Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's time for Conservatives to forgive Senator John McCain

Good heavens. It's like the right wing of the Republican party is finally getting their wish: achieving martydom by pretending they're on the cross for Christ rather than support anyone but their own inflexible, polarizing--did I say unelectable-- phonies like Huckabee of the swift tongue and Romney of the $40 million dollar open checkbook.

He's George's kid, after all
They (the ancients in the GOP) did it before in the 2000 presidential primary and they're doing it again (they never learn). George W. Bush had no business becoming president and most of us knew it, especially those of us who were so bitterly disappointed in the SC campaign. It was George W. Bush and the establishment machine who destroyed John McCain's chances then, not a very proud moment for my party because of some misplaced values.

I was always a McCain fan even before he ran for the senate and quite by accident. For years, in the late sixties, I wore an ugly gray metal POW bracelet on which was brazenly stamped his name and date of capture. Naturally, I was delighted to work for Senator McCain's presidential campaign later in my life. So, I'll admit that it took me a while to forgive such treatment by my party of a true American hero.

That's politicians and politics for you; you can't take it personally. Maybe so, but the SC shenanigans against Senator McCain were personal and obscene and it was the establishment that allowed the Bush people to get away with it. But, as my grandfather, the original Republican, said about entrenched party politicians, "Once you buy these guys, they're yours for life."

He was right. I'm reminded that power trumps money sometimes.

So the right wing kids are taking their balls and going home?
Limbaugh, et al. won't support John McCain. Pity.

I guess that's just about 17 million more registered Independents and disaffected Dems we regular Republican folks need to win over to Senator McCain's side (Limbaugh's alleged number of chronic listeners).

The popular spokespeople for the religious Right and the religious Left have shown they're simple, intractable and stunningly willing to expose their own life ignorance--which they must consider the antithesis of pride and ego--doing all that good and all, standing up for what is "right" (don't we all, BTW?).

By answering the call from their "gods," they view themselves as actually putting themselves on the line in taking the "risk" for their cause (and ego), on and on, whatever keeps them in the limelight. Most of these well-knowns are natural iconoclasts who became entertainers by uttering interesting, usually rehashed concepts in a new way. Political cartoonists have been doing it for years. So have satirical cartoon/graphic novels and periodicals.

I wanted to hear what Limbaugh would say about McCain, so I tuned in. Some woman with a cobra for a tongue stated how she hated John McCain and how he hates we (sic) Conservatives. She sounded to be around 35 or so, who knows? But her viciousness toward Senator McCain was telling as to her lack of grace; her delivery was hostileand she was practically screaming at her host in the most self-righteous language. Then, when her diatribe was finally done, the following (paraphrase) was Limbaugh's response;

Rush Limbaugh: (after great sighing, pausing) Now you see, Ladies and Gentlemen, how real people out there feel about John McCain. They see him as a traitor to the Repubican Party and to Conservatives causes. I just don't see how we can possibly ignore his liberal tendencies, he will turn against us again and again, he'll raise taxes, his best friends are Democrats, blah, blah, blah.

Wait a minute, Rush. You certainly went a long way when you ignored George Bush Sr's and Jr's liberal tendencies. Have you forgotten New World Order, Read My Lips, and my personal favorite, "It's not really amnesty." among others? Oh, I forgot. Rush is pretty star struck and got an invite to the Lincoln bedroom from the Bush Srs. That changed everything in his very, very small world.

It's the heroics, Stupid
Who'd have thought the Republican Party would get a do-over? Other men would have walked away, but McCain stuck out his gimpy leg and limped forward anyway. We are watching a great man rising to greater glory. What a time to be alive.

John McCain is a national hero and deserves every American's respect. That is a challenge I will issue to anyone who comes back at me about McCain's so-called disloyalty to the party. God help us all if we can't listen to our mavericks and the ones who make us recall what could happen, what might happen and what should happen. The ones who are right are seen as statesmen, charismatic leaders and heroes.These great men and women overcome odds just by becoming forces of nature.

Our country needs great men again. Our boys need them.

John McCain has walked it, he's talked it. He's earned it and he deserves it. Now, it's time for Conservatives to get over it.

Thanks for the read.