Friday, January 11, 2008

Rudy's out. Mac is back.

I wrote the following email this morning in response to Rudy Giuliani campaign's email request that I man the volunteer phones this week.

Dear Giuliani Campaign,

I sent the campaign $200 three months ago.

I don't know what happened and why the mayor thought he could do a hare-style sprint to the finish line, but he's so far down now, I doubt he can regain his momentum. I still am wondering how the front runner became a single-digit also-ran.

That's not leadership

Something seems to be very, very wrong in the Giuliani campaign and I'm not sure what. However, I'm not all that interested anymore because, frankly, Rudy doesn't seem to be particularly interested either. He should have participated in Iowa, New Hampshire. Now I read his people aren't being paid (kinda wish I could reroute my donation to John's campaign).

Whatever stopped Rudy from moving forward and becoming more active in his own campaign has hurt him. If it's his personal life, I'm not thrilled about having to fight a hideous, Clinton-style, dirty linen battle in the name of Rudy.

I just want a leader who can keep his nose clean, not cheat on his wife and do the job. Bernard Kerik's mess and Rudy's affair has hurt. You can be assured that the Clinton or Obama machines will decimate him. The "dubious character" perception now is almost impossible to turn around.

No, that's not what the party--or our country--needs.

Meanwhile, as I hinted above, I've gone home to McCain for whom I worked last time.

Respectfully and with regret,

Gee, I hated writing that.

I really don't want to seem fickle, but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Thanks for the read