it, get your stepson, Josh Brolin, and roll him out so he can let everyone know about his new movie, "W," which sounds like an outrageous, covetous piece of envious crap from Oliver Stone about one of his peers, an inside joke--it's gotta be--because no one with a real soul would step on stage during this time of tragedy, drink champagne, eat a bunch of arugula and raise money for a penny ante Chicago politician.

Oh, I forgot, except in Hollywood...where it's all about the look of it.

Pray for the victims of both tragedies.

Thanks for the read.

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