He must have convinced himself oh, why not--I'm off to Europe! After all, Ben Franklin spent years there. So did Adams. Obviously, Jefferson, the namesake. Heck, I may not come back till the elections. I'll even swear a little and speak my mind.
Indeed, Hillary must have thrown rose petals on the brick of her Chattaqua breezeway as she paraded Bill out to his waiting limo headed to NY.
For there he is these days, across the pond in Europe attending chic birthday parties for his pal, Nelson Mandela, sunning himself with his friends along the coast of Italy or on Fantasy Island enjoying soy gelatina. Maybe he's sipping a low-fat latte on the bow of the yacht of one of those zillionaire best friends of his. It must be heaven cruising the blue Med this time of year, just loverly, tres bon, cool as a moose and life as a former president, this former president is fast lane plus plus plus plus.
Even for this carefree, hedonistic ex-President, however, I'll just bet...
Life isn't all beer and skittles
Not when you've been through as much as the Clintons, self-induced as some of it was.
The recent damning Vanity Fair article, Chris Matthews and his preoccupation with making Hillary a laughing stock, then trying to make up by giving her my Thathchership Award and MSNBC in general, CNN and Bill O'Reilly notwithstanding, in addition to the gossip columns, I too can't help but wonder about the institutional side of things. In addition to their political aspirations and motivations I often wonder about their humanity, their daughter and their lives. They are interesting forces of nature. Besides, I'm a snoop.
Do they have separate but equal lives? They must. Of course, she works! I am amazed at the woman's energy.
Are they married in the biblical sense? A lot of people are but aren't if you know what I mean.
Do they love each other? I think they must. Even the cynic in me says so. There are aspects of our partners that regardless of their habits we still adore if we've hung long enough to get over the bad parts! I love that!
Bill Clinton and his honor
Meanwhile, if I were Bill Clinton, I would be so outraged at the way my wife was treated, I'd probably bring the power of all I had (which is a lot) down on those who betrayed me-first-and then on the kid. But then, I'm a Leo, just like Bill Clinton. If there's one thing we Leos hate it's betrayal.
By the way, so is Barack. A Leo, I mean.
This isn't over; not a by a long shot. Watch the Old Lion. As he plays and lolls in the shade and looks longingly at the lionesses, he's thinking about how to fix this for his own pride at home. He's mad and his paw hurts, judging from what he said about calling Barack and supporting him.
Political theater at its best!
Thanks for the read.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
"Obama can kiss my ass" says President Clinton whose heart is really in the USA with Hillary
Friday, June 27, 2008
Yeah, Barack Obama. Your daughters can do anything "that the boys can do" and "in heels"... except, of course, become PRESIDENT of the United States!
Good heavens, he sure did sound like the stereotypical Republican, huh?
Except real Republicans give women real opportunities and always have! The first woman rep was a Republican (Jeannette Rankin) and the first woman senator was a Republican (Margaret Chase Smith from Maine) and they didn't inherit their positions either like the Democrats seem to do. They were actually elected.
Come to find out, the Dem heir apparent was simply offering the usual surround sound for some of the most blatant, public, most embarrassing and most obtuse sexism we've ever seen sans comments from the press, i.e., the selection of the Democratic Party's candidate for the President of the United States.
Absolutely unbelievable. I can't believe our young women can even see it because they're so wrapped up in the black man having his time in the sun. I can now see our work has gone for nothing. I wish I had saved my breath and my pride. I hope my peers feel the same way. I'm ashamed of my younger sisters as they sit and listen to these outrageous sexist statements. They're like falling stars on a summer night.
Save the babies!
So I won't worry if no one covers up the ears and eyes of my granddaughters. I just hope they don't get a mixed message through his condescending, cheap statement, "we need them."
Oh yes, he actually said it.
This is ridiculous. I've never seen a more grandiose, self-conscious, uninformed exercise in my life as the Unity, New Hampshire make nice fellowship with Obabbba and Clinton.
Following is the conversation between my granddaughters and me:
"Grandma, why does that nice lady in the teally pantsuit suddenly like that nice black man?"
"Well, Sweetie, it's because the nice black man said she had to, and so did a whole bunch of a lot of other turncoat people for the good of their party."
