Thursday, October 16, 2008

Man of the Year: Joe the Plumber

God works in the strangest and the most humorous of ways. Could this be an October surprise? One of a few?

Steps forward a young man, the great stereotypical physique of the American construction worker, an ambitious single father of one who is working on his plumber's licensing exam. When Obama chose to walk Joe's neighborhood, standing quietly, then seeing an opportunity to talk to the Senator, Joe opens a dialogue about how his economic plan will help him, Joe: the plumber, the entrepreneur who is planning to buy his boss's plumbing business.

How can Obama's tax plan help him and his business?

Well, of course, it can't and it won't. The tax plan that Senator Obama has laid on many of the unsuspecting American public will dry up small businesses and thus kill jobs. Not all corporations are General Motors. Not only that, people who don't pay taxes will be getting money from the government. In addition, the tax break at $250, 000 is not true. People who are making between 90 and 125,000 dollars will be decimated with increased taxes.

It's just so simple, Barack. Why is it you Dems put a roadblock ahead of people who are trying to build businesses? There must be a boilerplate answer for this somewhere in those manuals; regardless, for the life of me I can't understand the concept of destroying small businesses with higher taxes during a recession. It's just too dumb for discussion. The fact that Obama has even brought it up is the only reason it is being considered as an alternative. By anyone except socialists, of course.

Moreover, we're seeing how Senator Obama's ACORN distractions have cost us all money. But, that's another issue for another time.

Gallup just announced a two-point race after last night's debate. Each time we're hitting Obama, it's on the chin. We musn't stop because of the race baiting and what a bunch of uninformed or on-the-take people say about us.

This is not over yet. These horses are between the third and fourth turn in a race that can go either way.

Just wait till they hit the stretch to the wire.


Odinga? Who's Odinga?

Senator Obama's response to Joe the Plumber that we should spread the wealth around stays with many of us, kind of like that icky fish you knew you shouldn't have even tried--mostly those of us who are worried about statism and taxation.

Joe the Plumber has a good head on his shoulders. He might even get some lasting fame out of this if he's strong enough to kick off the Obama thugs.

The girls will love him.

Thanks for the read.

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