Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why would Putin choose now to invade Georgia? Why wouldn't he?

It's perfect.

There appears, from the world media fed by the infotainment distributors that Americans are thoroughly against all involvement in foreign wars. Could be.

Communists have never been so pretty as they are these days. Just look at them in Moscow (as it dresses well and drinks well, while it removes what we Americans take for granted, basic rights such as freedom of the press, as it "re-nationalizes" those private industries which Putin so desperately wanted to be "private" back in the early years when he really wasn't a Communist, and now...if we look closely, there's some sick 21st century logo that looks benignly like a scifi channel video on the tanks that rumble towards the Black Sea.

Besides, look at all them purty Olympic thingies. They seem like such nice people...

So, as the new Russians, aka Putinists regain territory with their imperialistic war--by the way, when someone mentions the imperialist US "invaded" Iraq and it's the same as Russia invading Georgia?

It isn't. America's leaving Iraq and will probably be out of the country by 2012; Russia has not only gained Ossetia it has taken over Georgia explaining there are no more boundaries. Russia got land.

All we got was a bunch of crap from a bunch of whiners there in Iraq, here in America and all over the world.

Anyway, I suppose Putin is counting on the antiwar sentiment of Americans ala pre WWII, ala pre Pearl Harbor, thinking Americans won't do anything so he can flex his muscles and take territory while he can. Again, he may be right. But then that was then. Now?

He may be also depending upon a black white election dynamic that was never in play before to put America on the defensive. That is why it's so important for quick response from the state department and Israel. The Bush administration obviously are not deterred from that reality.

Of course, our friends in Israel's only alternative is to hit Iran immediately while Russia is on the offensive. Obviously we cannot allow Russia to continue to supply Iran with nuclear materials during this time of Russian aggression. I would hope the president would gather his credits with Merkel of Germany and Sarkozy of France, not to mention his pals in the Independent States--Poland, et al., and stand strong. I say "obviously," but those of us who remember the Cold War also recall the intractability of those who said we could contain the U.S.S.R., that evil empire.

The evil empire that Reagan called out. Containment.

The McCain response has been perfect, by the way.

Barack Obama's response, quite too late and tepid (typically) it seemed to me and weak, would have given Putin another three or four days to kill another two-thousand people.

Madeleine (I-had-my-stage-debut-with-Kim-Jong Il) Albright insists Bush should send Rice to Russia immediately. I don't quite know what they'd talk about considering the situation.

Secretary of State Rice
Hey, Vlad, you've killed a few people down in Georgia.

Vlad "Kissface" Putin
Well, I am trying to rebuild my Soviet state. Can you blame me? It's in my blood, Kondikuska Marxist, Soviet blood.
Nice do gymnastics too...and play piano.
Cabbage and sherry?

At least President Bush has acted by sending Secretary Rice to Tbilisi (they wouldn't dare kill Rice) and placing missiles in Poland pointed east so that there could be some damage control.

Meanwhile, while Obama studies real, real hard, reads his Cliff Notes and tries to figure out ancient Russian bear politics, which he can't do because he wasn't there and can't just jump into the middle and know it all because he read it, Vladimir Putin has a plan: it starts with C and it ends with r.

Why? Because Russia's hungry and drunk. Their production of food is down thanks to the new free markets in the old satellite bread baskets and there's a huge increase in alcoholism among its men. They have internal problems besides just the old Russian imperialistic urges. Russia has big problems. Check out the recent writings on American Enterprise Institute from the experts. You'd be surprised what the western press ignores.

I discovered something today which I find absolutely phenomenal that it has not been reported: Vladimir Putin's grandfather was the personal chef to both Lenin and Stalin. Why that has not been a feature story in the western press is beyond me. It is not as if I hadn't done a lot of research on Putin for other articles; I had years ago and no where did I see this information until today.

I have to remember the reason we might not have access to data; the dissembling of our own intelligence agencies by the Clintons; and the leftist-ridden state department policy changers and bureaucrats in Washington and Russia's redesign, reconstituting and reassembling a new, more responsive KGB. Moreover, there is an increased ability to capture information now more than ever.

Next thing he'll be admitting to is his involvement in laying the first block at the Berlin Wall. Hey, great things begin small.

It's a perfect time to invade another country--when your core enemy seems weak and its people silly. Let's hope he's wrong.

Thanks for the read.

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