"Oh, is it because he's a man who has more power and he won the game?"
"Yes, Honey, sort of."
"What's wrong, Honey."
"Nothing, Grandma. It's just my black girlfriend told me I was lower than her because her man won the game and the white lady lost. And my white girlfriend said that the white lady won more popular votes. So I don't know what to think. And because my parents are Republicans I'm a loser anyway."
"Talk to your mommy and daddy, Sweetie. You might consider getting a horse."
My roses need planting
Yes, I know I'm extremely late this year...I'm about to leave my mind for the garden now. The strangeness of American politics gets to be this way around June--especially during presidential years. Perhaps if I just think of gardens and frogs and beautiful flowers
Did I tell you about the bumper crop of hibiscus I was having? They really are beautiful.
Some things, thankfully, never change.
Thanks for the read.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Face it, Barack. I'm just not that into you.
The Obama surrogates keep saying as an old white woman I can't get past the race thing. By the way, that's what Obama's surrogates automatically respond with when people say anything about race. "Well, they are older, you know. That's something they learned in the old days." Thanks.
That is the "post race" rant they've decided on. The argument is ridiculous to the point of madness in its lack of depth as it refuses to acknowledge there is value is discussing the differences and the past, what drove the behaviors of bigotry and the expressions of hatred. Instead, the new generation, with it's government education wants to proceed with: blinders on, past is past and let's move on, unless we're talking about Republicans, who are mired in the past, cannot grow up and can be forgiven to a certain point.
What prigs. They just continue to piss me off on a daily basis. Good grief, they're ignorant; and, no. I never was that ignorant, of which they are so quick to accuse me and in a general way anyone with whom they disagree.
It's Obama and his arrogance. But immediately, another attack on Obama is registered in the Do Not Touch column of the Do Not Touch Book. It's not his color. It is so insulting to hear that. It's his politics and mostly him. The way he treats people. The way he acts. Kind of like THEM. How quickly they assume it is about race. Politics. Left-wing politics. Are they crazy? Does anyone in the room not think the GOP would love a guy like this in our party?
However, I've noticed his people are making him all nice and sweet now. Trying to make him a real, sweetheart to old broads like me. The cross and Obama's likeness across it may show up in a hologram somewhere soon.
Divine intervention might bring Obama into the hearts and minds of a few grown ups, but I doubt it. Go to MSNBC.com and watch the life story in the right hand sidebar, if you can stand it. It absolutely JFKesque, even down to the second to last slide with the 3/4 pensive face shot.
I told ya it would be a Kennedy summer. This is the beginning of the wave if, and it might be a really big IF, Obama succeeds as the nominee. I still don't believe it. And because I don't I'm a racist...follow that logic, if you want. It's very strange, I'll admit.
Meanwhile, the rest of you can join us on Planet Earth. If McCain can play off Obama's freightening foreign policy inadequacy, even more frighteningly sparse resources in that area, the Fairness Doctrine issue, among a few others, the polls will drop Obama quickly before the Dem Convention and then the Hillary Machine will crank up.
So. Where's Bill? He's got a campaign for co president to run! Watch for the deus ex machina for Hillary. I just...I just feel it. Don't you? Kinda? Maybe?
This is a woman who runs on power and her engines are revved up. She's got something up her pantsuit leg.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch house
I see Republican men are still stumbling around wondering what to do. They'll go and bomb something, I'm sure, which always works. They gotta be careful as to the timing. Of course the big problem is McCain's got no pals. So they've gotta get some boys into position. That's the problem with being a maverick, you don't get to make the big calls when you need them.
After they settle on the who, what, where, when, they pick the nominee and if McCain lives long enough...
They'll have a drink, cigar and talk about women and then golf, compare their drivers, then go home to the wifie. Just like they did fifty years ago...and fifty years before that.
That's called power and machismo. When asked why they do it every time, they answer the same way: "Because we can." They said "yes we can" lots earlier than old Barry. And they're much better at it.
We'll see if either of them needs Viagra. I don't know who'll win this man contest. Hillary or the guys with the army. Meanwhile, Barack is kind of weak, if you know what I mean.
