Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bill's White House

Well? Isn't that what's really going on here? How many of you honestly believe this won't be a co-presidency?

Vote for Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife for president
Great bumper sticker. Wish I could take credit, but it came off The Front Page Magazine's message board. LOL! I HOWLed.

Meanwhile, the ex-boyfriend in his inimitable, baby boomer, break-the-rules, lose-his-temper and point-his-finger-while-his-face-gets red, acts like he's the one on the ballot.

Actually, he is--running, that is. He's also running the campaign, the strategy, the tone and the racial provocations. He is ready to make history. After all, he could become the first male first lady, the first ex-president to be the first male first lady and most importantly, the only human being in American history who will in essence serve (as a shadow co-president) for eight more years.

Why doesn't someone besides me make an issue of this? Is the cult of personality so profoundly embedded in our culture that this constant shifting of the rules (laws) a little here, little bit there, that we can't even recognize it as a problem? Can't we debate this issue? I think it warrants a quick talk though at least.

Once again, Bill's confrontational behavior in this week's scenes of our dynamic political drama likely is nothing more than the implementation of a long-held plan to get the White House back. I can see Bill and Hillary sitting around in their jammies talking about what if we do this or do that...then what will you say? No, Bill, you can't say that. No, Hillary, you gotta do this.

Yet, Bill's public display (act?) of his lack of impulse control these days has to have angered Mrs. Clinton. Again, I can just hear them. Hide the heavy ashtrays and vases because the brains of this outfit knows well Bill's bigger than life body language brings back bad memories for everyone.

We'll see if Bill can control himself. Knowing his ego and his constitutional inability to accept criticism, I predict the benefits to the Mrs.' campaign are minimal.

Don't you talk to my man that way
Back at Menopause Central, Senator Clinton might have a big problem with black women. I know my black girlfriends will correct me if I'm wrong, which I welcome.

The visual of an older white woman pointing her finger at Barack Obama and raising unpleasant issues about his character must be quite offensive to black women.

We women boost our mates because it's in our best interest to support them, bolster their egos and self image. But, black women over time have seen their men dehumanized, abused and treated in unspeakable ways. As a result, there has been almost an overreaction to any criticism. I can't see any black woman worth her salt who would stand by and watch her husband get humiliated by an older white woman.

Once again, Mrs. Clinton shows her inability to "get it." She's absolutely tone deaf, politically. Nor does she seem to understand the black experience as much as she has claimed, e.g., equating the "older white woman" with the lady of the plantation doesn't cross her mind. Either that, or the black establishment is so indebted to the Clintons, she/he can say anything and get away with it. After all, they all owe Bill big time. What a dilmema for a traditional black Dem.

I don't know if Obama can resist taking this issue to the limit by using the "it's because I'm black" response. I hope he doesn't, but with the Clintons, you gotta get out the big guns.

Thanks for the read.