(See also my piece dated February 8, 2008 in which I state my case against Limbaugh in more serious language.)
I think it's time for Rush Limbaugh to stop his assault on Senator McCain. Also, Limbaugh showed huge disrespect for our American system of government by asking Texas Republicans to basically cheat by voting in the primary for Hillary Clinton, which he shouldn't have done.
Get him out
Who does this guy really think he is?
The Republican leadership needs to shun him and his pals. Do we really want his influence, his humor, his ideas, his money? The GOP owes absolutely nothing to Limbaugh, contrary to what he says. They say our party is the Party of the Big Tent. Well, there ain't no tent big enough to hold Limbaugh, what with the head and the rest of it.
It's always an interesting part of human nature that pride follows the exact same route of delivery before you bust your butt on it.
One would think, wouldn't one, that Limbaugh's friends would at least see that he's gone a little too far this time and say, "Hey, Rush, dude...slow down. You're hittin hard on the Hillary thing in Texas. That's not right."
"Ah, screw 'em if they can't take a joke..." he replies as he has another grape peeled by a staff member.
No, instead, they're talking to each other, wondering how they're going to get back at the moderates like me for ignoring their excesses once again: "Hey, Annie, Laura. It's Rush. Yeah. Didya see Texas tonight? Yeah. I did it. Yeah. I. Did. It. Me. Yeah. I changed history. I'm puttin that Hillary broad in the White House. Me. Little ole Rusty from Cape Girardeau, MOE. The fat kid who couldn't get into Mizzou. Yeah, Thanks. I gotta admit it was fun. Aw, but McCain. What a downer. I really wanted to kill him...or somethin"
Guess Rush didn't really figure on how to play with a ex-POW guy. They're usually pretty tough opponents.
Meanwhile, I suppose when you get to certain levels of participation in the game of power, you'll switch sides just for the gamesmanship, especially if you consider yourself a loser at life.
It's the character, Stupid
Rush Limbaugh, the son of lawyers and judges is a spoiled brat who otherwise probably would have turned into a drunken, toothless, corpulent, petty criminal except by his accidental birth on the right side of the Missouri Pacific tracks.
It's time to cut Rusty loose from the GOP. Why? Because he's unrepentant. He won't stop. He just keeps doing it. Kinda like Bill Clinton.
The First Republican (my grandfather) will roll over in his grave if we don't.
Thanks for the read.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Limbaugh: I wish we could kick him out of the GOP. Anyone?