I can't stop myself. We need a nasty post postmortem.
Sarah Palin
I got hate mail when I spoke about how Palin needed to study. However, I never said I wanted her for president, I don't think. I did say, IF she wanted to BE president, she needs to probably consider boning up on everything.
After all the knuckledragging sexist men and snobbish women (like they have anything to be snobbish about) finished with her, she has become something of a joke and thus likely will become another political casualty of history. There's probably little that can give Republicans added value now that she's trying her own PR.
By the way, her public relations is NOT working.
John McCain
What can I say? I believe his age was the enemy for Independents and the youth vote. Palin also became an issue.
George W. Bush
Is he drinking again? Where the hell is he?
Dick Cheney
Where is he? Where's the leadership?
Oh, I forgot. It never existed.
Mike Huckabee
This man is probably the biggest opportunist who ever came into 21st Century Presidential Republican politics. He talks the talk; but walking's another matter. He also will be a liability if we are stupid enough to be duped again by his candidacy.
Fred Thompson
How I wish.
Mitt Romney
He's never looked so good.
As for all the new kids on the block: there seems to be an abundance of literate, attractive governors and congress people out there who have experience and charisma enough to take the lead in our party.
The governors seem to have the ability, because of their executive experience, to put programs together (except for that dolt, Schwartzenegger) which will attract the new voters that we MUST collect to win elections.
We have to change. Period. It's all in the numbers. Otherwise, we're over.
Thanks for the read.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dissecting the GOP; it's a filthy job but somebody's gotta do it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sarah! Take Dr. Krauthammer's advice.
"Mrs. Palin needs to go back to Alaska for two years and read everything she can (paraphrased)." Charles Krauthammer on Fox News--last week.
Dr. Krauthammer brings up a point which bears her attention, if Governor Sarah Palin wants to be president of the United States. I believe she needs to do as he suggests, and give herself over to the scholarship of international policy and leadership. Leaders are indeed born, but most success depends on knowledge of the subject matter, not luck and personality.
It may take three or four hours a day of nothing but reading think tank white papers and gobbledygook about Persian history or about the background of Poland and Russia's relationship over the past few years. She needs to know where the Fifth Fleet hangs out. She has to read Janes; she's got to see the German and French papers, Financial Times, Russia Herald everyday; Cato, AEI, American Heritage, Al Jazeera, Mhimi and so many who can give her every morsel she needs.
(How I'd love to be on the readings selections committee.)
Sometimes, just having enough knowledge, even a generalist's one, is enough to spur important questions of her subject matter experts on staff. I know this as an ex technical writer. Every interview I had with a subject matter expert was better facilitated as a result of my own prior research and knowledge of the topic. Its efficiency and success depended upon my preparation.
Her obvious abilities--her intellect, her ability to respond without being defensive, and her confidence will be enhanced and so would her image--especially to women. Sarah should have received more votes from women. I wonder if it really was the abortion issue that stood in their way...or the fact that they just didn't trust her.
Who else but a woman with five children, including a special needs one, who has worked all her life, raised her children, has run a city, then a state, changed the direction from down to up in an impossibly difficult campaign with John McCain, turned on MSM when she got out of her commitment to McCain--and has recently sent a son off to war--who else could learn the ins and outs of what used to be INACCESSIBLE KNOWLEDGE?
Palin's power is on the increase; it would behoove her to arm herself, using her best asset--her political skill and instinct--and add to that a body of knowledge that will take her to the top. Her sophistication and knowledge of policy issues will only help her in the long run. We all know she's smart. Now we want her to show it.
One of the reasons Obama won over so many of the elite, which is important--sorry, but it is to a certain degree--is by his acquaintance with varying subjects which came from reading, reading and more reading. Sarah can do this with one kid on her hip, another pulling on her to take her to her cheerleading class, and cooking dinner all at the same time.
Not to mention, she is one great looking women, which never, ever hurts.
Thanks for the read.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Palin now defines herself...and maybe the GOP
(Psst! Check my son-in-law's new video out!)
Palin's honored her commitment to the Republicans who supported her and brought her into the limelight by doing what she was told. She did it mighty well, I believe.
She's no fool; she knew neuroses when she saw it in the McCain group. I imagine the back biting in Wasilla is pretty much the same as in the lower 48 considering it is humans who reside there. Maybe she's developed an internal system to handle the grief she gets. She's very good at defending herself against the powers that be, isn't she?
She's showing her mettle right this minute by standing up to the media and making herself available to them everywhere she goes. Her interviews are insightful, real and sincerely delivered. Today, she makes no bones about how poorly she was handled, but she refuses to blame or even cite John McCain as a problem. She's smart to do that.
She's a typical winner. Her internal strength is sometimes called cockiness. If she were a man, it would be called something entirely different--the name would connote trust and admiration.
How sad that both Democrat and Republican machines still cannot cope with real women in presidential politics. Both parties do their dirty work pretty much the same, I see.
Meanwhile, I hope that the anonymous parties who are spreading rumors about Palin never receive another consultancy fee again. I am ashamed that my donation money has paid their invoices.
Thanks for the read.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hagel says draft may be unavoidable.
This is what I was worried about when old Joe Biden dropped the bomb about needing to support our new president in the first days of his administration. I thought then he was talking about reinstating a selective service system.
If Chuck Hagel, "Republican" Senator from Nebraska becomes Secretary of Something, this is great way to start his propoganda campaign "for" a draft by slowly frontloading the "bad" news.
I wonder how the Obama kids will feel then.
Unfortunately, the world is heating up more as governments now want to test the changed America. Russia has thumbed its nose at Obama, which must say volumes about Medvedev's (Putin"s) regard for our new prez. Meanwhile, Hugo Chavez and the Russians are new best friends; Cuba's waiting to get their land back (Gitmo); and if Obama doesn't renew the free trade agreement with Colombia, the open door to socialism is bound to occur there because of the fall of their economy.
That's just the beginning.
There's also the matter of continuing Bush's plans to have anti nuclear defense missiles in Poland. Obama states he doesn't want to have them there if they're not working. (They are working.) So, what will he do when Putin starts flexing more Russian muscle? Will he back down?
He won't have to cancel that Polish facility if he can start a new military draft. He won't have to worry about the troop level problems, he thinks, and he can start anew. Too bad he want to cut 25% of the Military's budget. That may have been a campaign lie.
Today is Veteran's Day.
Thanks for the read.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
McCain needs to stand by Palin publicly
He got her into this mess; now he's got to get her out of it. That is, if he wants to show his honor.
Anonymous sources in the McCain-Palin campaign, which should give you pause, have made possibly slanderous, ugly statements about Mrs. Palin. This is the poorest form of post-election behavior and against all protocol and common courtesy.
I'm hoping Senator McCain will show his vice presidential pick the same courtesy he gave President Elect Obama in his concession speech. Moreover, a similar statement should come from Obama to counter the ridiculous over animation and racist slurs by his own people towards the rest of the country, including Joe the Plumber.
Enough. Enough. Enough.
It's over. Let's move on and leave Mrs. Palin alone. She did not lose the election for us; John McCain and his feckless, incoherent campaign lost it.
Thanks for the read.