Thanks for the read.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tim Russert is my kinda guy. I loved him and I'll miss him.
He died on Father's Day weekend, the exact same time thirty years ago as my own dad's passing...Father's Day was never the same again.
Oh. Gee...I just realized that.
Nevermind. I'll write something more about my feelings about Tim tomorrow or the next day maybe.
I'll just mention Tim didn't have the same personality as my dad, but he did enjoy the same spirit. I can't write any more without crying. What a lovely man Tim was. A sweet, lovely man.
Thanks for the read.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hillary to the 63-year old woman who said "I don't count:" Don't go there.
They're right. Both of them, I mean.
So where does she want women to go, for crying out loud!?
Jeez. Young and rude Democrats, men and women don't listen to older women in their party either. Look at the choo choo train that railroaded Obama into the nomination he's in before the convention long before the swing states showed the...well...swing.
How disappointing. How undemocratic. How human. How unavoidable and fixable and unreasonable. How stupid.
Eighteen million voters in the swing states? Are you kidding me? I am embarrassed. Senator Clinton's magnificent speech had even my Republican brain wondering why I wasn't a registered Democrat, not to mention causing me to yell at my poor husband for hours last night. I wonder how many others like me there were...who felt so badly.
It's not about republican, democrat, liberal, conservative.
As my 32-year old daughter says, it is what it is.
It's just the way it is. It's about being a woman, a mother, a female. It sucks. But it is biblical and cosmic.
All those little ingrates who don't even know what women like my sister and my mother and I went through to even get a business card, let alone a freakin office. Now they believe it's their right...which it is...but where's the gratitude? Why were they so quick to dismiss Clinton? Why did they just run to the black man so quickly? Why? What a betrayal.
And they're so mean. Well, you have to remember they're all interviewing for jobs. And they need to have those jobs so they can feed the children they will spawn because they will attract all kinds of mates.
But maybe that is our job as elders, to protect the youngers, to provide an ideal that they understand will be theirs later. Who knows? Meanwhile, I feel dissed.
This must be how the guys who fight for our country feel when the Left basically asks them to stick it where the sun don't shine as they talk in arrogant doublespeak and so blithely about the future of Iraq and our troops. Like they're not even there...like they can't hear. The rest of us do the same.
I'm sick of us. Frankly.
Mrs. Clinton's speech hit the nail on the head and brought home to me the fact that nothing worked to get her the nomination, eighteen million cracks notwithstanding. The party's own rules mess her up. But the super delegates could have made the difference and given Clinton the nomination.
Yes, Senator Clinton, we've faced up to reality and we, as our mothers before us have moved on. I guess. I'm still working on it. I watched the tears in her eyes, by the way, of Mrs. Rodham. She also gets it.
Wish I didn't hate Mrs. Clinton's politics. But I do like what she's shown me.
Which puts me in a bind with right wing Republican women...like Laura Ingraham who couldn't give Mrs. Clinton a decent break even once, or my representative Darrell Issa's aide who didn't even take my name when I called his Washington office to tell him how I felt about House Committee Res 342 (the second time that's happened). I'd love to have a Malkin-Ingraham luncheon. Oh, how I'd love to host that one. Throw Coulter in and we'd have a fourth for bridge, now, wouldn't we?
I'm also real tired of the women in this party who are shocked, shocked that other people have problems and then let GOP men get away with ridiculous behavior like trying to throw elections (Limbaugh)...and can't be real or get their hands dirty with real women who have tremendous problems that are not of their own making in blue collar states. Because there is a disconnect, I wonder sometimes if I should bail the GOP.
But I've never forgotten it's real women who've made up the real GOP, like my mother who said of Gerry Ford when he "reticently" accepted the veepship after Agnew's resignation, "What a phony; he's about to wet his pants." Those are the kinds of Republicans we need to hear from! I'm tired of the same old same old.
And the party does have a good local base with Mary Bono Mack, whom I support, so I take heart. Surely someone uses her brain around here!
So, it's too bad some of us have felt we've been put out to pasture. It seems to go with the territory. I'm trying like hell not to go there, Hillary, but it's awfully tough what with all the messages the world is sending these days.
