Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Chinese Olympic Commies can sure put on a show, can't they?

Gee. This must be how Rome, ancient Egypt, the 3500 southern American slave owned plantations and all those other places that utilized slave labor to build their grandness became so fabulous.

They almost had me.
Great ceremony, the bird's nest, the pretty girls, the warmth, everything perfect. Right up until the time the Chinese soldiers took hold of the Olympic flag. Then I felt a chill down my spine. The pili on my arms stood up like I was still in the caves of France as a bear, nothing's really changed.

These people in so much red mean business.

Khrushchev, Hu, Putin, Medvedev
Meanwhile, Russia still looks like it's still full of the same old Commies of 1968 when they rolled tanks into Prague as yesterday and Friday Medvedev sent warplanes and 500 tanks into the country of Georgia and killed 2000 civilians.

Vladimir (when will we ever learn not to trust guys named Vladimir?) Putin's the same KGB guy I wrote about five years ago, only's he's got Armani clothes and great shoes and big old wifie's got a personal trainer and bleached her hair and got a bunch of Botox. Didn't work, though; I noticed he also has his own personal Party Concubine, a gymnast, which brings all sorts of imagery to my nimble mind.

Let's hear how Prince Barack handles the real world aspect of 21st century style Communism, pretty and not so pretty. Don't expect much, considering most of our young people don't get it. Communists just love people like Barack. They eat them for breakfast. In fact, now that the Prince has established his leftist bona fides he should talk easily with these and let live and all.

The world has not changed even if people like the new Democrats say it has.

There is little real people alone can do but wake up and remember the horrors of this system then protest the ridiculous and barbaric attitudes of these bad men.

One might pray for the persecuted. Look in the sidebar for the organization, Voice of the Martyrs, that I've been working with for a few years. It's a excellent start. They give many choices and ways to help the persecuted around the globe. One of my favorites is to write letters to imprisoned Christians like the ones who possess Bibles in their homes in China or who provide secret worship services in "house" churches.

As I watched the birds nest, I had to wonder how many Christians paid with their lives to give Mao his glory. It was very Nuremberg, wasn't it. If only Leni Riefenstahl had been there to see the grandeur and precision; she and Speer would have been in absolute orgasmic Nirvana, although the Left in this country doubtless will laugh at my simplistic pairing of the two.

Thatcher, Reagan, Bush, Solzhenitsyn

There is however, MUCH governments can do, which Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were able to show to the world by their immense ability to determine right from wrong.

President Bush also displayed his scruples and principles in Thailand by speaking directly to China about their human rights abuse and again today by attending a Christian "church." Of course, since there are no Christian churches, I'm not sure how all that occurred.

Just a few hours ago, Christian protesters were removed from the infamous Tienanmen Square for peaceful praying. That pretty much says it all. Of course, we don't know where those folks were removed "to." But then, no one cares, do they? Unless they're Tibetans or live in Darfur. I have to respond immediately to the people who are nuts over Darfur, "Where were you during Somalia and Rwanda?"

That's right. Nowhere. Silent. Nevermind. We Republicans took care of it while you played in Hollywood.

God bless Alexander Solzhenitsyn for his near martyrdom. Is it a coincidence that the next generation of Russians produced a man named Serge who worked with Communists to help place a foundation of totalitarian success such as we are seeing today? I wish I could have spoken to Mr. Solzhenitsyn on this subject.

I wish also I could have spoken to him about the shameless exposure America was given by President Clinton of its nuclear secrets to China for money during the 90s. Again, we are speaking of the chickens returning, as Reverend Wright said so clearly that day in his church, to roost.

Those who are oppressed understand chicken roosting.

BTW: you can order those bracelets above by clicking on the link in VOM link. They're cheap and make quite a point. Cool, too...lots cooler than those China Dolls, I think, that will serve as nothing more than a front for the Chinese Communist Party.

Have a nice day in your freedom while you watch the 100-yard dash and try to remember those people all over the world who don't have any.

While you're at it, you might want to lay off President Bush. His irrational, illegal, bully policies have given a few people--about 80 million of them in Iraq and about 28 million of them in Afghanistan--a little bit more freedom than they've ever had in their lives.

But then, he's a Bush. Everyone hates the Bushes. After all, he's a Republican. We Republicans have no hearts. Actually, just ask Daily Kos and Move On, all those people who got the money for Obama and Clinton and that fine, upstanding gentleman, John Edwards. They'll tell you we're just a bunch of bastards.

Thanks for the read.

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