Sunday, March 30, 2008

A prince's cruel and hostile betrayal of his 85-year old grandmother

Barack Obama is "...putting her on all fours by comparing her with the likes of Jeremiah Wright."

This statement concerning Obama's shameful remarks about his grandmother's alleged racism could not have been more perfectly and visually framed. Thank you, Christopher Hitchens.

Is it a character defect that lies beneath the Senator's inability to see the monumental difference between the two people: the first, a firebrand preacher he met twenty years ago whom he says brought the Word of Jesus Christ into his life; or the the no-nonsense grandmother who took him in at age 10 and raised him?

The men in Obama's life sound like banjo players
That's what people from my part of the country call them, not that there's anything wrong with them--men who use strong women to make themselves look good, to look better than they are, to look fine and accomplished without the hard physical work. But then, Barack Sr. had four wives, so it's diffucult to generalize. I only know of Barack's mother, Ann Dunham, the one who left Barack with Granny when he was 10, and she came from another heavyweight.

That strong woman would be Madelyn Payne Dunham the little woman in the photo above, the supposed racist grandmother of Barack Obama, who come to find out was actually a vice president of a bank while his gladhander grandfather "who could charm the legs off the couch" sold furniture.

Maybe not one to work too hard, Stanley Armour Dunham, Barack's grandpa indeed married way above his station when he got ahold of Madelyn one night before the big one, WWII, at a dance in Wichita. Stanley as much as said so. His wife was the brains of that outfit.

While Obama Sr., a Kenyan (whose family wrote to Madelyn that they were insulted that the Dunhams and Payne's white blood was sullying Barack's pure Kenyan blood--well, laadeedah), and Ann Dunham, Barack's irresponsible mother, were off saving the world and unavailable to finish raising their own children, a profoundly selfish act, Granny gave up what she probably thought were her golden retirement years and raised a little boy. Surprise.

This white devil woman, his blood grandmother, the one Barack recently kept throwing under the bus and comparing her to a latent KKK member--look for the hood in her underwear drawer--as he did all of us whiteys, cared enough about her flesh and blood to give him what a lot would or could not: a fine, fine home, a private education and a Dude's life at the beach!

It's time to get real. The guy's a prince, an enabled prince. Sullied, for sure, King Barack, High Goattender of Kenya, but still, according to almost everyone here in America but me, your grandson is indeed a prince!

What an ungrateful and immature child this Barack Obama is! Most of us get humiliated by our kids in private, but in public? I doubt there is anything worse in the entire world than betrayal from one's children when one is elderly and can't fight back.

I try to imagine any of our icons/greats in the same situation: John Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Eisenhower, even our most troubled presidents. I simply cannot contemplate that one of them would be so insensible, so indiscreet as to utter such words which can never, ever be withdrawn because of their public damage to this poor woman. I've said all along he doesn't yet know who he is. God help him.

Here are a few sites to see for yourself about our come-out-of-nowhere wunderkind, the prince:

It sounds to me as if Barack Obama and Mrs. Dunham had a fairly decent relationship until he became hip, slick and cool in Chi Town.

And we want a man who would do this to his grandmother for president. Really? We have come a long way, Baby. Maybe the wrong way. Maybe an ugly way that we don't really want to go. We are being bullied by a prince. Watch this one and watch the gang behind him and those who just can't see the difference any more.

Thanks for the read.