Wonderful speech, old girl. Those silly kids will be sorry. For what it's worth...
Thanks for the read.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
High Noon-Thirty in Washington (the Clintons are always late).
This is theater or rather a movie, Bill's favorite, I'm told.
This is made for America's need for drama.
I still don't believe she'll drop out even if she says so. She's in. Till the last dog is dead. Her presidency is coming in a few years in any case.
She's graduated from politician to statesperson. Her speech today was stupendous and full of emotion and exhortation to the faithful.
Get the presses ready, Boys.
Thanks for the read.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Email to Hillary: Friends of Obama give millions to Kenyan PM cousin, Odinga
An October surprise can't wait. It's already June and Hillary has serious presidential campaigning to do.
You notice there's no real "pulling out." Oh, there are public "secret" meetings at friend's houses and there are definitely surrogates making nice and others explaining her motives but none of the principals--Bill, Chel, or Hill herself have said it's over.
Because it's not over, not really. Something is up over in Chattaqualand. Something other than a farewell soirée. Hillary is entirely too happy. Entirely too confident. Something big has happened or is about to happen. Like...
My cousin, Barack, and I speak daily
It could be something entirely out of the blue like maybe related to the email someone forwarded to her from a friend's missionary buddy in Kenya which only a few know about so far, but it's percolating on the back burner:
Thanks for sending out an alert about Obama. We are living and working in Kenya for almost twelve years now and know his family/tribe well. They are the ones who were behind the recent Presidential election chaos here. Thousands of people have been displaced by election violence(over 350,000) and I don't know the last count of the dead. Obama under "friends of Obama"gave almost a million dollars to the opposition campaign who just happened to be his cousin, Raila Odinga, who is a socialist trained in east germany. He has been trying to bring Kenya down for years and the last president threw him in prison for trying to subvert this country! December 27th elections brought cries from ODM (Odinga Camp) of rigged election. Obama and Raila speak daily.As we watch Obama rise in the US we are sure that whatever happens, he will use the same tactic, cyring rigged election if he doesn't win and possibly cause a race war in America .What we would like you to know is what the american press has been keeping a dirty little secret. Obama IS a muslim and he IS a racist and this is a fullfilllment of the 911 threat that was just the beginning. Jihad is theonly true muslim way. We have been working with them for 20 years thisjuly! He is not an american as we know it. Please encourage your friends and associates not to be taken in by those that are promoting him. It is world wide jihad.All our friends in Europe are very disturbed by the mulsim infiltration into their countries. By the way. His true name is Barak Hussein Muhammed Obama. Won't that sound sweet to our enemies as they swear him in on the Koran!God Bless you. Pray for us here in Kenya . We are still fighting for our nation to withstand the same kind of assult that every nation, including America, is fighting. Takeover from the outside to fit the new world order. As believers, this means we will be the first targets. Here in Kenya , not one mosque was burned down, but hundreds of churches were burned down,some with people in them, burned alive. Jesus Christ is our peace but the new world order of Globalism has infiltrated the church and confused believers into thinking that they can compromise and survive. It won't be so. I will send you a newsletter we sent out in February documenting in a more cohesive manner what I've tried to say in a few paragraphs. Love, (missionary and church's name withheld by Planet)
Copy and paste this link into your browser for more info:
The American press owes us all the news.
These are the politically incorrect issues the American electorate need to discuss. The situation in Kenya is germane to what's going on everywhere in the world considering the origins of the prime minister and the possible president of the U.S. It's a fascinating story there and it has geographically everything to do with Al Qaeda and the Middle East. The media's neglect of it is shocking to me.
I've investigated this email and am satisfied at its veracity. I've held on to this for two weeks and have decided to publish it today.
I hope and pray that Senator Obama is not a part of anything unusual. If he is, we Americans have a right to know about it. Regardless, the connection between the two men is newsworthy. It is that dilatory press which keeps such vital and important information from us. We should all be up in arms about such an outrageous conduct by so-called professionals.
Besides, why don't we know more about Obama? I think he's a wonderfully interesting man and I don't' understand why we can't know more. I don't get any of this.
