I've always held regular, good Dems to the task of taking on their own extremists. The most respectable Dem of all, Senator Joseph Lieberman, and others took their crazy left on. Not many others had the cajones; as I recall, their presidential candidates jumped through hoops at the Moveon.Org’s “convention.” Isn’t it interesting how the extremes on either side end up looking like one another?
I wanna be the leader! No, I wanna be the leader!
The embittered, power-hungry, wannabe neo-establishment of the Republican Party came out of their clubhouse this week, e.g., Dobson, who finally gets his excuse to vote for a fellow preacher, which what he's wanted all the time...not that's there's anything wrong with that. I wish he could be less abrasive about announcing his choice. Dobson's still a Republican, isn't he
And Limbaugh? Well, it's clear what little Rushie does when he gets mad. He lashes out. Then when one of the greater generation, Bob Dole, asks him respectfully to knock it off, he disses the Senator as if he has nothing more to say.
It’s show time!
This is about power, mostly. These small-souled boys and girls (Ingraham, Coulter) from Hodunk, Wherever, have hit the mother lode and if they make more noise, they achieve more of a sense of power and control. It probably feels good to have millions of people think you're the smartest person in the room, if you're totally out of touch with reality and you haven't landed emotionally. None of these people seemed to have done so, except for Dobson, perhaps. Maybe. Otherwise, why the meaness?
I feel that at the bottom of this unfortunate internicine war being waged against Senator McCain, our presumptive candidate, their fellow Republican, POW, and war hero is human jealousy. Why else would you put the country, the party and the McCains through this if not for your respective inconoclastic, selfish, prurient reasons, Mr. Limbaugh, Dr. Dobson. Mss. Coulter, Ingraham? Has he not won fair and square so far? Has he run a corrupt campaign? Why this outrage?
It's my party, too
Moreover, for the right's information, Senator McCain has taken on many of the questionable items on the right's agenda in order to represent me, some the rest of us, another Republican, who hardly ever is allowed so much as a "Uh, gee, maybe we need to rethink some of this." McCain knew Rumsfeld was a problem; he said so. McCain knew our troop levels were inadequate; he said so. The examples go on.
What the right wing doesn't want to accept is that they have not won the Republican Party's heart and soul. They're sore losers and bad sports, which is interesting considering they loved their greatest generation mythology (the greatness of their own people, their ancestors) so much they're standing in sand trying not to be real. They're on another planet now.
Yeah, we liked Reagan too. He wasn't, however, St. Ronald. As you recall, he had some differences within the party that looked suspiciously like betrayal to the right. He also had two families, like John McCain.
Yeah, we moderates understand what the principles of conservatism are and mostly agree. My favorite insult, by the way, from Rush Limbaugh is I have no values if I'm a moderate. Do you love it? It is precisely my values of compromise, fair play and common ground shared by most Republicans, which save us from the inflexibility, the intolerance of other's ideas, the egos, the hubris, the reationary mistakes made that comes with too much power on either side. I hired myself for the job as a moderate Republican to keep my eye on people like Limbaugh to make sure he's not speaking for me.
I bought this microphone, Mr. Limbaugh
These silly, ridiculous talking heads couldn't even endure one day of the torture and abuse from primary elections, let alone what John McCain took for years; after all, Oxycontin wasn't usually approved for pain at the Hanoi Hilton.
Thanks for the read
Friday, February 8, 2008
Limbaugh: "I don't wanna feel it" or "There ain't no Oxycontin at the Hanoi Hilton."