Thursday, March 6, 2008

There will be blood in the Clinton-Obama fight

It's the blood that attracts many of them to politics. It's the power that keeps them there. Get a taste of either one--the blood or the power-- and it seems hard for many of them to go back. Will Barack make that mistake?

Hillary was just playin wit jah, Barack
Numbskulls in the media thought Bill Clinton was being a nice boy while the reality was he was off breaking bones for Hillary. Downline, in south Texas and along the Ohio River Valley bosses were telling labor unions where they needed their boys and girls to do their jobs and they got it done. I'm sure the consequences were not good for screwing up. That's good.

Obama and his goodytwoshoes kids with their goodytwoshoes advisers guiding them didn't get it done because they're a bunch of dumb newbies. Regardless of their big money--poor implementation, as Dubya found out in Iraq--is everything, they don't have the horsepower, especially in Texas and Ohio against the Clintons.

This happens every generation. The Democrats destroy themselves, only this time the participants are post menopausal and are wearing pantyhose and wish like hell their husbands wouldn't sing "Viva Viagra" so much.

It doesn't take ESP
Who in the room doesn't believe Clinton won't be the nominee? The discussion now is how far will she go?

Thanks for the read.