Thanks for the read.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
McCain can choose anyone he wants for VP--as long as she's black ...
plays a mean, almost naughty Warsaw Concerto...
loves pro football as much as I do...
and can take Obama to the cleaners and back on foreign policy.
Oh my goodness, could you contain yourselves?
I have nothing more to say other than exhort the Republican males to look at the Obama juggernaut before them.
This is like it was in the JFK-crazy 60s. If they ignore it they do so into oblivion.
And then there's Hillary comin' round the mountain when she comes. The fat lady has yet to sing, if you know what I mean.
Thanks for the read.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Scott McClellan to O'Reilly "I wasn't quite born yet, I don't think."
That's the response to Bill O'Reilly when mentioning the title of an Elvis book as similar to Scott's: What Happened.
Just as Scottie said this I grabbed my remote and stopped the show. Suddenly I came to a realization. Is it all about age? Not war, not taxes, not culture. Age? A generation gap again? Has Hillary become what they all hated? After all, things really aren't that bad.
What is it the Dems have to say? What is it we're doing so wrong?
The black intellectual whose mother and father abandoned him. He's pure Alinsky.
Ironic. Saul Alinsky was Mrs. Clinton's mentor, a thought that almost caused me to jump at a possible debate point. Then I'm let down and nearly nauseated at how the Left always comes full circle. It's sickening to me. Their foundational philosophy doesn't seem to progress. Is it feeding on its own? Are the Democrats blaming Mrs. Clinton for Bill Clinton's excesses? Yes, they are. And yes. She deserved most of it.
So. Hillary's old and out of it. Hillary's not what Obama's voters want now that he's in the race. It's about age.
Obama thinks we've got a bad economy. And the war's bad. Plus other things. Unemployment is at 4.5%.
The surge is working and the Iraqis are starting to take hold of their country, slowing but surely.
The other things are, well, we're not sure yet what they're so upset about because they haven't told us yet.
Kos of www.dailykos.com
Typical of the youth vote?
The American/Latin revolutionary, the one who has lived in war. And yells at people about war. And forgets that George Bush the Elder saved his butt from war in El Savador, but he's so young I can forgive him. Nevermind. He can't forgive me. He must be heard at all costs. He's another dangerous one because he is entitled and obnoxious and doesn't respect his elders. Maybe his only exposure to elders is people who make war. But I doubt it.
He's angry and young. Maybe he just needs a good woman. Oh, he's married? Maybe the Internet is his biggest problem...and another revolutionary who keeps handing him a bundles of cash, George Soros. Someone get him out of here, please.
Ditto on the war and the economy from even from Kos's POV. What's the beef, really? I still can't figure out what everyone's so mad about. It's gotta be about age.
Sorry. They just weren't that into you, Scott.
My vote for the most dangerous one of them all because he was so close, oh so close to power and pretty stupid.
And because he was so close to power he's been attributed more influence than he actually had as it turned out.
Scott really didn't know that much. He was likely on an unwritten Republican man's probation. Rove, et al thankfully knew early on he wasn't that great...and because they're Republicans (remember, I worked with them and am one so I know how we think--almost, because I'm a woman, so it's not a complete fit) they didn't want to hurt his parent's feelings. Besides, they were contributors, after all. And Republicans are gentlemen...
Poor Scott. He burned a bridge that he'll never, ever, ever, (how many evers are there in the Republican dictionary?) rebuild, poor boy. His major problem is he comes from the Republican mindset that because is white and middle to upper class he is also entitled, which he might be. However, since he turned on his own, it probably will not be a happy outcome for him and the Mrs. I certainly hope Mrs. McClellan has her china registered at Home Depot because that is where she will be able to afford her dinnerware from now on.
Captain Courageous says it's about age too. Those old guys actually "sold" a war. Can you imagine using "propaganda" in a war? What a concept. What an imbecile.
Of course the question is would any of them actually hold and also shoot a rifle if push comes to shove?
Thanks for the read.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Obama's 3/5ths of a man? Is that what the Florida and Michigan Primary voter count turned into?
What an embarrassing development for a bunch called The Democratic Party at a time when they're about to either nominate a woman named Hillary Clinton or a black man named Barack Obama.
Thanks for the read.