Friday, June 27, 2008

Yeah, Barack Obama. Your daughters can do anything "that the boys can do" and "in heels"... except, of course, become PRESIDENT of the United States!

Good heavens, he sure did sound like the stereotypical Republican, huh?

Except real Republicans give women real opportunities and always have! The first woman rep was a Republican (Jeannette Rankin) and the first woman senator was a Republican (Margaret Chase Smith from Maine) and they didn't inherit their positions either like the Democrats seem to do. They were actually elected.

Come to find out, the Dem heir apparent was simply offering the usual surround sound for some of the most blatant, public, most embarrassing and most obtuse sexism we've ever seen sans comments from the press, i.e., the selection of the Democratic Party's candidate for the President of the United States.

Absolutely unbelievable. I can't believe our young women can even see it because they're so wrapped up in the black man having his time in the sun. I can now see our work has gone for nothing. I wish I had saved my breath and my pride. I hope my peers feel the same way. I'm ashamed of my younger sisters as they sit and listen to these outrageous sexist statements. They're like falling stars on a summer night.

Save the babies!
So I won't worry if no one covers up the ears and eyes of my granddaughters. I just hope they don't get a mixed message through his condescending, cheap statement, "we need them."

Oh yes, he actually said it.

This is ridiculous. I've never seen a more grandiose, self-conscious, uninformed exercise in my life as the Unity, New Hampshire make nice fellowship with Obabbba and Clinton.

Following is the conversation between my granddaughters and me:

"Grandma, why does that nice lady in the teally pantsuit suddenly like that nice black man?"

"Well, Sweetie, it's because the nice black man said she had to, and so did a whole bunch of a lot of other turncoat people for the good of their party."

"Oh, is it because he's a man who has more power and he won the game?"

"Yes, Honey, sort of."


"What's wrong, Honey."

"Nothing, Grandma. It's just my black girlfriend told me I was lower than her because her man won the game and the white lady lost. And my white girlfriend said that the white lady won more popular votes. So I don't know what to think. And because my parents are Republicans I'm a loser anyway."

"Talk to your mommy and daddy, Sweetie. You might consider getting a horse."

My roses need planting
Yes, I know I'm extremely late this year...I'm about to leave my mind for the garden now. The strangeness of American politics gets to be this way around June--especially during presidential years. Perhaps if I just think of gardens and frogs and beautiful flowers

Did I tell you about the bumper crop of hibiscus I was having? They really are beautiful.

Some things, thankfully, never change.

Thanks for the read.

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